Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

"Uh who is she?"

(Jenny's P.O.V)

Getting up this morning wasn't difficult. I'll admit it was a struggle, but I can handle it. After all it is my 18th birthday today and I'm not letting anyone ruin it. I don't want anything for my birthday come to think of it, when you get older the wanting of gifts just seem over rated-for me at least. I'm not a big party person either so that's definitely out the question. Just going out to eat with everyone will be fine with me. I've never had a real birthday party when I was younger, and neither did my brother but that never bothered me. My brother and I knew how hard my Mom worked, and a roof over our heads was enough for us.

Once the alarm clock went off I got up and started to get ready for my day at school. Which was going to be interesting to say the least, but I'm just going to focus on this morning and see if I can live through that first.

I picked a simple outfit for my birthday, nothing that would have me screaming for attention anyway. I got dressed and started on my hair, hopefully I didn't bust my ass with these heels everyone knows I'm so accent prone. It was still pretty early, so Izzy was probably trying to drag herself out of bed without any of Red's help I bet.

I still had a half hour before we actually had to leave so I headed downstairs, and to the kitchen. Once I got there I grabbed a shinny green apple from the island and headed out to the garden and put my headphones in. A little walk, and some music should calm my nerves for whatever will happen next.

(Izzy's P.O.V)

Ugh! The struggle to get up every morning still hasn't dawned on me yet, I am yes the laziest out of me and Jen, but than again at least I don't drop almost everything I touch. Mike was no help of trying to get up early since it was Alexanders turn to take us to school. Being up so late last night and than trying to sleep with Mike being all touchy at night didn't help me either. I shook my head while walking to the bathroom, guys are such horn dogs.

I took my time in the shower, not in a rush since I still had some time to get ready. After getting dressed I wrapped my hair in a towel to dry it off a little, than started on my hair.

I know its still early in the morning, and everyone are on their toes after last night, but Jen has nothing to worry about. Cam came to me after her little talk to Lex. Turned out that Leah chick was staying here for a few days, but me and Cam are determined not to let her or anyone else ruin tonight's party or Jenny's birthday, especially if i have anything to say about it.

She'd definitely messing with the wrong person, I may be short, and my size doesn't imitate people as much as I wish it did but it all works out once open my mouth. And besides with my powers I can kick some serious ass.

Walking back out of the bathroom, and walked over to the dresser with all of the jewelry Mike insisted on buying me even when I did refuse. I guess both guys don't understand that its not about the material things that keep us with them. We were raised to like people for who they are not what they have. I put the necklace with my ring around it, around my neck since wearing it on my finger would raise some suspicious. Jenny did the same since it was her idea.

And off to school we go! oh the joy.

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I was just aimlessly walking around the garden listening to music, it always seemed to be my escape. I tugged on my ring that I had around my neck as I mumbled the words to the song I was listening to.

"So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face

If a greater wave shall fall
And fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own?"
I sang along to The Calling's 'wherever you will go'

I really wasn't paying attention to were I was walking since I walked right into something-or someone..

I looked up about to apologize when I realized it was Alex who I bumped into. A smile spread across his face, and pulled me into him for a hug.

"Happy Birthday Sweetheart." He whispered in my ear, and pulled away to give me the red tulips that I didn't realize were in his hands until now.

"Awe thank you," I pulled him into another hug and was about to kiss him when I someone called out Alex's name.

Coming out the back doors near the patio, came walking a very beautiful girl. She was about 5'5 with blue eyes and black hair all down her back. The first things to come out her mouth sounded so rude, and snobbish that I couldn't believe this was the same girl we talked about once before.

"Uh who is she?"
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i know suckest one yet it type fillerish pero im am going to start on the next chapter since i havent updated in awhile and im so ready to get this story done with just so i can start the sequel im still excited :D
oh and if you guys havent notice i do a lot of foreshadowing and sometime i dont even mean to it just happens xD so maybe some of you knew where this is going some of you may not so maybe we should keep that way until the end shall we
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