Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen


(Alexander's P.O.V)

I continued drive when the car all of a sudden got quite and I looked over to see that Jenny had fallen asleep. A smile creeps its way on to my face, she really was that tired. I pulled up in the drive way as Jennyfer started to stir, I quickly got out the car popped the trunk put everything out side with my vampire speed and opened the passenger door. I picked her bridle style, closed, and set the car alarm and walked up the steps to the house. As soon as I walked into the house I hear laughing and giggling from the kitchen and then walked out Elizabeth and Mikey.

"Hey Lex." Izzy said as she walked over and raised an eyebrow wondering why I'm carrying Jennyfer.

"She feel asleep in the car. What did you want me to do just leave her there?" I said in a defensive tone. I just walked passed them and walked up the stairs being very careful with her.I walked into her room and set her down in her bed and covered her with the covers, she looks so peaceful when she is asleep 'silent yet beautiful' I thought. I pushed some hair away from her face and continued to just stare at her, tomorrow she's going to wake up and ask me questions that sure is going to be fun not. Tomorrows going to be a long day.

----The Next Day----

After leaving Jenny's room I went to my room took a quick shower and headed to bad I was as tired as she was if not more. Most humans would think that vampires don't need sleep but we do, just not as much as they do.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head!" someone yelled in my ear of all places, I groaned who the hell wakes up this early?

"Oh come on Lex stop being such a lazy ass. I still have questions that have no answers, I want answers damn it!" Jenny said pulling at my covers and at the pillow that was over my head. I didn't really try to keep my covers on so she got that of me easily and for once she was silent. Huh wonder why? I look up from the pillow that was over my face and looked at the stunned Jennyfer she looks like she just seen a ghost what the hell is wrong with her? I got up form the bed since I was rudely awaken. I walked over to her and she just seem to back away from me and her face was turning red or blushing but why would she be blushing?

"Jen what's wrong?" I asked concerned that she still hasn't spoken. She just pointed down and I looked at her confused and looked down as my eyes widened. I had totally forgotten that I feel asleep with nothing but my boxers on, I looked up at her still blushing face looking me up and down moving more towards the door and me just continue to get closer.

"Like what you see?" I asked in a teasing kind of way. She looked shocked that I asked that.

"NO!, look j-just meet me i-in my room in a few minutes okay and would it kill you to put some clothes on?" she said and reached the door nob opened it and walked to her room. I just started chuckling, I never thought I would see Jennyfer blush that was too priceless. I just shrugged it off thought and walked into my closet and changed into a white T-shirt and some dark blue sweats. After that I made a quick trip to the bathroom to brushed my teeth then headed to Jen's room.

(Jenny's P.O.V)

After I left Alexanders room I ran to mine I can not believe I saw him half naked. I mean sure I seen guys with no shirts on and stuff like that in movies but in real life no 'Damn he had a nice body' I thought and ended up laughing. I really don't need this right now I mean I'm already attracted to him I don;t need to be physically attracted to him too.

"Shit." I cursed as I fell onto my bed.then there was a knock at the door.
"Come in." I shouted but still looking up at the ceiling.

"All right can we just get this done and over with?" came Alexanders voice from the door way.

"Yeah yeah yeah stop being such a baby, now come on." I said looking at him and patting the stop next to me on the bed. He just raised and eyebrow.

"Hm already trying to get me into bed I see." he said with a wink and walked over and sat down, I moved a few inches away.

"Wow stop being such a perv," I said and sigh lets just get this over with.
"Okay question time, are you ready?" I said jumping up and down a little which made the bed move a little.

"Do I have a choice?" He asked annoyed, I guess he's not much a morning person.

"Nope," I said "Okay first question hm how old are you, really?"

He let out a deep sigh
"I'm 110," 'Damn he's old' I thought and covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh. "gee thanks." he said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"Next." he said.
"Fine why do you and mike always seem to know what Izzy and I are thinking?"
"Oh, that's easy we can read minds, next."
"WHAT! are you serious? that's such bullshit and so not fair!" I whined 'Great now I'm not even safe in my own head' He grinned.

"Not even a little sweetheart." I rolled my eyes.

"So what other powers or abilities can you and Red do?"
"Well there's speed, healing, mind reading, eyes changing but way to many to count but they are other vampires that have other powers like my cousin."

"You have a cousin?" I asked shocked. He just chuckled.
"Yes, I do have a family you know, but anyways yes my cousin, Camille has this weird thing when she can tell when someone is lying or not which really is a pain in the ass sometimes." He sighed. "Next."

"Um well what about the whole eye changing thing?"
"Well when my eyes are red that's when you know I have to um well...feed, and I guess when they're their normal color you don't have to worry 'cause I don't need to feed, and they change to other colors but its a long list, but you mostly just have to worry about my eyes turning red."

I wasn't really paying any attention because of the whole him having a family thing. Hm a family so he had one I mean sure he has Mike but I didn't know he had like a whole family. Wow that sounds really stupid of me I wonder if he ever really feel in love or cared for someone or anyone besides his family and his dog Nina. Maybe I should ask couldn't hurt right?

"Hey Alex"
"Well I know you will probably think this is a stupid question and everything but I was just wondering if you ever cared about someone besides your family and Nina, Well what I guess I trying to say is...Have you ever been in love with someone?"

And once those word left my mouth he looked at me in shock and I could see a little hurt in his eyes as he looked away.

Okay, so maybe that was a little too personal
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