Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Morning After

Morning After

Next Day:
(Izzy's P.O.V)

That night I slept like a baby. I was comfortable in Mike's arms knowing that's where I was the most safe.

Of course the previous night wasn't a blur but it wasn't on my mind, that is until I used the bathroom. Lets just say it hurt like a bitch to pee. And Mike must of known because when I curse I curse loud.

"Baby? Are you okay?" I heard Mike's voice behind the bathroom door sounding like he just woke up.

"Oh-yeah. Just fine."

I was now pacing back and forth in the bathroom. I didn't expect for him to be up right now it was about maybe 7 in the morning and I was only up 'cause I had to pee really badly.

Truth of the matter is, I was kind of nervous to face him after what happened last night. I was embarrassed to say the least, because I have never done, nor did I know I could go through with something like that. Especially when it was so unexpected. But what did I really expect? It is my life after all.

"Are you sure? I can hear you pacing." Damn it!

Sometimes I forgot that Mike and Lex were vampires. Hell I think everyone forgets what each other is. That is until they get into your head, and start questioning you about stuff. Kind of like now.

I opened up the door a little just enough so that I could pop my head out and show that I was still breathing for his sake.
"Are you going to come out? It is way too early." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and his blue eyes looked even more beautiful in the morning sunlight. I opened the door wider now, and stepped out into Mike's open arms. He lead us over to the bed, and underneath the cover again.

Once his head hit the pillow he closed his eyes and brought me close to him. I breathed in his sent and burred my head in my chest as he brought me closer-if that was even possible.

Silence filled the room for a good 10 minutes until I realized I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Instead I was stuck in my own thoughts, mainly of last night..

"Is there something you want to talk about?" Mike startled me when he spoke. I had thought he went back to sleep.

"No, I'm fine.."

"Doesn't seem like it babe. Tell me what's on your mind."

"Shouldn't you already know what's on my mind?" he chucked which made us both shake.

"True, very true. But I rather you tell me than me invading your mine love." Another thing I loved about Mike. He always knows when and when not to invade on my thoughts.

"Its just..I don't know I guess I'm just a little embarrassed,"

"Of?" he questioned

"Last night.."

"Oh! I get thought things would be awkward between the two of us." He stated more than questioned. I guess he knew me too well to question anything anymore.

"Well, yeah..or maybe its just me.."

"No, no. Its perfectly normal for you to feel awkward, or for you to fall silent around me, after all that was something new to you." I blushed when he mentioned how unexperienced and how well what a virgin I was. He chucked as my face brightened and hid under the covers.

"Come on now, its not a bad thing," he pushed the covers away from my face and brought me back up to the surface "its actually a pretty good thing if you ask me."

"And why's that?"

"Because..I am the first and the last person who has ever touched you," he ran his hands down my sides, which made me shiver and him smirk."and besides..I get to teach you everything I know." He whispered in my ear, and kissed my neck.

That alone made my face turn ever more red.
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Haven't updated lately sooo soo sorry but I've had some stuff on my mind and having my moments but I hope you enjoy this chap I knew I had to update becuss I couldn't leave you all hanging :)
Hope you all comment and subscribe :D
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