Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

I Love You..


(Izzy's P.O.V)

Jenny was just announced to come down the stairs, and hopefully with her being accent prone and all she won't fall because I would feel embarrassed for her. Once she was in eye shot I started yelling her name out like this was some concert, and finally at the bottom she took a breath I saw and smiled at everyone.

Once she was at the bottom everyone yelled Happy Birthday and the music started up again, and people headed over to wish her a happy birthday and off to dance or grab some food. I grabbed Cam's hand and dragged her over to Jen because she didn't want to get chewed out before she had a chance to dance.

"Jenny!" she turned to look in our direction and she smiled turned into a scowl, okay so maybe Cam was right and I started to back up a little with Cam.

"You two!" we thought she was going to kill or something when she reached us but instead she hugged us.

"This is probably the best birthday ever! thanks to you two for not listening to me." She smiled at us and we just laughed uneasily since she hugged us so tight and making sure she doesn't go in for a quick hit. She was definitely know for it too so i wouldn't out it past her.

"Your welcome. It was all mostly Cam though." I told told her and she squeezed Cam again while I laughed on the sideline and watch as Mike and Lex came over.

"Happy birthday Jay," Mike hugged her and came over to my side.

"Thanks Red." she grinned the widest I've ever seen which made me grin as well.

"Now that Jenny hasn't killed anyone," Cam said and we all laughed "I say we party!" She hollered and grabbed mine and Jen's hand and we were off to the dance floor.

(Jenny's P.O.V)
*An hour later*

"Damn I am so tired." the dressed they picked for me wasn't exactly the lightest thing in the world.

"Come on than!" Izzy yelled over the music and dragged me back up the stairs I came down, and to her room.

"What are we doing?" I asked as she went through her closest.

"We figured you didn't want to be weighed down by that big dress so we go you a second change of clothes." She smiled at me and handed me the outfit that I was to wear and I noticed it was white, all white and that I don't think I saw anyone else wearing white downstairs.

"If your wondering why it's white it is because that overprotective boyfriend of yours thought it would be a good idea to make you be the only one in white, so on the invitation it strictly stated NO WHITE." I smiled because it does seem like Alex would do something like that, make it easy to find me if anything went wrong.

"Now hurry up so we can head back out to the party!"

Soon enough I was ready, and we were down the stairs fast since the flats were easier to walk in. When we reached the bottom we were ambushed by Andriana and Sony shouting at me about a cake and dragged me over to the sage that was has full view of the room.

Soon I was placed in front of a big four layered caked that had baby blue, white, and black frosting and flowers on it with 18 candles. A few seconds later I heard everyone singing happy birthday to me, and I couldn't help but turn red which in turn made some people laugh.

After the cake was cut people had their pieces and were either at the tables or the dance floor again. I was just looking around at all the people who showed up and how much I appreciated it, but there were a few people missing.

I slipped away to the back to the large patio area where no one was, and walked over to the edge and looked up to the moon which happened to be full.

I messed with my fingers and looked down at my hands and the ring that wasn't on my finger tonight just in case. The people who were missing were my friends, my family, and anyone else I left back home. They weren't here today to help me celibate my 18th birthday, and that makes me wonder if they'll ever be. And if my Mother and brother will even be around to watch me get married.

Which brought me to another thought.


I had been thinking a lot about him recently, but other things too. About how I want to take our relationship to a different level, he might think I'm not ready, but I am. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Alexander, not sure how I'm going to confess that to him or if he even feels the same, but hopefully both will be easy, but one thing at a time right.

"Sweetheart." I jumped when I heard his voice, he just laughed at my reaction.

"Sheesh don't do that. You almost gave me a heart attack." I held my chest with my right hand.

"Sorry, I was just looking for you."

"What couldn't find anyone in white." I joked and turned back to the edge of the patio.

"Oh, you heard about that huh?" He rubbed the back of his neck and I giggled.

"It's fine Lex really," I said still not turning back to him "You're over protective I get it." I felt arms wrap around me and hoped everyone stayed inside where they belong.

"What's wrong Babe, why aren't you inside enjoying the party?"

"Just needed a little air, that's all." I told him as he kissed the side of my head.

Just than a song came on that sounded pretty familiar to me because it was in Spanish so I'm guessing Izzy was at fault for this one.

Cuando estoy contigo crece mi esperanza
Has alimentado el amor de mi alma

"Want to dance?" Alex asked me and turned me around before I could answer.

We swayed from side to side for half the song as I laid my head on his chest since I was short compared to his 6'1 build. I mumbled the words into his chest because I felt the same way the guy feels in the song for the person he loves. I felt Alex chuckle because I knew he could hear me and the next part of the song I looked up at him and sang it low while looking straight into his eyes while he smiled down at me like a fool even thought I doubt he knew what I was saying.

"Si no estas conmigo...
Me quedo vacio...
No hay nada que cambiar...
No hay nada que fingir...
Me enamore de ti.

Me enamore de ti.

Me enamore de ti.."

"What exactly is he saying?" I smiled up at him with my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist.

"Basically he's just telling the other person he fell in love with them.." He nods and we fall silent for a few minutes when we stopped swaying and he just looked at me and his head came down lower like how many of our first kisses, but this time he didn't kiss me, he whispered in my ear and I was surprised at how cleanly he spoke and sounded when he spoke those words.

"Me Enamore De Ti.."
♠ ♠ ♠
link to the lyrics and they are translated into english on the other side
and also the video if anyone wants to check it out it is truly a beautiful song

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