Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

I Want You

(Jenny's P.O.V)

The nerve of Leah really. I can't-no matter of fact I can believe she'd come right up to Alexander and I to ask me who I was mean while she was married and they were way past over. She seemed to know what she did though and changed her attitude and personality all at once. Her face held a smile now and walked over slowly instead of stomping like a little kid who couldn't get her way.

"I mean-aren't you going to introduce me Alexander?"

"Jennyfer this is Leah," Lex had this sour face on when she stuck her hand out to shake mine.

"And Leah this is Jennyfer, my fiance." Her hand froze in mid air as she turned to look at him.

It was odd for me to hear Lex speak of me as his 'fiance'. Sure its true that is what I am to him, but sometimes I still feel like we're still dating since its still early in the relationship. I told him I wanted a long engagement.

"Fiance? My Alexander," she put her hands behind her back showing ho uncomfortable she was and shocked. "You never mentioned a fiance" she said through clenched teeth.

I was planning on me the nice one, out of everyone they probably wouldn't expect it but when everyone else is mean I'll probably be the nicest person she'll ever meet. especially between Cam and Izzy.

"Well I think you should go now, you still have school Sweetheart." at the name I saw Leah wince.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled a smile that hurt my cheeks from faking it so much.

"Like wise."


"What was that all about?" Cam asked as we came into the kitchen to get Izzy.

Cam seemed on edge since the first sleep over with all our friends. She was always so peppy and energetic. All the energy now seemed focused on something else, and the way she was reacting to Leah being here explains a lot. I didn't want her to stress because she popped out of no where, I should be the one stressed and freaking out but I'm fine now. Losing Alexander isn't an option for me, it never was and she'll just have to go claw her nails somewhere else. I'll be damned if I let her ruin something that I had to build up to get.

"Cam can I talked to you for a minute." I asked grabbing her hand when Lex said we had 5 minutes before we had to leave.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. why do you ask?"

"You just seem kind of I don't know stress out." she sighed.

"I Just don't want her ruining anything for you guys, Alex was heartbroken when they ended things, and once I saw him with you I knew you made him happy. I hadn't seen him ever look at someone the way he looks at you." I sat besides her on the couch, grabbing her hands that where on her lap.

"Than what are you worried about?"

"That her being her-will make you hurt him more than she ever has." I stared at her for a few seconds.

"Do you really think I'd hurt him?" she starting shaking her head. I was really confused at this point.

"No, I don't but you saving yourself from him hurting you will hurt him." I looked at her with this confused face.

I still wasn't understanding. Was Cam saying that Lex would hurt me? or is she saying that if he ever did hurt me, that-you know what I'm thinking to hard and it's confusing the shit out of me.

"Cam, I don't-"

"I know its confusing but, I'll be there for you if anything happens. Alex is my cousin but in relationships between friends and cousins I'm neutral." she smiled and i thought that was the Cam I know.

"Thanks Cam."

"Alright lets go!" Izzy said coming to the kitchen.


By the time we go to school Izzy yelled bye to Alex and ran out the back seat like her life depended on it. A few minutes alone wasn't so bad though.

"So what does the birthday girl want?"

"The birthday girl wants nothing," I laughed at his pout and wish I could kiss him but we're in front of my school. "I'm serious I have everything I want and then some. It's fine really."

"So there's nothing you want? nothing at all!"

One thing popped into my head at that time, and I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Uh well..there might be one thing."

"Finally, now tell me."

How could I tell him the one thing I want is the one thing I'm most afraid of doing? I was the shy, quiet girl. No one would believe that I would actually be asking for sex for a birthday present. I could feel my cheeks burn while I just thought of the word. I didn't want to say it so I thought it instead and hoped he was listening.

I want you..

The look on his face showed me he was in fact listening to my thoughts, and shock was written all over it. Like he couldn't believe me, innocent little me wanted to finally give in to temptations that I've been feeling for him from the start. I wanted Alexander, I was in do deep with him, and so comfortable that I really didn't need to give this a second thought.

I knew this point in my life would eventually happen, but I knew from the start it was him, it always was. I'm not going to do something I'll regret. This isn't something i need to think twice about.

I knew sooner or later this day was going to come, and I wanted to share it with Alex, someone I think I'm starting to love..
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sorry sucky ass chaps but ive been stress and got summer school yes i suck at math -_-
comment please!
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