Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen



(Jenny's P.O.V)

I woke up in the middle of the night, because of the loud thunder storm. I could never sleep through a storm, through the rain yes, but never a storm.

I ran my fingers through my now tangled hair, from the previous actions just a few hours ago. I looked over to a still sleeping Alexander and smiled planting a kissed on his cheek. I attempted to get up, but failed after my first two attempts. My third attempt was better, I actually got up off the bed and across the room to the wardrobe. I grabbed a random bra and underwear, and slipped those on. I grabbed Alex's white button down that he wore at the party, and put it on without buttoning it.

I slowly made my way over to the window seat and sat down. Alex let me painted the room and decorate it any way I wanted, and of course I chose baby blue. I peaked out the window in time to see another flash of thunder. I cuddled into Alex's shirt because it was a little cold, and smelled his scent. I continued to listen to the rain and the thunder for a good 10 minutes.

"Babe?" I turned away from the window when I heard Alex's voice.

He still had his eyes closed, while he patted the empty spot next to him. I smiled, if he opened his eyes he'd see I wasn't there. He sat up fast seeing as he figured out I wasn't there, and looked around frantic. I giggled a little and covered my mouth before I laughed uncontrollably. He looked in my direction and squinted his eyes seeing as he still seemed out of it.

"Baby?" he asked again like he was unsure.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"What are you doing?" He asked rubbing his eyes, and putting on his boxers under the covers.

"Couldn't sleep." I shrugged and looked back out the window, it was just raining now.

"Come on." I saw his hand stretch out to me. I hadn't noticed he got up from the bed but I stood up anyways.

As I stood in front of him, I couldn't help but notice him looking over me in his shirt. I looked away and tried to close the shirt but he stopped me. I looked up at him and he smirked down at me. My cheeks were warm and I knew I was blushing. I still wasn't comfortable with my body like that so of course I was shy.

He kissed me, and all that went away as soon as he laid me back on the bed, and we started the night all over again.


"Your really want to do that?" Cam asked me as I walked back to sit next to her on the island in the kitchen.

"Yes Cam. I see no point in staying in school anymore, I want to graduate early, and in a months time I will have graduated from high school," I didn't find the need to stay when I could get out early and just start on a career earlier, but that's something to talk about with Alex.

"I just have to talk about it with Alex, but he probably wouldn't be bothered by it." I told her eating my green apple.

"Speaking of Lexi, where is he?" that was a good question.

I hadn't noticed it, but Camille had many times. Alex wasn't around as much as he use to be, and that bothered me. I understood when he had to work, and I had school, but today was his day off. What he was up to was beyond me.

"I don't know.." I looked down at the half eaten apple, and back up at Cam, knowing fully well where he probably was, and who he was with.

Soon after silence occupied the room, but not for long when we heard two people laughing and I knew one was Alexander, and I really disliked the other voice. I closed my eyes tight, and heard Cam mumbled something under her breath like "Friggin' bitch."

I shook my head and walked past them to go upstairs. I heard Alex call after me asking me where I was going but I didn't pay any mind. Once in my room well now our room, I slammed the door behind me.

I was so tired of keeping my mouth shut, but I didn't want to get into a fight with Alex. It was either scream and yell till my lungs got sore, or come up to my room and drown myself in my music. Which I was doing right now, as I put in my headphones, and sat near the window sill. I just mouthed the words to 'The Friday Night Boys-You Do, You Dont'

I'm letting you down
You are just hiding it so well
You're giving me no sign
No interest
You dont really want this, you dont really want this
Right now
Are you gonna try to save yourself
I bet you're so sick
Of hearing it
You dont really want this, you dont really want this

A single tear ran down my face as I mouthed the words. The only reason I was upset about Alex was because he wasn't just working a lot lately, he had also started spending a lot of time with Leah.

Yup Leah. She wasn't suppose to be here, she was suppose to leave after a few days. And she was still here! after two whole months she was still here. I don't know what upsets me more, her being here or the fact that she was always around Alex. I didn't like her, not one bit. No one did in this house, especially Cam. She hated her with a passion.

I tried talking to him once about him spending so much time with her, but that just led us to have a fight about how I didn't trust him, and that he'd never do that to me. I've heard it all before, I just never thought I'd be hearing it from him..

I'm trying to keep the peace in the house but its hard to do that when I know she's trying to get closer to Alex behind my back. I also try to juggle a whole bunch of things at once. School, friends, working on the wedding. Cam's been helping me plan it since last month, with no help from Alex at all.

I know I should speak up, open my mouth, bitch at them both. I just couldn't do it, I don't want to lose Alex but I'm not the type of person who's gonna keep you away from what you really want. If he wants Leah, than fine he can be with her

But not while I'm still around to watch it..

I don't know maybe I'm looking too much into this. I was always the negative type. I thought negative because than I won't be so shocked and hurt if it does happen.

Alex and I hadn't done anything in a while, and I guess that just adds to my suspicions.

I set my Ipod aside and walked into the bathroom. I looked through the drawers until I found what I was looking for. The little white case that held all my birth control pills.

"Guess I won't be needing these anymore." I dropped it into the trash and walked out of the bathroom to find Lex was now in the room.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and leaded on the door frame, and we just looked at each other knowing fully well that there was 'trouble in paradise'

'Why does is he keep lying to me..'

(Alexander's P.O.V)

I hate lying to her..'
♠ ♠ ♠
well sad to say this story is soon coming to an end in 2 or more chaps& it will be over and soon the sequel will start which im excited about but hopefully it doesnt go too badd

many of you guys liked the snakebites so Alex will be keeping them and i know things seem to be going wrong now but if they dnt they would be no sequel

anyways thank you to everyone who commented and subscribed if no one did i doubt this story would have keep going but thanks to all of you its still going strong and hopefully the sequel will too

please comment and subscribe (:
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