Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

The First Time


(Alexander's P.O.V)

I said it. I finally told her how I felt, what I have been feeling for awhile now. I couldn't keep holding in the strong feelings I had for Jenny. I knew that I liked her, maybe more than I should. It didn't take me long to realize that I was in love with her. Once Leah came around it kind of opened my eyes to see that what I felt for Leah was nothing but infatuation, and that my feelings for Jen, the love I felt for her, was so much more than I thought. So much more than I had ever felt for Leah. I thought I should tell her now that we were alone, and it just felt right to tell her, and she seemed shocked that I told her in Spanish but she just looked at me with this surprised face.

"W-what did you say?" she stuttered over her words when she was nervous.

"I said I fell in love with you. I do l-love you." damn now I was stuttering.

I was kind of nervous now. We had stopped swaying side to side and she just looked at me. Did I say it too soon? Did she not feel the same way? I was starting to get a little nervous now, what if this just scares her away? So many questions, so little answers. Until she pulled me into a hug.

"Do you really mean it.." She asked me into my shoulder.

"Well of course I mean it Sweetheart. I wouldn't say it to you if it wasn't true." I knew how she had gotten hurt in the past, how the guy were to her, she didn't deserve that and I wouldn't be like the rest.

Just one question thought.

Does she feel the same?

She continued to hold on to me tight and I held her back knowing she wanted me to hold on to her. She mumbled something into my chest and when I removed it so she can repeat what she said she whipped a tear she started to shed.

"Babe why are crying?" I whipped under her eyes and held her face in my hands.

"Because I love you too.." She whispered. I smiled and kissed her not caring if anyone saw.

She laughed as soon as I let go of her face, and I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Just think about it," She started to say as she looked down at our intertwined hands "Just a couple of months ago, we hated each other."

That is true. I mean I didn't really hate her, just my interest in her pissed me off to no end so I acted like a jackass. But my feelings got the better of me and I couldn't be happier.

"Come on. Lets go back in before everyone wonders where you went off to."

(Jenny's P.O.V)
*3 hours later*

"I am so tired." I started sitting on the stairs and looking at the now empty ball room.

The party ended not to long ago, and I was dead tired. The rest of the night was fun, I dance with all the people around me but not too close, though one guy did get a little too close and Lex had him throw out. I guess that whole over protective thing went a little farther than I had thought, but I know he just wants me to be safe and for no other guy to be around me. After all he does love me.

Thinking that made me smile and look over at where he was near the stage, talking to one the people who was going to clean up the mess tomorrow bright and early. I think he sensed me looking at him because he looked over and winked at me and in turn I turned a light shade of pink I could just feel it.

"Hey Cam." I said as she sat herself next to me on the stairs and I couldn't help but notice a bag in her hand.

"So, I have something else for you.."

"Oh, no. Not you too. Why can't the party be enough." It was a rhetorical question but I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"It's not that big a deal and trust me it cost way less than this party, the necklace, and that rock Lexi got you, that's for sure." She handed me the little blue bag and I took it even though I didn't want to. I was going to open it but she stopped me before I could.

"It's for tonight, you know in case you don't have anything else to wear.." she just gave me this look before she walked away and off somewhere.

I was still confused. I was probably just going to end up knocking out as soon as I hit the mattress, so-oh. My face turned hot, and Alexander was walking over which made it worse because I figured out what Cam was trying to tell me. Obviously she didn't miss what happened earlier and how we were acting. Plus that pillow kind of gave everything away.

"Ready to head on up babe?" Alex asked me, I hadn't notice he was standing in front of me.

"Y-yeah lets go." He looked at me kind of weird but didn't question my stuttering.

We walked hand in hand with my right hand still holding onto Cam's gift. Once we reached my door like many other times, we planned on parting ways, but I had other plans for tonight, and I was a bit nervous.

"You know I was thinking maybe you could stay with me tonight?" I was scared of what he'd say but I was sure he'd say yes.

"Are you sure?" He was reluctant to come spend the night with me.

We had fallen asleep together before but that was usually by accident when we were watching a movie or something. But I never asked him to stay with me before and he respected that and kept his distance at night which didn't start to bother me until recently.

"Positive," I grabbed his hand and opened the door and turned on the lights on "Let me just uh get changed first." He nodded and went to go sit on the bed.

I was use to sleeping in a tank and my underwear and I didn't really know what to wear so I grabbed the bag Cam gave me and prayed it wasn't something too revealing. And it wasn't, it was a white tank top and white boy shorts to match. At least it wasn't frilly underwear, I never really got the point of those.

I walked out of the bathroom a little hesitant but I grew some balls and walked out with my head held high. Alex was already in his boxers and a white beater. He looked kind of lost with this cute expression and he was biting his pierced lips which was kind of a turn me on right now. I tend to forget he has snakebites but now that I'm noticing that I'm noticing a tattoo on his right shoulder. I thought guys with tattoos were a complete turn on and he wasn't making this any easier for me right now as I bite my lip and look at him.

He finally noticed I was there and his mouth sort of gaped open but soon closed as motioned for me to get into the bed and lay down with him. If only he knew I wanted to do more than just lay down next to him. All these feelings were new to me, I never once thought of doing these things with any of my ex's.

He laid down on the left side of the bed while I occupied the right. He had another thing coming to him if he thought all I wanted to do was sleep. The moon was pretty bright tonight so you could still see pretty well in the room even with the lights now off.

I began to trace his tattoo since we were just laying there saying nothing and it seemed that just my touch made him shift. I started to trace slower, and that seemed to really get him worked up, because he stopped my hand before I could do it again.

"Can you not do that. please." it sounded like his teeth were clenched but I listened, and moved my head to his chest as he moved his arm around me.

I'll admit I'm being a little tease right now but how else would I get my point across? I leaned up and kissed his cheek innocently but than started my way down to his neck, and I heard him take in a sharp breath. I smirked at that.

"Jennyfer." It was like a warning but I didn't listen and I continued what I was doing.

What happened next was fast I didn't even have time to react. Alex was above me pinning me down, and I didn't mind because the view of him just turned me on more and made me bite my lip.

"Fuck, stop that."

"Sorry.." I mumbled, and he signed out of frustration.

"Do you have any idea what-"

"I'm on the pill." I blurted out like an idiot.

He was still towering over me, while he closed his eyes tight. Finally putting the pieces together that the pills he threw away I went back for.

"We'll talk about this in the morning. Get some rest." He got off me than and laid back on his side.

I felt completely rejected. Was I not pretty enough? Did he not want to sex with me at all? was it because I was human-well half? He turned over to face away from me and I laid on my back to stare at the ceiling already knowing I was bound to let some tears fall and not wanting him to see or hear me. I don't know maybe I am overacting just a bit, I guess I didn't think he'd actually reject me, I thought guys jumped at chances like this.

I guess he heard me take in a sharp breath, and turned over to comfort me and since no one else was around he was the only one who could. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

That kiss on the forehead changed into a regular kiss, and that kiss continued to grow until I needed to breath, and looked up at Alexander.

"Do you really want this?" He wanted me to be sure, so I wasn't making a mistake and maybe regret it later, but I was 100% positive this is what I wanted, so I nodded and we went back to making out.

Our breaths were becoming uneven, and he would trail kisses down my neck in turning making me bite my lip and a dampness to take over my underwear. I moan here and there and I could feel Alex's growing erection near my thigh.

I felt like I had no control over my hands, they found their way into his hair, going under shirt to feel his abs, and soon got frustrated with it and started to tug on it, telling him I wanted it gone. He chuckled at this finding my frustration cute, and soon pulled off the beater, so I saw his abs, in the moon light.

Clothes were removed slowly. Shirts going first, that left me in a bra, which I'm sure I was okay with, but he didn't give me any signs that I needed to worry. Alex started to kiss down between my breast, and down my stomach, and all of a sudden I felt my lower back burning, it wasn't a painful burn, but a pleasurable one. I moaned out louder as he kissed the tattoo I had going own my side and was caressing my inner thigh.

I started to mess with his boxers a little which made him groan out loud, and me smirk. We stayed that way for awhile just with the foreplay, until he moved his right hand down and messed with my panties. My breath got caught in my throat because this was actually happening.

"Is this okay?"

"F-fine." Damn me and my stuttering.

He just nodded back and kissed me again but that kiss felt more like him saying everything was going to be okay. The next thing next to go was my underwear, and that's when he started to rub my clit in a circular motion, and I moaned into his shoulder, and closed my eyes when he inserted a finger in me. I moaned here and there, while he kissed me to keep me detracted from the pain.

Next part scared me even more, Alex stopped fingering me, got on his knees and started to remove his boxers, while still towering over me, and never breaking eye contact with me. I tried not to look down but on impulse I just had to, my face burned when I saw what I did. The only thing I can say is that is if definitely going to hurt. I was prepared for that though.

"You ready?" He whispered, and nodded not trusting my voice.

"I love you." I smiled and kissed him hard mumbling an 'I love you too'

He positioned himself, and started to push himself into me. I grab a hold of his shoulders just awaiting the pain. It took him a couple minutes to actually get a little in, and he seemed frustrated.

"Your so tight. Just relax babe." and I did, and that's when it went in all the way.

Motion was in, out, in out in that order until I couldn't keep myself from expressing my pain any longer.

"Ow, it hurts." I whimpered into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby." But I told him to keep going.

I started getting into it after a few minutes, pain gone and now just pleasure. Moans rolled off my tongue with ever thrust of his hips into mine, and moans came out of him as well. He's pace was good but I wanted him to go faster I could feel my peak coming and his as well.

"Alex, faster.." My words seemed to not my sense to me but they did to him and he picked up his pace hearing me moan his name.

The feeling on my lower back grew with ever thrust he made, and my moans seemed to get louder, and I could feel something growing in my lower region that I can not explain. My walls tightened around him and he pulled out before he cummed.

Our breathing was uneven, and Alexander got off me and moved over to his side of the bed. I pulled the covers over us, and moved closer to him, he was kind of sweaty but I didn't mind much.

"Are you okay?" were the first words he said to me, but I just nodded because I was beyond tired, it had been a long day and than this. It was actually better than I thought it would be, being my first time and all.

"Go to sleep Sweetheart." he kissed he top of my head, and held my still nude body closer.

"I love you." was the last thing I remember saying and,

"I love you too baby." was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.

Tonight had been perfect, I had the best party, the greatest cousin, and new friends who were amazing. I also have Alexander, who I couldn't be happier to be with. I did remember one thing before I fell asleep though.

I hadn't seen Leah since that morning..
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to say i wasn't uncomfortable writing this would be an understatement i feel like it was longer than it should have been and i wish i was better at these types of things but im not
on another note i always forget Alex has snakebites! and that kinda gets me madd so let me know what you think i should do keep him with the snakebites or without?

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