Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Things Will Never Be The Same

(Izzy's P.O.V)
It's been three day since Jenny and I went to Pilgrim and she still hasn't woken up. I was getting really scared that she might not wake up at all I mean she did hit her head pretty hard on that rock.

'God this is all my fault' I thought to myself as I finished cleaning the room.
I sighed out loud and looked around the room I was sent to clean by my now "Owners" The room had blood red walls, queen sized bed with red and black silk sheets, two doors one that leads to the hall and the others to the bathroom, and closet. I wanted to cry my eyes out how did this end up happening to us? I know that Jennyfer won't stand for this, she will be so pissed when she finds out what we have become for our so called "Owners" now. They still haven't decided on what they are going to do to her, if THEY keep her alive she becomes a maid like I am now or their "entertainment" whatever that means, god I pray that It's just a maid. You're probably wondering who THEY are well they're are supposed "Owners" now I serve Michael or Mike as he wants me to call him, he has red hair blue eyes like the night sky and is very pale. Jenny got stuck with the person who knocked her into the rock in the first place his name is Alexander.

'gosh Jenny's gonna die when she finds out his name' I thought.
She's going to be pissed when she wakes up...well that is if she ever wakes up. I looked around the room I was pretty much done so I started to walk down the halls of my new "home" I started to walk to Mikes bedroom to tell him I was finished and if I can go visited jenny since I always went to visit her after I was done with my shift. There was other maid that worked her to so I only had to work certain hours, I finally mad it to Mike's door and Knocked.

"Come in." A familiar voice call out to me.
I poked my head inside the door to see him on his bed reading a book, he lowers the book and sees that it is me and got a smirk on his face and motioned for me to come in.

"I-er um just wanted to say that I'm er done and if I may go see my cousin now?" I said with my head down looking at my flats that comes with the maid uniform.

He stood up from his bed eyed me up and down, he drought his hand up to stroke me cheek then lifted my chin to look at him straight in the eyes, he had to look up since I was way, way shorter than him.

"Of course you can love, I know how much you worry about your dear cousin but don't worry she will be fine." he said trying to reassure me.
'god I hope so' I thought still staring into his beautiful eyes, I had to admit he was gorgeous with his blood red hair and the breath taking smile and wait why am I thinking that he kidnapped me and my cousin. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I just nodded my head and was about to walk off until he stopped me, grabbed me by the wrist and brought me back to his hard rock abs okay now I was shaking. To close.

"You know It's a shame Alexander won't let me have you, I would love to have you by my side." he whispered into my ear which sent shivers down my spine.
" I-er um I shou-" but I was caught of guard when his lips where placed on my for a about a split second but it felt like forever. I could feel the heat and power between us and I didn't want that to end. I was about to say something when he pulled away but he put a finger on his lips and shushed me and said,

"Maybe we can continue this some other time but right now I know you want to be with, Jennyfer, so go." I simply nodded still in shock and was going to leave again but he kissed me again but more passionately and then the next thing I knew I was standing outside his bedroom door, how that happen? I shrugged it off and made my way to Jenny room 'Man I wish she would wake up already so I don't have to go threw this alone'

(Alexander's P.O.V)
I was just standing here motionless staring out the window of the quest room In HER room for now anyway. Watching over her when no-one is around to care for her and when her cousin is working. I don't know why I feel so bad and guilty for hurting her the way I did It's stupid of me to be caring for a worthless HUMAN. I walked back over to her bed side just watching her sleep, she still hasn't woken up and I guess that all my fault Elizabeth is always worried sick about her and if she's sad then so is Mikey because he seems to have feeling for that human girl ugh what has this world come to vampires don't feel for humans we feed off them so why is he feeling this way? but better question is why am I?

Ugh I'm so frustrated how is she making me feel something for her if she isn't even awake? what kinda bullshit is that? I sighed loudly and continue to stare at her lifeless body, she has some hair in on her face so pushed it away and tucked it behind her ear. I didn't remove my hands from her face as I stroked her cheek it was so smooth, she truly was beautiful. I smiled thinking back to when she stood up to be in the woods she has some balls for standing up to a vampire. Just as I stood up from my seat beside the bed she started to move a little. I stood frozen as her eyes fluttered open, she started to look around to where she was and then her eyes landed on me and narrowed her beautiful brown hazel eyes which had a little hint of green in them at the moment.

"YOU" she said in a angry tone but It sounded like she had a frog in her throat. I felt kind of hurt that she was disgusted to see me even thought I was the one with her the whole time she was in this fucking room. I was about to say something when she cut me off.

"What are you doing her? where am I? and where's Izzy? I swear to god if you did anything to hurt her I will-" but i cut her off because I was pissed that she actually thought that I would hurt her cousin if I even a hand on her Mike would kill me.

"OR YOU'LL WHAT HUH? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO YOU WORTHLESS EXCUSE OF A HUMAN, I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE." I yelled at her, I was furious now. She was going to say a smart ass come back when the door knob started to jiggle and it open to reveal...

(Izzy's P.O.V)
I was almost to Jenny's room and I heard yelling
"- I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE" it sounded like Alex but what was he doing in Jenny's room? I thought he hated her and just wanted her to suffer that's why he choose her to be his maid at least I hope that's what he decided to make her. I was opening the door when I saw a familiar face and a furious looking Alex standing at the foot of the bed.

"IZZY!!!" Jenny shouted as I walked through the door.
I wanted to run over and hug because she finally woke up, but I didn't I just stood there with a smile on my face and then looked at Alexander, He just nodded and was about to walk out of the room but turn to face me.

"Make sure she knows all the rules and let her take a shower than show her to the maids quarters will you Elizabeth." Alex said in a business type tone, I just nodded he took one look back at Fer then walked out. jennyfer stuck her tongue out at him when he had his back turn.

'man did I miss this kid' I thought and had a wide grin on my face and turned back to her.
"So are you just going to stand there or are you going to give your favorite cousin a hug?" she said lifting her right eyebrow and smiling. I ran over to her jumped on the bed hugged her with all my might.

"Um- Iz- can't-breath." she tried to get out of my hugging so I stopped.
"Oops sorry I just missed you is all I can't believe you're finally awake." I said sitting next to her on the big queen sized bed.
"So care to explain to me what happen?"she asked me.

I was somewhat hesitate at that question how am I going to tell her this?
"um-er well you see after you got knock out they brought us back to their house and well I guess you can say they kidnapping us, and well now I'm a maid and I guess you are too since he aid to bring you to the maids quarters." I explained as best as I can, I closed my eyes just waiting for her to explode.

(Jenny's P.O.V)
"WHAT!!!!" I screamed at Izzy who just explained that we just got KIDNAPPED. I was holding back the tears is she serious right now? god I hope not.
"yea it's all true, I'm so sorry Jenny It's all my fault." she said with her face in her hands crying. I sat up next to her and brought her into a hug.
"Shh It's okay, don't cry please this It's your fault, well at least not all of it was it was mine too don't take all the blame" I said trying to calm her down and she did a little and I handed her a tissue that appeared in my hands.
"okay but I'm still sorry." she said while I still held her in my arms.
"I'm Sorry too" I said "For everything" I added in whisper.

----Maids quarters----
"Are you serious they want me to wear this are they fucking crazy!" I shouted at Izzy while I was looking at myself in my new "uniform" after the shower I had which was well needed because Izzy told me I was out for three days. Damn That's just nasty.
She laughed at me. This was not funny, I turned around to face her and she was trying to hold back her laughter the best she could.

"Sorry Jenny but you have to wear it." she said still some what laughing at me. I look ridicules as everyone on the face of this planet knows it. I just glared at her evilly trying so hard no to hit her. I sighed
"Ugh this is so degrading you know that? I look like a tramp" She burst out laughing.

"I don't know what your laughing about your wearing the same thing ass wipe" I said. After I said that she stopped laughing crossed her arms over her chest.
"How rude" she pouted Now it was my turn to laugh.
"Well that's what you get so there" I suck my tongue out at her, and she did the same back.
"Come on ladies get back to work no more Dilly Dalling, come on now!"Mildred yelled at us and shooed us out of the maids quarters.

I was just finishing up cleaning the living room when the front door open revealing Blondie and 3 other guys who were let me just say HOT.
'I really need to learn his name I just can't keep calling him Blondie' I thought as I was dusting the book shelves. I was about to leave the living-room until I heard one of the guys that walked in whistled at me "pervs" I mumbled under my breath. They just laughed and walk to the kitchen, but Blondie stayed wonder why?

(Alexander's P.O.V)
Me and the guys where just heading inside the house from playing a couple of rounds of basketball when we entered the house and saw Jennyfer cleaning the living-room. All the guys just whistled at her I just stared wow did she look HOT in that uniform, I don't know if I can control myself around her and she still smells delicious as ever but with the mix of coconuts. The guys went to the kitchen but I stayed I heard her thoughts 'I really need to learn his name, I just can't keep calling him Blondie' I smile at this how could I forget to tell her my name, oh wait no I remember I was to busy yelling at her. So I went up to her when she turned around and she looked shocked I guess she didn't see I was still here. I cleared my throat trying to get out what I was trying to say to her.

"Umm I guess you're done for today you can head back to the maids quarters now or Roam around the house, try to get use to it you're going to be here for a while." I said to her in my business like voice, god I hated that voice. She jut nodded and started to walk away until I grabbed her wrist, she looked up at me shocked as if I was going to hurt her again. I didn't like seeing fear in her eyes so I let her wrist go but she didn't leave.

"Is that everything or do you need something?" she asked looking now at her feet not meeting my gaze.

'Um er no that is all well I never really got to tell you my name so um I'm Alexander just so you know." I said and as soon as I said my name her head shot up out of shock and reached to her lower back side like she was hiding something.
"Is something wrong?" I asked in a concerned tone. Damn it.

(Jenny's P.O.V)
I placed my right hand over my lower back when he told me his name was Alexander. That name had to be my favorite name in the whole world and this asshole just had to be named that. Damn it. Damn it all. I'm going to kill Izzy for not telling me before. I still stayed stunned not realizing he asked me a question.
"Huh? Oh yea I'm fine um I-I'm just going to go look around if that's all right with you?" I asked still in shock.

"Yes, that's fine just remember you and Elizabeth are to wake up tomorrow at 7:30 to make breakfast for Mike and I okay?"he told me.
I only nodded and walked away going to look for Izzy.

----mikes room----
I was standing outside Mikes room wondering why Izzy would be in here Mhmm I wonder? but I had no time for that so I knocked on the door. The door opened revealing red with no shirt on um okay awkward much.

"Ah I see you finally awake, how can I may help you Jennyfer?" he asked with a smirk on his face okay so at least one of them is nice and doesn't have a bad ass attitude.
"um hi I was just wondering if my cousin happen to be in there?" I asked hoping she was.
"Oh yes she is I'll get her for you. one minute." he said and closed the door again.
"Ah here she is umm I'll just leave you two then."

"thank you Mike." I called out when the door was closed, I turned back to Izzy who face was red from blushing. OK I have a hunch on what was going on in there but I'll figure it out later right now I have some other problems. I dragged Izzy to the maids quarters to yell at her.
"What the fuck Izzy why didn't you tell me his name was Alexander huh?" I yelled at her
"Um it slipped my mind, I'm so sorry Jenny I was going to tell you." she said
"Oh yea you were when?when you were done making out with Mike." she looked at me shocked and was going to say something but I cut her off.

"You Know what whatever I don't really care right now I'm going for a walk." I said and walked away.

----The Garden----
I just continue to walking trying to clean my head from what just happened. I never fight with Izzy especially over something so stupid I should go apologize to her. But not now I'll do it later I still need to think. I had to admit they had a really beautiful garden with all kinds of different flowers. I spotted at my favorite flower, red tulips. So I walked over to it and picked it out from the others. I smiled and smelt it, I saw this water fountain in the middle of the garden so I went over and sat next near it. I was now in some PJ's so i wasn't that cold. I looked yup at the sky and saw how beautiful all the stars look even more beautiful then that night. I closed my eyes trying not to think about it or else I would start to cry but it was to late I felt a tear roll down my face down my chin. I looked at my reflection of the water and saw the tears that now ran down my face, one tear dropped into the water. things are never going back to the way they use to be. I missed family and my friends.

I can imagine then going crazy looking for me and Izzy and that just brought me to more tears. I never noticed how tired I was until now and a few minutes i was out like a light. I was out for a good 15 minutes until I felt like I was being carried by someone so I my eyes slightly and saw Alexander carrying me bridle style.

"Alexander?" I said softly he looked down now realizing I was awake.
"Shh go back to sleep I'm just bringing you to your room." he said softly. I just nodded my head and the next thing you know I was in my bed being tucked in by Alex. he was about to leave when I grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Alexander." I said in whisper because everyone else was sleeping.
"Yes?" he ask turning back to face me.
"thank you" and gave him a weak smile.
"Don't mention it, now get some sleep you still have to get up early tomorrow" He said that and left.

In a few minutes I was back in a deep sleep just wondering how my life ended up this way...
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