Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Hope That She Knows

(Alex's P.O.V)

Jennyfer clung onto my even more, and I think she shouldn't be in this room anymore if it was just making her more upset for some unknown reason.

I carried her out of the room, closing the door behind me and bring her to my room. She calmed down a little being in my room away from whatever was making her freak out the way she was.

I carried her over to my bed and laid her down. I was going to change but she didn't want me to leave her side, so I stayed in my working clothes, but removed my shoes.

I waited until she was fully calm to start asking her what was wrong. As she was telling me everything, without breaking down again I got some thoughts in my mind..

Why would her mother try and keep her father from her? Didn't her mother want her to be able to have her father in her life?

What freaked me out was the whole necklace thing. I mean I know her and Izzy's dream about us was about half right because we did take them, but didn't bite them so whose to say that Jennyfer didn't see the necklace. I just feel so bad that I can't help her with any of this. I always had my father in my life, and not growing up with one was never an issues for me or Mike.

Also what gets me is why doesn't Elizabeth feel the same dislike for her father, if he wasn't around either. I voiced my question to her.

"Izzy had met her father once before, I was about 10 and she was 9, we were young but we weren't stupid. We understood what was going on. He came around one day and refused to leave until he got to speak with her..she told me afterwards that she didn't need him, that if he wanted to be there he would have been. She didn't hate him, just didn't find a need for a father when her mother, and family was all she had grown up with and needed," she chuckled a little which made me feel better that she wasn't so hysterical anymore. "She said she'll be damned if she let him back into her life that easily. Izzy was a hard ass. Even now. She's really independent, even back than."

"Like I said she doesn't hate her father, she just doesn't find the need for one. She had her mother, and mine, and me. She said that's all she needed." She speaks so highly of Elizabeth, just shows you how much these two would do for each other.

I understand both girls a little more now. Elizabeth was better at dealing with a fatherless life, Jennyfer took it a little bit harder. In the end though both said they didn't need they're fathers, they had others-their mothers, and each other. Which seemed to be enough but than again I know if I had a Daughter I'd feel so guilty for not being there for her, not being around, missing every moment. I'd make sure to be there for her.

she may not have her father or her mother right now, but she has Elizabeth, Mike, and now me. And I'm never going to leave her. No matter where our relationship goes.

I'll always be there, and I hope she knows that.
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Soo seems to me no one liked the last chap = / which was upsetting but I've been in a badd mood so if that shows in my writing im soo sorry
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