Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Up and Leave


(Jenny's P.O.V)

I walked passed Alex not wanting to start another fight with him. He grabbed my arm as I passed him.

"Are you even going to talk to me?" He asked me.

"What do you want me to say Alex? That I'm happy that your spending more time with Leah than you do me? I'm not fighting with you." I got out of his grasp and went to get my ipod.

"I was thinking more along the lines of talking about this." he told me as I put my headphones in and shook my head.

"Yeah well we're not," I walked passed him to get to the door. "I don't want to have to convince my boyfriend that he should be spending time with me." I said before opening the door and slammed it on my way out and pressed play.


"Hey Jen." Cam said coming out on the patio where I was sitting on the stairs.


"Is everything okay? Lex doesn't seem too happy."

"Good," I mumbled and looked back up at came as she sat down and gave me a weird face.

"Its just..things between Alex and I aren't how they use to be." I told her

"How so?"

"We're always fighting, we never use to fight this much expect for when we first met. We hardly get to see each anymore, or spend time with each other. It just seems to me that ever since Leah came back, I've become invisible."

"How could you think that? Alex loves you!" she smiled at me.

"Yeah, that's what everyone tells me but lately the less I see of him the more I wonder why I even bother sticking around anymore.."

It got silent between Cam and I after our little talk. She could tell I was going through a hard time dealing with Alex and Leah being so close, maybe even a little too close for my liking.

A few minutes later Cam got up ready to leave so I could be left alone with my thoughts.

"I guess..sometimes it's just better to be alone." I said before she went inside

"What do you mean?" she asked me

"Nobody can hurt you.." I told her before she silently retreated back into the house.


It was now about 8 at night and I was in my room laying on my bed looking at the ceiling torn between what I should do. The thought of Leah and Alex back together again made me sick to my stomach, but what could I really do if that's what he wanted? Sure I hated Leah with a passion almost as much as Cam, but I can't control Alexander's actions, what he feels, and who he feels it for. As much as I wish I knew what was going on with those two, some part of me wants to stay oblivious. I knew that wouldn't help me in the long run though.

I heard some noise coming from my window, so I got out of bed to go check it out. The closer I got to the window the louder the laughter I was hearing got. I knew that laugh, I loathed that laugh. I knew it was Leah, and my guess is she was with Alex because when isn't she nowadays.

I peered out the window and saw exactly who I thought it was, and I was right. Leah continued to laugh as I looked down at them. For some reason she looked up and she got this evil glint in her eyes and smirk over at Alex.

What I saw next shouldn't have surprised me much because I was suspecting this.

Leah got closer to Alex and soon enough she got close enough to kiss him, and she looked up at me the whole thing.

The one thing that shocked me the most was that Alex kissed her back, and he never did push her away..

"Hey Jenny! I was wondering-whoa what are you doing?!" Cam stormed into my room without knocking.


"I can see that, but why?" Cam grabbed my arm like Alex had earlier and I lost it.

"Because I can't take it anymore!" She jumped back startled that I had yelled at her.

"I can't stand being in this damn house, in this damn room, walking around everyday with a fake ass smile on my face acting like everything is okay! everything is not okay, I'm not okay Cam!" I was crying now while Cam held me.

"I'm not okay." I sobbed

"Jen you can't just up and leave." She told me softly but that just set me off again once I got out of her grasp and started to pack all my clothes again.

"Watch me." I said through clenched teeth.

"What about Izzy, Mike, everyone at school!" She was trying to convince me to stay but it wasn't going to work.

"Jennyfer what about Alex.." She said softly. I froze at the mention of his name but regained my composure soon after.

"What about him?" I continued to pack but she stopped me once again.

"This is Alex we're talking about. If he find out he won't let you leave!"

"He's not going to find out, and once he remembers I'm alive I'll be long gone."

"Do you hear yourself?! Alex loves you, you mean a lot to him."

"I really doubt that Camille." I went and sat on the bed.

"Why are you always doubting him?" She was his cousin it was normal for her to want to defend him.

"How can you love someone, and go kiss your ex Cam? Explain that to me."

"That can't be true Alex would never do that to-" She saw my face expression and knew I wasn't lying I have no need to lie about something so serious.

"That's why your packing?" I nodded.

"Can you do something for me?" she asked me after a few minutes of silence, and sat next to me.

"Sure Cam."

"Think about it. For one more day, think about what you really want to do, and if you still haven't changed your mind we'll leave first thing in the morning."


"I'm going with you."

"Cam I can't let you do that."

"Hey someone has to look out for you." she pushed me with her shoulder and made me laugh a little.

"Cam you're a year younger than me."

"Hey! Age ain't nothing but a number." we both laughed at this, and she stuck out her hand for me.

"So deal?" I took her hand and shook it.


Soon after Cam helped me pick up all the clothes from the floor that I dropped and stuffed my bag in the closet so Alex wouldn't see it.

I know this seems really selfish of me, to just up and leave without anyone knowing, but I'm not holding him back anymore, and I'm not going to stay here and act like I'm happy when I'm not. I feel horrible for leaving Izzy behind, when we first came here we were all each other had but she has Mike now, and her being here, she can live a better life with or without me around.

One day is all I need. I'll say my silent goodbyes, and it'll be like I was never here, like I never existed.
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had to write this 2 times becuss of my computer -_- but hopefully it doesnt suck to badd but this is the 2nd to last chap the next one will be out later tonight or tomorrow afternoon and thn the sequel :D

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