Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Shopping And New Discoveries

(Izzy's P.O.V)

Mike and I heard a scream, I looked at him in horror as he stood up.
"Come on hop on my back we can get to her fast. Hurry!" he said to me I was still shocked but did as he said, and in a few seconds we where in Jenny's room, Alex was already here. I hopped off of Mikes back and walked over to her and sat on the bed beside her, I stocked her hair and looked down at the still sleeping Jennyfer confused then look back at Alex and Mike who also looked confused, but they both just shrugged. Jennyfer continue to stir as we watched her.

"No, those are my cookies give them back." Jennyfer said in her sleep I just looked at her like 'what-the-fuck' kinda look even thought she doesn't know I'm giving it to her. All of a sudden Mike and Alexander start to burst out laughing I guess they couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Shh your going to wake her up!" I yelled/whispered to them, and they tried to contain their laughing fit. I sighed " Maybe we should let her sleep, I'll just tell her tomorrow is that okay with you guys?" I asked standing up, they just nodded and we headed for the door to give Jenny her rest.

----Next day 10:54----
(Jenny's P.O.V)

I wake up with the sun shining threw the window pane, I sat in a standing position on the bed stretching my arms and yawning. I looked around how did I get back in my room?' I thought but shrugged it off maybe Red and Izzy brought me back. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom, and once I got to the mirror I jumped back. Damn my hair was fucked up, in different directions and really freezing gosh I need a shower. So I undress hopped into a nice warm shower using the coconut body wash, shampoo, and condition there was in the bathroom. About 20 minutes later I hopped out the shower and rapped a nice fluffy purple towel around my body. Then a thought popped into my head 'shit I forgot to get clothes out there damn it!' I shrugged fuck it who's gonna see me?

I walked to the bathroom door open it and jump back at least teen feet because Alex was sitting on my bed, he looked up and turned red and stood up.

"Um sorry I just came to get you for breakfast I'll just go now." he said rubbing his neck and walked out. Okay that was awkward he just saw me in a towel yea that's not embarrassing at all. I sighed went into the closet and picked out a strapless gray shirt that has blue,green and black stripes, a air of dark blue jeans, and some black converses, and of course underwear but a strapless bra. I walk back into my room to find yet another person in my room but this time it's Izzy so I don't mind so much.

"Hey Fer Lex told me you were so I came up I um need to tell you something." she said to me and patted the spot on the couch next to her.

"Um yea okay sure." I said as I walked over and sat down, she took a deep breath and began to talk.

"Well okay Mike and I were talking and he told me something that well I thought you should know and I thought you would be very interested in kn-" but I cut her off.

"Just out with it already Iz!" I practically shouted at her because she was not getting to the point. She took a deep breath...again 'Oh god' I thought and motioned with my hand for her to go on.

"Okay well the truth is Mike and Alexander are really vampires! there I said it." she said wiping the sweat off her forehead. I stood up.

"WHAT? IZ THAT CAN'T BE VAMPIRES AREN'T REAL!" I yelled this time at her.
"Well they are welcome to reality sweetie." she said giving me a weak smile. I sighed and sat back down trying to take all of this in.

" I guess we should have know the leaving at night, how they caught up to us so fast that night, that weird sniffing our necks shit wow so they really are vampires huh?" I said turning to face her and she just nodded I sighed again 'Great not only did my cousin and I get kidnapped but we got kidnapped by two hot VAMPIRES that's just not normal but then again we're not normal..' I thought for a second still trying to comprehend what she has just told me.

"Oh and that's not the only thing that happen last night." Izzy said smiling at me.

"Wait Iz you didn't sleep with him did you?" I asked scared that she gave her virginity to a vampire I mean is that even possibly? you know what scratch that don't wanna know. She looked at me like I was crazy and started to laugh.

"Aha very funny no, I did not sleep with him come on we haven't even been together that long and I don't even know how that would work but anyways what happen last night is that I finally got the courage to tell him I love him." she said with a huge proud grin on her face.

"Awe are you serious Izzy that's great I'm so happy for you." I said over joyed and hugged her, she deserved to be happy and now she is.

"Thanks but we better get down to breakfast before they start to bitch." she said and we laugh as we walk out my room down to the kitchen.

----The kitchen 11:05---
We walked into the kitchen where Alex and Mike we drinking something red from a cup, ew I already know what that is blood gross. Izzy and I walked over to them and took our sits my near Alex and of course Izzy near Mike. I turn to Mike with a big grin on my face.

"What's up vampire boy?" I said and Izzy over there trying not to laugh but I couldn't hold it in so I just laughed. he narrowed his eyes at as did Alex but that just made me and Izzy laugh harder. Mike turned to Izzy.

"So I'm guessing to told her then?" he asked her and she just nodded.

"Yea she told me and I'm totally cool with it as long as you guys don't try and bite me or anything or Izzy if you do I'll kick you guys where the sun don't shine you got that?" Alexander raised an eyebrow at me and I just stare at him strange to think this isn't awkward with the almost kiss and him seeing me in a towel thing.

"Oh yea because that work so well for you the first time. Look were you ended up." Alex said motioning with his hands around the room. I glared at him.

"Touché" I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"Okay so what do you guys want to do today?" asked Izzy and here are the answers that she got from the guys.

"Eh" and "whatever" then she turned to me.

"So what about you Fer what do you want to do today?" I thought for a minute doing my thinking pose and then I had a huge grin on my face I know exactly what we're going to do today.

"I know lets go... SHOPPING!" I yelled the last word which got a couple of groans from the guys but Izzy thought it was a great idea.

"Oh come on guys it won't be that bad I mean we never and I mean never get out of this house, and I'm for one tired of staying in this house! I mean I don't even know where the fuck we are and besides we need some clothes and other stuff so come on PLEASE!" I said to them but they groans again, then Alex sighed. then he finally gave in.


"Fine.fine but just for a couple of hours then we come back okay?" he said pointing a finger at me and Izzy we nodded our heads really fast. Then we got up and started to jump up and down like we just one the lottery. We finished eating and headed out to the garage and hopped into Alex's BMW.

----The Mall 12:46----
We finally arrived at the mall and it was huge at least 3 different floor it was amazing, my mouth dropped and so did Izzy's. We couldn't control ourselves Izzy and I ran dragging the guys with us. the whole time it was us dragging the guys to different stores and them holding our bags I have to admit it was funny when we are dragging two full grown men around like we have them on a short rope.

Swear if one more person looks at us like we're crazy someones gonna get hurt, I mean everyone is looking at us and I don't think it is because of overload from shopping in almost every store here like Hot Topic, Epic, 2cute, Kids Footlocker, Bath and Body Works etc. I think it's because we came here with Alex and Mike I mean they act like they never seen a guy before. I was getting frustrated.

"Why are they keep looking at us like that?" I asked Izzy as we walk into yet another store arms linked and the guys fallowing behind us.

"I don't know but it's started to piss me off the way the girls are looking at Mike and the how the cashiers try to flirt with the guys." she said grilling all these little hoes who keep eying her man.

"I know right like what the fuck they act like they never seen a guy before." I said while looking at some more clothes. We let it go this time and keep walking until we spotted a store we need to go into but we couldn't take the guys in with us, no way were we going to. We turned to the guys who were taking a rest on a bench.

"Um guys were just gonna going into this store okay?" but we didn't wait for an answer we just continue to walk to Victoria Secret. It took us about 20 minutes to look for everything we needed and then I walked out looking for Alex who had the credit card. I spotted him talking to some fake ass blond chick with big ass boobs but no ass, okay what's with this guy and blonds?(no offense to blonds) I walked up to them and the girl just glared at me up and down I just glared back. 'dumb bitch' I thought and Alex laughed.

"What?" I asked him when I reached them.

"Awe come on sweetheart there's no need to be jealous." he said putting his arm around my shoulder. My jaw dropped jealous? he thinks I'm jealous? well he better think again.

"Ha! jealous of this tramp? yeah in your dreams. I just came over here for the credit card." I simply said and shrugged his arm off my shoulders. He reached into his pocket got the credit card and handed to me. I grabbed it and walked away as he continued the conversation he was having. I was just about to walk into the store when I felt someone tap my shoulder so I turn around and I'm face to face with this really hot guy, He had baby blue eyes, shoulder length brown hair an a smile to die for. I just smile at him 'Wow his hot' I thought.

"Hi, um I'm James" he asked in a shy way awe his so cute, and he extended his hand to shake it.

"Hey and I'm Jennyfer." I said with a smile.
"Well listen I know we just met and all but I was kinda hoping that you would come to this party at my frie-" but he was cut off by the dumb ass that is Alexander.

"Sorry man she can't, nice try thought." Alex said as he put his arm around my shoulder once again. what the hell is his deal? James just looked at me with sad eyes then walked away and I turned to face Alex.

"Alex what the hell was that about?" I asked him, he just crossed his arm over his chest and shrugged.

"Trust me that guy was not someone you should be hanging around with, your just lucky I was here you did not want to know what he was thinking." he said looking off towards James went back over to his friends.

"Wow whatever, now who's jealous?" I said to him and walked away back into the store where Izzy was waiting for me.

----Half an hour later----
It was just me and Alex walking around now since Izzy and Red ditched us. We're just in this silence because of what happen earlier.

"Look I'm sorry okay? I just didn't want you getting hurt." he mumbled.

"Yea whatever." I said simply. He sighed.

"Fine what will it take for you to forgive me?" he asked as we stopped and we were now looking at each other.
"Hm," I said while looking around until one place caught my eye and a huge grin was on my face. "Come on." I said and pulled Lex by his hand. damn they were cold.

"What?! no Jennyfer your crazy if you think I'm getting a piercing." he said trying to pull away but I keep on dragging him.

"Hello how may I help you?" a man with a lot of piercings and tattoos asked us.
"Um hi, he would like to get a piercing done." I said pointing to Alex who for the first time looked scared since I have Meet him.

"Sure right this way," he motioned for Alexander and I to a black leather chair.
"What kind of piercing would you like?" he asked as he was pulling all the needles out and putting on black gloves.

"Actually I don-" but I cut him off.
"He wants snake bites." I answered for him with a big smile still on my face as I pushed Alex into the chair.

"I don't even want a piercing." Lex whined to me.I just crossed my arm and rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't care you said and I quote 'what will it take for you to forgive me?' and this is what you can do and besides snake bites will look totally hot on you." Oops did I just say that out loud? He laughed, yup I did damn it.

"Hot huh? okay fine but then you have to get something as well." he said trying to make a deal with me.

"Fine bring it on Blondie." I said using the name I use to call him before I found out his real name. He just smiled at me and thought for a minute.

"Okay I know what you going to get, if I have to get a piercing then you have to get a tattoo." he said smiling that wonderful smiling thinking he so slick.

"Fine no problem I already have two tattoos the pain doesn't really bother me anyways." I said sticking my tough out at him. he just laughs.

"Really? you know I really must see those one of these days." he said winking at me.

"Ha! as if Vampire Boy." I mumbled and he just continue to laugh.

----1 hour later----
"Wow that looks really cool thanks so much Angel!" I said to the guy who did my tattoo and Alex's piercing which by they way makes him look even hotter if that is even possible. I'm so excited about my new angel wings tattoo that is right near my shoulders and are blue they look really cool. I turn to Alex whose lips still are a little red from the piercing but he still looks gorgeous.

"So you ready to go now?" he asked me as we walk out of the tattoo shop.

"Yeah I'm really tired but where are Red and Iz I have no idea where they are?" I said as we walked outside to his car.

"Oh don't worry about them, they left along time ago but I have no idea where to." he said with a shrug and started the car.

"You know I have a lot of questions for you mister." I said with a little chuckle. He turned to me for a seconded and smiled and looked straight ahead again.

"Is that so? well I'll try my best to answer them." he said still smiling, I couldn't help but stare he was perfect everything a girl could and would want in her life just a man she can get along with, someone who will talk to her and listen. I sigh and looked out the window, maybe this is a start of a new friendship that's the least I can ask for from him right?

'Maybe his not so bad after all' I thought and ended up falling asleep I guess I didn't realize how tired I was.
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