Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Dancing In The Rain

(Jenny's P.O.V)

It's been about three and a half months since we first got here and I still cry sometimes just thinking about what I left behind and who I left behind. Izzy couldn't be happier with Mike and all. They are officially dating now and it somewhat makes me sick because him and Alexander kidnapped us for crying out loud how dense is she? but whatever she seems happy so I'm not going to ruin it for her. Izzy and I are no longer maids since Mike is her "boyfriend" and I guess that's one good thing that came out of this right? anyway I'm basically home alone besides Nina being here and all. Izzy and Mike when out on a date and I have no idea where Alexander was but I could really care less about him right now.

Right now I'm just laying in my bed in my new room that Mike was so generous to give me and that Alex didn't want to give me because it was right next to his room. whatever I don't give two shits about what he says or thinks. jerk. Ever since I got here me and him have been at each other throats for the most part and it was always 'bout the most stupidest shit.

I stare at the ceiling for about 20 minutes until Nina jumps on the bed with me. Nina is Alexander's dog which I thought was weird because I didn't think he could care about anything other then himself but I guess everyone has a soft side even Alex.

I sighed rolled over on my stomach and petted Nina on the head she was pretty big for her size she was a Husky with brown and white fur and beautiful baby blue eyes. I found it funny when Mike told me that she didn't like anyone besides Alexander no even himself so I guess it kinda ticked him off when she didn't reject me as well, I just laughed about it I mean I always had a thing for animals. I always wanted to be a vet when I was little but I guess that dream went down the drain.

I stayed there with Nina for about another 5 minutes until I heard a car pull up into the driveway, I waked over to my balcony and of course it was Mr. Grumpy himself with another girl what is that number 7 this week alone. God I'm tired of him and these one nightstands. Especially since I sleep in the next room I swear I think he does it just to bug me. I know I sound pretty jealous right now but I'm not, at least not anymore I felt that way when he brought the first girl here but I guess after a while I got use to it and didn't really bother being jealous when I knew they were nothing more to him then a one nightstand.

I am so frustrated and tired of him and his bullshit so I left the balcony, open my door and stormed down the stairs. here comes another fight. Oh joy. he spotted me with my arms crossed and looking pissed, whispered into the girls ear and she trailed off up the stairs glaring at me as she passed. I did the same.

"So what are we going to start this shit again?" he asked tired of the fights we always have.

"Yes, actually we are. I'm tired of all these damn tramps you always bring over here! Do you have nothing better to do then to get girls drunk then use then like there not even human?!" I yelled pissed because every night it's always someone new.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T REALLY GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK, I WILL DO WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT TO IT'S MY HOUSE AND MY LIFE NOT YOURS SO GET OVER IT SWEETHEART!" he yelled right back at me and trail right up the stairs bumping shoulders with me pretty hard. I wanted so bad just to punch him he has no respect for anyone but himself. I sighed loudly and trailed off to the garden, that is always where I clear my head after one of mine and Alexanders fights.

(Alexander's P.O.V)

I trailed back up the stairs to my room where Angie was waiting for me but after that fight I'm so not in the mood anymore. It's like that all she things I care about. A good fuck and one nightstands. I open my door to find Angie on the bed laying down I rolled my eyes ready to hear her bitch, you see Angie's a vampire to and when she gets mad it's not pretty.

"Leave," I said in a simple voice, she just stared at me confused and dumbfounded. I sighed again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID LEAVE!" I yelled this time

"What the fuck is up you ass? is it because of the human? you know she can't satisfied you like I can." she said coming closer and kissing my neck, now I was getting frustrated.

"Just go." I said a serious look in my eyes she looked at me again confused then rolled her eyes.

"Fine whatever but you'll be back, you'll see." she said getting her purse and leaving the room. I sighed and fell on the bed with my hands behind my head and looking up t the ceiling, I close my eyes and look back at the fight me and Jennyfer just had.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T REALLY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK-" I open my eyes again, I can't believe I yelled at her like that. I mean she was after all right about me bring home a different girl every night. I hate it when she's right but I only bring other girls home to keep my mind off of her and even that doesn't help. I try so hard not to hurt her but it's hard when she is always bitching about something and how we're always fighting like we're some old married couple. that thought made me laugh, me and Jennyfer married yeah right like that's ever going to happen she hates me to much and to even think she can have feelings for me. That's just ridicules. I sighed, got up and when to the balcony that looks over the gardens.

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I was just roaming the gardens like I always do to clear my head. I walked over to a bench and sat down, I felt the wind blowing in my hair, I looked up at the sky it looked like it was going to rain but I didn't mind, I love the rain. I thought back to when I first got here and leaving everything and everyone I ever loved behind I mean sure I still have Izzy, but what about everyone else I love back home? I can feel the water works coming already. It's all his fault that I'm stuck here in this hell hole away from my family, I was actually starting to feel something for him but I just realize it was just a lie and that I need to face reality. He's just another man-whore like my ex was. I feel like I should just forget about him but how do I do that when it is so difficult to forget someone when you sleep in the next room beside them.

Ugh! I'm so frustrated about this, I never imagined crying over a deceit from him the way he brings over all these different girls all the time doing stuff right in front of my face. just thinking about it is making me cry even more. Why do I feel this way about someone who hurts me? I looked down at the new bruise around my wrist, he grabbed me to hard because I wouldn't listen to him so he hurt me. It's not the first time either but I try to hide it I mean it's like he's bi-polar. One minute he hurts me and yells then apologizes for it, It's either you hate me or you don't simple as that. Why does he make it so hard to feel something for him and hate him at the same time?

I feel like he is hiding something from me like a secret or something but I don't know what. He and Mike are always M.I.A in the middle of the night. Izzy and I never know where they go but Izzy always says and I quote,

"Just leave it alone. No need to cause more trouble, they're not the only ones keeping secrets."

I hate it when she's right. Just when I got up from the bench the rain started an I just smiled finally something I can enjoy. I have always loved the rain, even when everyone else hated rainy days I loved them, mostly because it relaxes me. i have the best sleep during rainy nigths.

I started crying with tears rolling down my cheeks. I just look up at the sky and just wishing this all was just a dream. I start to look around and looked up at a light to see Alexander just staring at me in awe like he saw me crying and felt bad. Wow didn't realize he actually had a heart. I just sighed and was about crossed my arms over my chest, but I decided against it. Instead I put my arms out and started to go around in circles like a little kid. I always wanted to dance in the rain I guess this was my chance.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU COULD GET SICK!" Said a voice, I just stopped and looked at Alexander with an umbrella looking at me like I was crazy. I just smiled at him and he looked confused 'he looks cute when he's confused' I thought out of the blue and keep smiling, he put on a weak smile.

"I ALWAYS WANTED TO DANCE IN THE RAIN!" I shouted because the rain was kinda loud.

"WELL YOU GOT YOUR WISH NOW COME ON INSIDE WHERE IT'S NOT RAINING," He said pulling me by my wrist, but I pulled away and grabbed his umbrella from him and I made the wind blow so the umbrella went flying with it. I just laughed at he got wet.
"WHAT THE HELL JENNYFER?!"He yelled because now he was soaked.

"COME ON DANCE WITH ME." It wasn't a question. I grabbed his wrist and we started going in circles I was laughing my ass off maybe I was the bi-polar one. I was getting kind dizzy and I think Alex was too. I guess we didn't see the hill so we went rolling down it, Alexander ended up on top of me and I just busted out laughing again and so did he. My eyes were still closed when I said this

"LETS DO IT AGAIN!" I said will much excitement and really didn't realize he was on top of me when I open my eyes to look into his.
"NO WAY ONE TIME ONLY SORRY SWEETHEART." He said continuing to laugh but stopped when he realized I was quite. We stare into each others eyes for about 3 minutes until he started to move closer to my face, I was still looking into those beautiful eyes of his that would make any girl sway. He was just a few inches away from our lips touching until...
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