Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

"No matter what, I am always going to be there."

(Jenny's P.O.V)

Well to say the least I was worried about what was going on upstairs. But in the end we all returned back to the movie room, and continued the game of Truth or Dare. Well they did I wasn't really taking any chances with that game if Gio was playing. So instead I showed them all to guest rooms Mike said they could use instead of the floor, which they had no problem with.

It was around 2 in the morning when I finally got away from all the craziness, and to my room. I through myself on my bed slipper and all, and feel into a deep sleep.


"Mommy?" My 5 year old self walk into my mothers room holding onto a stuffed Teddy bear.

"Yes Baby?"

"..Why isn't daddy here? All the other kids have daddy's. Why don't I have one?"

"Oh Sweetie, its..very complicated."

"Why don't you just leave us alone!" I hear my mother screaming downstairs at someone.

"Leave you alone? You've keep this from me for 5 years!"

It was silent for a few minutes.

"How could you keep her from me?" the mans voice asked, and I've never heard his voice before today. "How could you keep my own Daughter from me.." Daughter?

"You left! What was I suppose to do?" she stopped yelling now "You left me the day I found out I was pregnant..and now you come back and expect me to let you see her? Why? So you leave her just like you left me."

More silence

"I wouldn't do-"

"Save it!" I started walking down the stairs "Just go. Don't come back, and she'll never have to worry about a father that was never there for her. I don't want you near my daughter getting her hopes up from a man that might show up maybe once every year. She doesn't deserve that.." By this time I was at the bottom of the stairs and I could see my mother crying while a mans back was towards me.

"You know I never meant for this to happen. I would never have left have I known, and you know that.." The mans voice was deep something I'd never forget.

"Just..go. Please." I was hidden behind the staircase as the man came around the corner, and my mother lingered back into the kitchen thinking I was still down for my nap.

"Daddy.." I whispered, the words lingered on my lips, and they felt right to say but not thinking he heard me.

The man stopped in his tracks to the door, and turned. I'll never forget that jet black hair, or the deep brown eyes I saw staring back at mine.

"Oh, sweetie.." He walked over, and bent down on one knee.

I was at lost for words, I didn't know what made me call this man I didn't even know my "Daddy" but it seem to fit. I was going to speak but he spoke before I could.

"I want you to listen to me okay?" he whispered, and I nodded "No matter what, I am always going to be there, not heard, not seen, but always there," he kissed me on my forehead, grabbed my hand and dropped something in it. "Always.."

And than he was gone, just like that.

My still 5 year old self ran up the stairs as fast as I could before my mother noticed I was up. I ran into my room locked the door, and sat on the floor. Once I opened my palms I saw a beautiful gold necklace with heart at the end.

I was only 5 but my mother taught me at a young age how to read. On the back of the heart read:

Never seen,
Never heard,
But always there.


I woke up startled from the dream I just had. It seemed so real I mean it can't be why-why would my mother try and keep my father away from me? I understand now I can't stand the thought of him, but I always thought if he was around more I wouldn't feel this way.

I let those thoughts drift as I got up from the bed to turn on the lamp on my nightstand. As soon as the light was on dime I looked around the room, and felt like someone was watching me. I walked out to the balcony, and felt a warm breeze but nothing out of the ordinary.

Once I walked back inside and walked over to the bed something on the nightstand caught my eye.

I screamed a piercing scream at what I saw.

The same piece of jewelery from the dream I just had. I could see the inscription from where I was standing.

Never seen,
Never heard,
But always there.

I could of swore I heard the wind whisper:

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