Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

How To Seduce A Vampire 101

(Izzy's P.O.V)

I can't believe I'm actually going through with this.

Right now I'm standing outside of mine and Mike's bedroom. Probably wonder what happened with Gio. That bastard dared me to go seduce my own boyfriend! Am I the only one that thinks this is sick? Sure I've been thinking bout you know but I don't wanna do it on a dare. He didn't dare me to have sex with him he just wanted to see if I can turn him on, and if I do I have to walk out, and leave him there 'unsatisfied' Gio's words not mine.

So right now standing outside of our room, in these revealing PJ's. Basically my ass is hanging out, my boob's are perked up, and my hair has all this volume and junk. Needless to say Gio works fast. I don't even know where these PJ's even can from! Shit they look more like lingerie than PJ's I sighed before going in.

I turn the nob of the door, to see Mike at his desk trying to obviously figure something out. The room was dime besides the nightstand lamps being on. I close the door behind me to make sure he doesn't know I'm coming in. Even though with his vampire abilities I'm sure he already knows. I walk slowly up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Hey babe." He said not turning around to look at me as I start to massage his shoulders.

"You okay baby?" whispering in his ear, and keep massaging hid shoulders, and a little of his back.

"Hmm." was all he said as he just relaxed a little.

"Want to go to bed?"

"What about your little sleep over?" he asked still not turning around to look at me.

"Everyone feel asleep. I guess the sugar rush wore off." He chucked a little and finally turn around in his chair.

"Oh well-whoa," He finally looked at me, and his mouth dropped. I blushed and started playing with my hands.

"Babe you look-wow." I giggled a little still blushing, and leading him to the bed.

"What's this all about?" he asked as I sat him at the end of the bed, and I stood in front of him.

"What's what about?" I tried to play dumb, and he just smirked.

"You know, this whole outfit? Did I tell how beautiful you look right now?" he pulled my hips to him so we were closer, and face to face.

He kissed me before I could answer. I smiled into the kiss because this was just too easy. I think boys give in too easily. Especially when a girls walking around half naked in front of them. Just shows how weak they are when it comes to the opposite sex.

Mike's hold on my hips tightened to the point were his hands moved down picking me up from my ass so I could straddle his waist. We both stop kissing just looking at each other breathing heavily.

"Damn.." He didn't seem to be able to find the words so I kissed him so he didn't have to say anything.

The kiss became deeper, when our tongues getting involved. My fingers running through his deep set red hair, and pulling lightly on it making him moan a little. I just smiled knowing that the littlest thing turned him on. This continued for a good 10 minutes. a little later-still kissing, I grinding on him a little, and another moan maybe even a groan escaped his mouth. Hey who would of thought I'd be this good at seducing a vampire.

(Third persons P.O.V)

Mike soon picked up Izzy, and laid her head on a pillow, kissing down her neck.

Moans could be heard from the room from the couple, and that's when the friends thought it was there time to go. Jenny didn't want to leave Izzy to do something she might regret in the morning, but she knew she'd make the right decision.

Back to the couple. They were all over each other it was getting to the point were Mike had no shirt on, and Izzy couldn't help but think she completed the whole seducing him thing, so why didn't she want to stop? She enjoyed the feeling of their bodies close together, and didn't think she could stop herself now, and she didn't want to.

Mike soon pulled the small shirt she had off, and that left her in just underwear/shorts, and a bra.

Izzy was never one to feel uncomfortable with her body, but the way Mike was staring at her was making her nervous.

"Don't worry baby. Your beautiful." He told her before wrapping her legs around his waist, and kissing her like he never had before.
♠ ♠ ♠
Izzy's sexy PJ's xD
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