Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Silent Goodbyes


(Jenny's P.O.V)

A few hours later Alex had returned to our bedroom. He looked happy, which got me confused a little bit. You'd think a person would feel guilt when they cheated on the person they're with but I guess it just goes to show you how heartless someone can be. It was around 10 at night and I was really tired so I was already laying in bed waiting for sleep to take over but it never did. Until Alex came back and I just wanted to ignore him. I heard him sigh as soon as he saw I was still awake but turned away once he came into the room.

I felt the bed shift as Alex's weight was now on the bed, and I felt warm breath on the back on my neck.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered in my ear.

"That doesn't make me feel any better you know." I whispered back harshly.

"Don't you think I know that. Baby I really am sorry." he brought my body closer to his so my back was to his chest.

"So am I.." I whispered, closing my eye tight so I wouldn't cry.

"Sweetheart you have no reason to be sorry, I shouldn't have acted the way I have been acting lately." he thought we was talking about the Leah situation, I was sorry for a completely different reason.

"It's fine.." I turned in his arms to face him "Lets just forget about it okay?"

I didn't want to leave the next day knowing that we we're in a fight, and that that's how we left things between us. Alex looked at me shocked that he got out of this one so easy, I was the one to fight back until I was right, but I haven't being doing that lately. I didn't have the strength or willpower to fight with him anything. Over anything.

Alex kissed me like many times before when we just stayed up all night making love. But this time afterwords when everyone was asleep, and after Alex had drifted off as well silent tears escaped my eyes. I knew this was the last time Alex and I would be like this, and the last time I'd be wrapped up in his arms.

'I never knew saying goodbye would be this hard.'


I woke up around 8 in the morning wrapped up in Alex's arms. I didn't know exactly how I was suppose to leave with him being in the same room as me. I slowly unwrapped his arm that was around my bare waist and pulled away to get off the bed to make sure I didn't wake him. Once I knew he was passed out in a deep sleep I gather some clothes and shower before he woke up.

As soon as I was done with everything I stepped out of the bathroom, and Alex was still asleep. I tip toed to the closet to grab the bag with my sneakers in my hand when I heard shuffling come from the bed.

"Babe?" I sighed, fuck now how am I gonna get out of here.

"Where are you going?" he asked sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Uh I was going to meet Cam, I forgot we had plans this morning," I lied my ass off and hopefully he buys it.

"Come here." Alex reached his arms to me, and I went over to the bed.

He pulled me into his lap not caring that under the sheets he was still naked, but still made me turn red even though it's something I've seen before. Alex laid his head on my shoulder and breath in deep.

"Don't leave me." he whispered in my ear, and that's when I froze "You and Cam can go out anytime, just go later." my breathing went back to normal and I let out a uneasy laugh.

"You'll be fine without me Alex.." he just didn't understand the double meaning to my words.

"Nope, stayyyy!" he whined and I just had to laugh at how childish he was being.

"I'll be back before you know it." I lied again

"Promise?" he pouted and I kissed his cheek.


"What's with the bag?" he asked and I had to think of another lie quick.

"Um just things Cam let me barrow and I have to give back to her." he just nodded, and I wonder why it was so easy to lie to him.

"Alright, Cam better bring you back in one piece."

"Nothings going to happen Lex." I told him, getting up from him but not before he brought me in for our last kiss, well that I know of, he won't until it's too late.

"Bye babe." I said walking to the door, and the handle when he called to me.

"Wait," I turned around and he was standing in front of me now in just boxers. I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked grabbing me by my hips and kissed me long and hard.

"I Love you," and I stared at him, he was making this really hard.

"I Love you too.." I whispered, and we said bye again before I left the room whipping my eyes.


"You know I was really hoping you would change your mind." Cam told me as I got into her car.

"You know that wasn't going to happen Cam." I bucked my seat belt and sat back releasing a big sigh.

"Hey, a girl can try can't she," I just nodded, and she started the car.

"Where are we going exactly? I never did think that far." I asked

"I kind of figured that, don't worry all taken care of." she gave me a sad smile.

I really didn't want her to come with me because she's leaving everyone behind too, but she told me time and time again since we got in the car that she didn't mind, that someone had to watch over me. She said Alex would want someone to be watching over me.

"Thanks again, you know you didn't have-"

"But I wanted to Jen." I sighed and she put the car into drive.

"Ready? once we pass these gates there's no turning back." She told me like I didn't already know.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I took Cam's Ipod from her for the ride since I left everything he ever gave me or bought me in the house.

I put the headphones in and pressed shuffle. I looked into the rear view mirror and just watched as the house got smaller and smaller. I watched as the people I loved the most live their lives as I walked out of theirs. And they had no idea.

a single tear ran down my cheek as I listen to the first song that came on.

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to..
♠ ♠ ♠
please tell me your favorite line or part in this chapter? (:

for now anyways i know it took a while for me to get this out but i just got done with summer school and now i wanna live up my summer that i have left sorry but i'm going to try to get the page for the sequel up and the summary up hopefully but not sure i still don't have a title but ill come up with something

BIG thnks to the
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and EVERYONE who commented hopefully the sequel will be as good as the first if not better.

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