Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Face to Face

(Jenny's P.O.V)

Everyone in the room was silent. The name seemed almost forbidden like we weren't to speak of her at all. I wouldn't be surprised if the maids knew everything either-they did know everything around here. Seconds felt longer they should in that moment in time. Slowly Lex comprehended what Melody had said, and nodded his head that he understood but still couldn't speak. He didn't utter a word as he headed for the door while everyone else was frozen where they stood, or sat. He did how ever glace back at me with an apologetic expression on his face and than walked back to me and pressed his lips long and hard on mine.

The kiss was almost desperate, and I guess a reassuring from him to me that he would come back, and that her showing up didn't mean anything..

Funny how one kiss can show me that, and how easily I could believe it.

"I'll be right back..I promise." he kissed me one last time, and headed for the door.

After he left there was some pain in my chest that wouldn't go away. Knowing that she was downstairs, alone with my boyfriend didn't feel right to me. She was probably just waiting to dig her claws into him.

"She sure has some fucking nerve coming back here." Cam said cracking her fingers.

"Camille, calm down." Mike told her. Lex told me once you never want to get Cam angry, you'll just end up regretting it later.

Cam just rolled her eyes, and muttered some things under her breath that I think only Red could comprehend. I walked over and sat on my bed, I guess everyone seem to forgot since our little interruption that it was now in fact my 18th birthday, but it was fine that no one wanted to say it first or speak. I still haven't spoken a word and I assume no ones knows how I'd react. I don't even know how I'd react either way, I was grateful for no one saying it.

"Maybe we should all just head to bed now, you know we still have school in a couple of hours." Red and Cam agree gave me hugs and left.

Izzy was still left in the room, and came over to sit next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into another hug.

"Everything's going to be okay, you know that right?" she knew I was worried, but of course why wouldn't she know that. She knew me like the back of her hand.

There's no doubt that I was worried, how couldn't I be? we all know that if there was someone from our past that we use to be madly and deeply in love with and one day they just popped back into our lives. But of course you had that other person but you knew your ex still had feelings for you and you weren't that over them. you'd want the other person back-you might not admit it, but in the back of your mind there's always the same thought of 'what might have been'

"Why are you so worried?" Iz took me out of my thoughts

"I just don't want to lose him Iz.."

"And who said you would?" I was going to answer her but she cut me off "Really Jen, What's the worst that can happen?


(No ones P.O.V)

Cam was still so frustrated with the news of Leah coming back to visit Alex that she need to take a walk to clear her head. As she walked back into the house and went off to the kitchen she heard voices. She stopped right outside the door, listening.

"So, how have you been?" her voice was sickening to me. she sounded sweet-too sweet.

"Fine, but I know you didn't come all this way to ask me how I was."

"Alright you caught me," Cam clench her teeth with how flirty her voice sounded. "You see, Marcus and I we got into this little fight. I pack some things and left and the first person to pop into my head was you.." she's lying

Cam couldn't believe the first words to come out her mouth are lies. She hasn't changed one bit. Same old Leah, Cam thought to herself.

"And what would you like me to about that?" Alex wasn't stupid, he knew she was up to something, what that was is still a mystery but he'll figure it out eventually.

"I was kind of hoping..maybe you'd let me stay here for a couple of days?"

Camille and Alexander were both speechless, and shocked. Cam was more pissed off that she had not only the nerve to show up here but to also now to ask him if she could stay here! Alex didn't know what to say, if he let her stay here God knows what Cammy would do to her. But if he didn't let her stay he'd missed his chance at figuring out what she was doing here in the first place.

"Fine, you can stay-but only for a few days."

(Camille's P.O.V)

"WHAT?!" I finally stepped foot into the kitchen and both of there heads turned to me.

"Your can't be serious letting her back into this house are you?" I was beyond pissed, he knew when everyone else found out the news it wouldn't be pretty either. Poor Jen.

"Well hello to you too Cammy." she did NOT just call me that. I turned around about to yell in that bitches face when Alex grabbed me and put his hand over it.

"Melony would you come here." soon she showed up in the door way "Take Miss McVoy's and her things to one the guest rooms please." as soon and she left he left me go.

"I can't believe your letting her stay here!"

"Cam, calm down." I'm tired of people telling me to call down haven't they notice when you tell people to calm down it makes it worse! obviously not. idiots I swear.

"I will not calm down! she lied to you! and your letting her stay here?"

"I know she lied Camille I'm not completely oblivious." he walked over and sat at the island.

"Well obviously you are." he glared at me from where he sat.

"She ruins everything and you know that, Jennyfer's birthday hadn't even started and she ruined it!" The mention of Jen made him put his head in the hands.

I walked over to stand closer to him so he understood what I'm trying to get at. Sure I'm pissed, Izzy will be pissed, and so will Mikey. But no ones opinion matters more than Jenny's. I knew the moment Leah's name was said that she was worried, scared for her relationship with Lex.

"Nothing's going to happen Cam. she'll stay a few days than leave that's it."

"I just wanted you to know that, if you hurt her you'll regret it." he knew I wasn't lying about that because he cares about her and might even love her who knows. I do know that their relationship is to the point that hurting her would hurt him.

"Don't you think I know that! why would I hurt her more knowing she's been hurt in the past." I think that was a rhetorical question, but that that didn't stop me from talking.

"I'm just telling you the truth Lex, don't hurt her," he lifted his head from his hands and looked me right in the eyes that matched his.

"She doesn't deserve that."
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finally had to rewrite this chap becuss it was acting stupid yesterday but its up and longer than before enjoy and thanks for comments and subscribers you all made this story 10 stars :O :D it excites me xD
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