Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Solo Seas Tu

(Jenny's P.O.V)

Its been a week since that whole pill issue, and I'm starting to feel a little bad for taking the pills when Alexander threw them away. But of course at the same time this will do us both good in the end right? I mean who really wants to be a teen mom. I've been continuing taking the pill even though I'm horrible at remember stuff I can't seem to forget about them. If anything happen between us, I wanna be not just ready but prepared. How many girls do you know have gotten pregnant because they didn't think they were going to have sex in the first place. I don't want to end up like that.

My birthday is just a week away. Todays Friday March 12th and I have a weird feeling that the people I call friends have a couple of things up their sleeves.

"Okay spill! I know you guys are up to something." I said at the lunch table.

"What makes you think that, Jen?" Gio said taking a drink and not making eye contact with me.

Oh, yeah that doesn't make me suspicious at all.

"Oh, really? Then why is it that every time I come around you stop talking? Or that-"

"Okay, okay! We get it you don't like surprises but guess what? No one cares, and your not getting it out of any of us." Izzy stood her ground.

"You sure about that?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Positive." She challenged me from across the table.

"Oh, Charlie-"

"Why are you trying to ruin this?!" Izzy yelled frustrated with me.

I just laugh and shook my head. I loved getting on Izzy's nerves any chance I got, I guess im just evil that way. I smirk her way and she just glared at me.

Truth be told I don't want to know what these five where up too. I choose Charlotte for the answer because I knew she'd cracks under the pressure, Adriana and Sony are no help at all knowing they're as stubborn as me on a good day, and lastly was Gio, who seemed like he'd be the one who would give all the juicy details, when in fact he'd be the hardest person to get it out of. Gio wasn't one to tell someone something if it wasn't his place, and that's what I liked about him.

All my new friends are great. But of course I could never forget Mimi and Bella, they were my best friends and I still consider them to be. Distance can't keep me from loving my friends. Old or new no one is ever forgotten, just missed.

"But seriously guys no and I mean this when I say it, absolutely no party!" I wanted to get my point across.

I wasn't much of a party person. Okay maybe I should restate that, I HATE parties. Its always the same thing dance, drink, get high, have meaningless sex with a girl or guy you've only known for 20 minutes. Okay maybe that's a little stereotypical but back home in New York a lot of things went down like that, and people just thought it was normal. I can't dance, I'm not a drinker, I don't do drugs, and I'm a virgin, so I say this with some pride when I tell you I'm some what of a party pooper when it comes to parties.

"Kill joy." Izzy muttered. I just rolled my eyes.

I guess I am a kill joy. Its just my personality, I'm a shy person. I rather sit home on a Saturday night with a good book, my Ipod, or texting away on my phone all night than be out partying. Im not a normal teenager, I've known that since I was 15. Im a supernatural teenage with fire, and air powers why should I act normal when I'm not? I like being unique, I like being me. Why should that change for anybody else.

"Iz, you know I don't like parties, all of you do," I looked around at my friend, and they nodded knowing I didn't.

"So no party." I was putting my foot down.


"No but's Iz. No party." She looked mad like I was ruining her perfect plan, but I didn't care I would be fine with going out to eat with them, and that would of satisfied me.

"Fine," she said threw clenched teeth. "No party."

"Good." I smirked in triumph, she just rolled her eyes, and tried to calm her nerves.

Izzy just didn't understand. Just being with her, my friends, Alex, and Red was good enough for me. I didn't need this huge party to celebrate me being a year older. I hated being reminded of my age. When I was younger it was always 'you're too young' and when I'm older it just means I have to grow up. No one wants to get older but that's life. You're born, you live, and then you die. I don't wanna sound depressing or negative, but everyone dies someday its inevitable.

But of course if your a vampire you seem to live for centuries. I mean I guess that's somewhat of what's bothering me is getting older, and then one day being so old, that Alex won't want me anymore. But that's just one of my stupid thoughts, I also fear that my mother and the rest of my family will miss Izzy, and I growing up. Being the young women they always wanted us to be. They never wanted Elizabeth, and I to be like them, two teen mothers, alone, and struggling to make it.

I use to tell my mother all the time that if I had a choice I'd be just like her. She's my hero for all she did for my brother, and I. She made it threw with out that mans help, and we did just fine without him. I want her to be able to see me grow up, and be the daughter she always wanted me to be. But every time I told her this she would always tell me the same thing:

"Solo seas tu."

and I've done nothing but that since.
♠ ♠ ♠
Solo seas tu means just be you :)

***Thanks for the comments you guys :)
Also thanks Airheart.101 for telling me how to do the urls :D your awesome all of you guys are!

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