Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

"Movies, video games, all the junk food you can eat!"

(Jenny's P.O.V)

"What the hell?" I stopped in my tracks as I saw all my friends in the movie room.

I was greeted with a bunch of hey's, what up's and a hey sexy from Gio. My friends are so odd.

"What are you guys doing here?" I put down my bags down on the couch.

"I invited them over for a sleep over." Izzy stood up, and looked at the bag curiously and then back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"A sleep over? For..?" I asked my armed crossed, is it me or is this chick always up to something?

"What? We can't come over just to hang out, Jen?" Charlie asked from her spot on the floor.

"Im not saying that Char-I'm just wondering. I didn't even know we were aloud to have people over." I looked at Izzy and nodded my head to the hallway so we could talk in private. She rolled her eyes but followed nonetheless.

"What's the real reason they're here Iz?" arms still crossed, getting straight to the point.

"What? We can't have a party but we can have a slumber party at least! Come on Jenny, its just the girls-plus gio-but either way its a small sleep over. Movies, video games, all the junk food you can eat! Tell me that doesn't sound like fun." She pushed me a little with her elbow, which made me laugh a little.

She was right, what could a little slumber party really hurt. Besides its not everyday we can bring our friends over. That was a surprise in its self.

"I really hate you sometimes you know that?" I laughed at her face expressed.

"What?! You better effing love me!" that made me laugh harder.

"Uh yeah, lets go with that.." I walked back into the room with her yelling behind me.

"What? Eff you than!"

(Mike's P.O.V)

"I don't know Mike, just something doesn't seem right about them." Cam tried to explain the weird feelings she got when she met Jen's and Izzy's friends.

"They're teenagers Cam, what teenagers are normal." I chucked a little because of her face expression.

"That's not what I mean!" she sighed and sat down in front of me, we were in the infamous study yet again. "I don't even think they're human." She whispered, that got my attention.

"What do you mean?" she's getting me worried.

"How did you not smell it?!" I looked at her confused.

"Smell what Cam? Your starting to get me a little worried." I told her.

"I'm sorry. But the minute I walked into that room I smelt humans, but different smells like they've been around so many that they can hide their real selves," I was still lost and she could see it on my face. She sighed out of frustration.

"Basically Mikey, they're not human," she said slowly sinking into her chair.

"What could they be than? If they're not human."

"I have no clue Mike, no clue.."

(Izzy's P.O.V)

I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to piss myself. Jen keep acting like a damn fool, Gio wouldn't well stop being well Gio, Adri and Sony keep dancing around like they were high off the air, and Charlie and I were trying to play Guitar Hero- let me tell you I suck at this game! Didn't stop me from having fun though.

"I'm getting kind of sleepy." I heard Jenny say laying on the ground next to me. I paused the game, and ran to the kitchen. She is not falling asleep its not even midnight yet.

"Oh! Redbull!" I knew that would wake her up. "Gimme gimme!" She has her arms reached out, and I passed everyone either a Monster or a Redbull. That will keep us up for maybe a good three more hours.

See when Jenny gets sleepy, she acts like she's drunk which makes no sense to me but if she's fighting sleep than that's how she acts. I wonder how she'd acted if she really was drunk..

"Oh! I know what we should do." Gio shouted, we were all still in the movie room but the door was closed so no one would bother us. We even invited Cam to join us, but she said she had other things she had to do.

"What?" everyone asked him.

"A slumber party wouldn't be a slumber party without truth or dare! " he had everyones attention now, and you could hear Jenny groan from her spot on the floor.

"I hate that game." She mumbled.

"Sucks Jen Jen!" she looked at Gio like he has a little bit too much to drink, and he did, he had three empty cans of Redbull around him. Oh lord help us.

"Okay lets spin a bottle to see who goes first." He grabbed one of the empty Coke bottles from earlier, and spun it.

Oh lucky me! note the sarcasm.

Well I think this has just become a very interesting night.

Damn me, and giving these fools Rebull.
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Sorry I haven't updated its just im on vacation in Florida with my mom & my sevice sucks out here -,- &&. Plus my uncle doesn't have a compuer -_- kinda shit is that smh anyways ill update when I can...that is if my little cousins don't drive me crazy first O,o
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