Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Well...Almost The Whole Truth

(Izzy's P.O.V)

Mike and I were just getting back from our date and were parking in the driveway.

"So did you enjoy yourself tonight love?" Mike asked me as we were walking up to the steps of the house hand in hand.

I have a huge grin on my face "Yes, I did thank you so much! it was very nice of you to take me out, even thought just being with you is enough for me." I said as we stopped before opening the doors then the rain started. He was still holding my hand when he pulled me closer to him to him put one hand on my lower back and kissed me so sweet and passionately, I never wanted it to end and sadly it did as he pulled away. 'I swear he's trying to make me faint I'm surprised I haven't yet' I thought when he pulled away and was looking deep into my eyes. A huge smirk was on his face, he really needs to stop doing that smirk after I think something. I know he is hiding something from me but, I believe that when he is ready he will tell me, all in good time.

"You know there is something I have been meaning to tell you love, I just don't know how you are going to react when I tell you." Mike said to me, I look at him with confused eyes but smile and now it's his turn to look at me confused.

"What?" he said while I just keep smiling.

"Baby you know you can tell me anything and I will still be here right? because no matter what you tell me it won't change the way I feel about you." I said as I put my arms around his neck and he reacted by putting his arms around my waste.

"I know that but, I can't tell you now maybe some other time but now we should get you inside don't want my love to get sick now do we." he said grabbed my left hand and pulled me into the house, well more like mansion their house was huge and beautiful. As soon as I went inside I went straight to Fer's room. I had to tell her about my amazing date with Mike. I went looked for her in her room not there, in the library, nope, kitchen, no, game room, no, where the fuck is she?! I sighed In frustration. I walk into Mikes room to ask him, Mike and I don't share a room because we haven't been dating that long so we decided to take it slow. I found him near his computer desk looking for something.

"Hey baby do you know where Jenny is? I can't find her anywhere." I asked when he turned and saw me standing in the door way.

"No, actually I haven't but have you seen Lex? I have no idea where he is." he asked me.

"No, I haven't, maybe they're together or something," I said with shrug and put my right hand under my chin in a thinking pose. "Huh maybe she's in the garden," I thought out loud.

Mike walked over to me with a confused look all over his face.
"Love hate to break your thinking bubble but it's raining out side why would she be out there?" I looked up at him because for my height I was so much shorter then him, I smiled up at him and he raised one eyebrow.

"You obviously don't know Jenny very well do you? she loves and I mean it when I say she loves the rain!" I said with an even bigger grin on my face and turned around and started running down the stairs grabbed an umbrella and headed outside with mike trailing behind me saying

"WAIT FOR ME LOVE!" I laughed and continue running until stopped at the top of a hill and looked down and my jaw dropped wide open to what I was seeing. Mike was right behind me and stopped just like I did but I think his jaw dropped to the floor. We were speechless and shocked all at the same time, finally I think Mike snapped out of it and said something.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" he yelled at Jenny and Alex.

Who where on the ground, Alex hovering over jenny soaking wet form looking at each other with googly eyes looking like they were about to kiss. I thought they hated each other? with all the yelling and the arguing 24/7 over stupid shit. Both of them turned to face us and as soon as they saw us their eyes widen and looked back at each other and Lex quickly got off of Jenny. Held out his hand she took it though she looked a little hesitant and stood up beside him looking at me red as a tomato and wait was she blushing Oh my God jenny never blushes! I smile wide at her and she looked at me confused and wide eyes 'No!' she mouths to me and I just laugh as she hit her forehead with the palm of her hand. Alex looks over at her and she turns to him and puts her hand on her forehead and starts to stumbles and Mike and I start to walked down the hill.

"Jenny what's wrong?" I asked her while putting one hand on her shoulder, she just looks at me then fainted good thing Alex was there because he caught her before she hit the ground. Alexander picked her up bridle style I just watched in horror I couldn't move.

"We should get her inside she's probably already sick we've been out here for a while." Alex speaks up and I'm out of my shock and just nod my head walk over to them and hold the umbrella over us and Mike does the same. We made it to Jenny room and Alexander was about to put her on the bed but I told him not to because the bed will get wet so he put her on the couch.

"I'll go get one of the maids to change her." Mike said as her left the room and left me and Alexander alone. I just looked at him with curious eyes when he was looking at Jennyfer but it was a different kind of look like he cared 'awe he cares about her' I thought and once I thought that he looked up at me and ran out the door. did I say that out loud? why did he freak?

(Alexander's P.O.V)

I'm still a little embarrassed that Mike and Elizabeth caught us like that, I'm somewhat mad though that they interrupted Jenny and I but why is that? I wanted to kiss her? but why? Elizabeth and I are alone in Jenny's room and I still haven't taken my eyes off of her small fragile body. She was all wet, probably sick now and she looks a little pale with her soft pink looking lips oh how I wish I could kiss her. Wait! why am I thinking this? I can't be falling for a human, I won't I will not be like my foolish brother of mine, I won't!

But I still continue to stare and I can feel Izzy burning a whole in my face probably wondering why I'm staring at her cousin like that. Hm I wonder what she is thinking lets see 'awe he cares about her' my eyes widen shit I look up at her she looks confused and I ran out the room. I can't have them thinking I feel something for Jennyfer, I'll never hear the end of it. I continue to walk back to my room it was right next door so no need to rush. I open my door I see Mike sitting on my bed and he looked up when I opened the door.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked while closing the door.

He smirked at me "What can't we talk I mean I would really love to know what you two where doing out there? and besides I need to tell you something." He said walking up to me. I stare at him curiously what does he want to tell me?

"Well okay what do you want to tell me?" I said trying to avoid the Jennyfer and I almost kissing part.

"Okay well I don't know how to tell you this but I guess I should just saying it. I'm telling Izzy. Tonight." he said and sighed.

"Are you crazy? what the fuck is wrong with you, you can't tell her our secret!" I said trying not to yell because Elizabeth and Jennyfer were still in the next room. Mike sighed.

"Look I know you don't want me to tell them-' I cut him off.

"You damn right I don't! why the fucked do you want to tell her anyways? if she knows Jennyfer knows do you really think they are going to under stand or be okay with this?" I said to him still trying to not let my anger get the best of me. I sighed.

"Yes, I do think they will understand I mean I trust Elizabeth and Jennyfer with our secret, besides who are they going to tell that will believe them?" He said still standing in front of me, but he still didn't answer my other questions.I sighed...again.

"Mike, you still didn't answer my other question why do you want to tell her? and who's going to tell Jennyfer huh?" I asked him for the second time. Mike sighed and walk over to my bed and sat down, I walked over and sat next to him.

"Do you really want to know?" he asked me not looking at me but straight ahead.

"Yes," I simply said, then he turned his head and looked me right in the eyes.

"Because I love her okay, I love Elizabeth and I can't go on being with her knowing that I always have to hide something from the person I love!" He looked away from me like waiting for me to explored or something but I stayed silent then sighed and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Fine little brother you may tell her... but she is the one who is telling Jennyfer because I nor you want to deal with that now do we?" I said to him and he just looked at me and smiled

"Deal" he said got up and left the room, I fell back on the bed with my hand behind my head looking up at the ceiling, just thinking about what could have been...

(Mike's P.O.V)

I walked out of Lex's room and walked tours Jens room knowing that Izzy would be there. I slowly opened the door and saw her sitting there next to her in a chair looking down at Jennyfer who was now dry and asleep in her bed. I slowly walk over to them and tapped Elizabeth on her shoulder she jumped a little but regain her composure when she turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey um c-can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her kind of nerves.
"Yea sure." she said softly with a voice of an angel. she got up from the chair and headed for my room which was on the other side of the house. When we finally made it there I motioned her to sit on the couch, she did as I asked and sat down looking at me curiously as to what I needed to talk to her about.

"Well f-first I just w-want to say t-that you know I-I care about you and I love being with you I-I just really n-need you to know why Alexander and I have b-been keeping from you an-" I was going to continue but she cut me off.

"Mike, I knew there was something you were hiding from me but I just thought that if I was meant to know you would tell me, and like I said before you can tell me anything and I will still love you no matter what." she said walking over to me and intertwining our hands together, but wait did she just say what I think she just said?

"Wait what did you just say?" I asked her still shocked. she just giggled and gave me peck and hugged me and I hugged her back.
"I said I love you, I was scared to tell you afraid you might not feel the same but I just had to ge-" but I stopped her from continuing by kissing her so deep and with so much passion, we stayed like that for a couple a minutes just our lips moving to the same rhythm. I pull back and looked her right in the eyes and spoke from my heart even thought I don't have a heart beat.

"I love you too." and as I said those words they were so true I never felt this happy before in my life to finally have the love of my life by my side. she returned her lips to my but I had to end the kiss I really needed to tell her the truth it's now or never.

"I really need to tell you and please don't freak out because I would never ever hurt you it would hurt to much if I ever cause you any pain." I said to her in a serious tone. She just nodded her head and pulled me to the couch so we could talk about this.

"So what do you have to tell me?" she asked while turning to look at me. I sighed.

"This is hard to tell you but I can't keep lying to you and of course to Jennyfer as well but t-the truth is Elizabethe I-I'm a-" but she cut me off again

"Vampire?" she said as if she was so sure and as if she already knew.I stared at her amazed how did she know?

"Um well y-yes but how did you know?" I asked still scared that she might rejected me and not love me anymore now that she knows that her boyfriend is a monster. But instead she giggled and put her hand under my chin so I was facing her and not the floor.

"Well I kind of figured it out you know with the leaving late at night with Alex and well that dream that Jennyfer and I had." I looked at her confused.

"Dream?" she just nodded and explained everything to me about the dream and how her and Jenny had the same one 'bout us coming after them in the woods and biting them. I looked at her amazed how could she have dreamed that we were coming after them when Alexander and I didn't even know until that night.

"Wow so your not afraid? are you I mean of me and Lex because I would never hurt you and if Alex even laid a hand on you you know I can take care of him for you." I said with a smile and she just laughed and hit me playfully.

"No, I'm not scared of you or Lex I am perfectly fine with that my boyfriend is a HOT vampire." she said with a laugh but this time I joined in.

"So you think I'm HOT huh?" I said raising an eyebrow at her. She just blushed and looked at the floor I chuckled she was too cute when she was embarrassed.

"But there is one little problem you see Lex and I made a deal that you would have to tell Jenny about us because I don't think that she will try to go after you with holy water." I said with a small chuckle.

"Really? That cool with me I don't think she will be freaked out maybe really interested you know about you guys and all she always had an interest in for the supernatural." she said trying to reassure me. 'I hope she's right' I thought and just at that moment we heard a scream...
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:D © 2010 xXLovesTheRainXx. All Rights Reserved
MIke's and Alexanders P.O.V will come up here and there the stories mostly about Izzy and Jen