Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Disappearing Act

(Izzy's P.O.V)

"Wow, Cam you look so-green." I laughed as I saw her come out to show me the dress she bought before hand.

"Yeah well My favorite colors green. Once I saw this dress I just had to have it! it was made for me." She spun around so I could get a better look.

"And how right you were. You look great Cam," The dressed did her good, it made her eyes pop with all the eyeliner she had on and that was always a plus.

"Thanks! But look at you! Your gonna be looking hot tonight, Mike better watch out." We laughed, and made our way downstairs since we heard the doorbell and figured it was Charlie and Gio, since Sony and Adriana will be coming with everyone else.

The party wasn't a formal one, you could dress casual but have to at least look presentable, no jeans, t-shirts, nothing like that but not to the point where it looks like your going to a ball or a wedding, well in Jen's case its okay because its her birthday but she has two changes of clothes for tonight.

Reaching downstairs we noticed Melody had already open the door since Gio and Charlie were already standing at the door dressed appropriately for tonight. Charlie was wearing a pink dress, which I found out was her favorite color and matched her glasses perfectly. Gio was Dressed in a black dress shirt and pants with the first two buttons down, he actually pulled off not looking so feminine-which he didn't think was a bad thing but he said he'd do it for Jen.

"You guys looking amazing, thank you so much for doing this, if it was us helping her out she'd probably chew our heads off."

The whole purpose of Gio and Charlie coming early was to help Jen get ready, knowing her she wouldn't wanna be around us or want us to help her get ready. So that is were these two come in. While they are helping her out, we will be helping everyone else get into the Ball Room area on the other side of the house, and also out in the backyard where the dance floor and the DJ will be.

"Alright, lets hope everything goes well."

*1 hour later*

"Jenny's P.O.V)



To say this wasn't awkward between me and Alex would be an understatement, it was very much so. Since we left the house that is all that was between us. Once we got to the restaurant it died down but now that we're parked outside of the house it came back, and full force too, and he seemed a little nervous as well.

"Lex are you okay?" I asked just to make sure I wasn't too forward at the beginning of the night.

"Fine Babe just fine. Maybe we should head on in don't you think." He cleared his throat and came to open my door before I could unbuckle my seat belt.

"If you're sure.."

"Positive Sweetheart, now come on." He seemed more in a rush to get me in the house.

Stepping foot inside the house I didn't see Gio's car outside, and if I had I would of never came inside. Especially after seeing how dressed up they were and how Cam and Izzy were no where to be found.

"What are you guys doing here?" I knew I should of never trusted those two. I turned around to see if Alex could explain it to me but he was no where to be seen.

"Trader!" I yelled before Charlie and Gio grabbed me and lead me upstairs.

*1hour later*

"Oh my God.." I looked at myself in the mirror in shock.

Not only was I still mad from the fact that all of them completely ignored me when I told them no party, but I'm mad at myself for liking the dress Cam and Izzy picked out for me to wear. I mean yeah sure its a little over the top but since it is my birthday I guess its alright.

"You look amazing Jenny!" Charlie squealed which made me turn to the mirror and back to them.

"I did a damn good job if I do say so myself." Gio nodded in approval.

"Now lets go everyone is waiting!"

And that's when I start freaking out. I didn't know who was here, and I wasn't so sure I was okay with going out there like this, but I didn't have much of a choice when Gio grabbed me once again and downstairs while i tried not to trip over myself since I am accident prone, and where we were greeted once again with Alex at the bottom. Who was also decked out in a new outfit. He looked really good all dressed up.

"We'll meet you over there." Charlie told me while trying to pull Gio and his gaze away from Alex.

"Wow, you look beautiful babe." He told me once Charlie and Gio were out of ear shot.

"You don't think its too much?" I asked the shyness in me coming out.

"Not at all. Now, come everyone is waiting." He grabbed my hand and started to head off in the direction that Gio and Charlie went.

"Waiting for what exactly?" I asked as we went down a long hallway I've never been down and found our way at the top of a very long staircase.

"For you of course." After turning my gaze from the staircase to Lex he smiled down at me because even in heels I was shorter than him.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long back box. Oh no not this again.

"No." I turned away my face away from his until he grabbed my chin and made me look at him and chuckled.

"Come on."

"You've given me enough Alexander. Really." I looked up into his eyes, and he smiled.

"Turn around." I was going to protest against it but he turned me around, and I heard him opening the box.

Soon enough I felt the coldness of something being draped over my neck.

"Happy Birthday Sweetheart.." He whispered in my ear, and I looked down at the beautiful necklace he just placed on me. I turned around to thank him for the gift but once I turned around he was gone and I could hear down the stairs someone announcing me.

I was really getting tired of his disappearing acts today.
♠ ♠ ♠
pretty long and sorry no real party in this part but the next one there will be
but this story will most likely go up to 60 so that means hopefully longer chaps but here is the link to what Jenny is wearing but with out the gloves and tiara

Jen's dress

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