Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Not That Kind Of Girl

"Hey Alex"
"Well I know you will probably think this is a stupid question and everything but I was just wondering if you ever cared about someone besides your family and Nina, Well what I guess I trying to say is...Have you ever been in love with someone?"
And once those word left my mouth he looked at me in shock and I could see a little hurt in his eyes as he looked away.

Okay so maybe that was too personal

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I felt like an idiot asking him that question it was none of my business so why ask, I sighed and tried to apologize.
"I'm sorry It's none of my business, sorry I asked." I said looking down at the bed sheets trying hard not to meet his gaze.I heard him sigh and I looked up to meet his gaze.

"It's okay you were just curious but I rather not talked about that." He said. I just nodded my head.

"So anymore questions you would like to ask or is it my turn now?" he asked with a weak smile trying to make me feel better and it worked a little, so I just smiled back.
"Um well I don't really know your whole name so why don't you tell me that?" I said.

"Okay, it's Alexander Ayden Maverick." He answered I just looked shocked now that name has gone out the window too. Ayden was my second favorite name what's with him and taking my names? But I just shrugged it off and nodded again.
"So is it my turn now?"he ask with an evil smirk.

"Sure ask away I have nothing to hide." I said with a cool smile even though that was a complete lie but he doesn't know that. I hope.
"What's your whole name?"
"Jennyfer Marie Rodriguez," that has a nice ring to it doesn't it? I just smiled.
"Um okay how old are you?"
"17 going to be 18 in March." I answer with a smile still on my face and he returned them.

"What are your favorite colors?"
"Baby blue, orange, blood red, black, and purple." smile still on my face.
"What are you other tattoos?" he asked me still trying to see what other tattoos I have.
"Ha like I would show you." I said shaking my head no.

"I never said I wanted to see them even thought I wouldn't mind it I'm just asking what they are?" he said with an evil smirk. Gosh that smirk.

"Ugh fine if you must know ones a flower and the other is a name okay happy now?" I asking trying to get threw with this topic. He just continue to smirk which was getting me kind of mad.

"Hm a name huh? who's name? and a flower what kind? can I see?" he asked
"What! no didn't I say I wasn't going to show you."
"Oh come on please! can I at least know where it is?" he asked with a pout.
"Ugh fine! I'll show you but just one and not the name one either and it's a lotus flower." I said and got up off the bed as he just stayed sitting on the bed.

"Well where it it?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"It's on my ribs and let me tell you that shit hurt like hell." I said facing him and pulling up the right side of my shirt. I'm glad I put cover up over my other tattoo because then he would have saw it. I turned and faced him showing him my tattoo which he seemed to like because he touched it but I flinched and he took his hands off and apologized to me. I put my shirt down and sat back down on the bed in front of him and sat Indian style.

"It's okay It's just you hands were really cold." I said to him and he just nodded.

"Why was it separated?" he asked me. I looked up at him not sure if i should tell him or no.

"The petals of the flower. why were they separated?" He asked again.

I sighed, I might as well tell him I'm going to be here awhile I can tell so eventually I think it would come out. Not that big a deal anyway.

"Well..the flower represents my family while the petals represents everyone in my family and how they are separated but still form to be a complete flower and, to me that means that even when we are apart or away from one another we're still together, still a family." I said looking down trying not to cry remember when and why I had gotten the tattoo in the first place. I felt a pair of arms embrace me into a hug that I really needed at the moments it just surprised me that it come from Alexander.

"I'm sorry." he whispered into my hair which I could of swear he was sniffing. I look up at him with tears rolling down my face and him wiping them away. I guess I need to work on holding back the tears.

"For what?" I asked stilling looking into those gorgeous eyes of his.

"For taking you away from your family. I can tell how much you miss them and I'm sorry Mike and I took that away from you and Elizabeth." he stated ashamed of what he had done. I sniffed a little which got me a little sniff of his sent which smelt really good at the moment. I just gave him a weak smile which he tried to to return.

"No, it's okay I mean Izzy seems happy and yes, I miss my family but it just feels like if I was with them then I would be missing out on something here and, so would Iz." I said to him and it was true I mean I don't know what mine and Iz life would be like if we never meet Alex and Red. Our life would probably be boring as hell. I mean it's not even day you get to meet a Vampire let alone two.

"Weird I feel like I would be missing out on something too." he said looking straight into my eyes as before I knew it are faces were getting closer and closer. And than he kissed me and a world wind of different emotions took over me, I felt the fire, the power, the passion burning inside of me as our lips move to it seems the rhythm of my heart beat. We were still kissing as we fell back on the bed and he was on top of me and it seem like he never wanted to let go of me because are lips still moved in unison to one another. The weird thing about all this is am kissing him back, and I like it. A LOT.

I felt his hands make it way up my shirt to my hips and waist. But them my eyes instantly shot open what was I doing? all of this is happening way to fast. I don't know if I can handle it. I grew tense and pushed him off me which I actually accomplished in doing which was strange because God knows how much he weighs. I got up off the bed and ran to the door but he had grabbed my wrist before I could get to the door.

"What's wrong?" he asked me concerned filled voice as he pushed some of my hair away and tucked behind my ear. I just stare up at him some what shacking, I can't fall for him and, I can't be with him he will just end up hurting me like all the rest. I just started to shack my head so maybe he will get the hint and let me go he sighed.

"Look I'm sorry That was to fast. I know but I just couldn't resist anymore. you have no idea how hard it is for me to control myself when I'm around you." he said coming a little closer to me until my back hit the wall.

"You just don't know how long I wanted to kiss you, even since that day in the rain you looked so beautiful."

Did he just call me beautiful? no one has even called me that yea pretty, cute, and even hot but never beautiful. He leaned his head closer to mine and once again I was overcome with the feeling of fire and passion. Damn him and his way of making me sway but I can't, I can't do this I just I don't know I've been hurt way to many times for it to happen again and I sure as hell wasn't going to let Alexander think I was one of his one nightstands and one of those chicks he had sex with and then doesn't even call them or remember their name the next morning because he was to drunk to remember. Nope I will not be one of those girls he played with. I am just not that kind of girl to go off and kiss some random guy or sleep with some random guy I have more dignity then that and I won't let Alexander get that or my Virginity. So I pushed him away.

"I can't." I whispered and looked up to see hurt in his eyes and I just shock my head and headed to the door and I had it half way open when Alex stopped me once again.

"Wait!" he called out to me.

"What?" my back was facing him

"Why can't you?" He asked.

"I'm not that type of girl, and besides there so much 'bout me that you don't know, you have no idea who I am." I said my back still turned to him, tears in my eyes, and walked out the room and headed for the garden which turned into my safe haven over the last three and a half months living here.

I can still feel his lips on mine, the way it felt him just holding me being in his arm NO! I will not fall for him I can't it's not right it wouldn't work anyways and beside how can I be with someone who doesn't even know the real me and I bet if he did he wouldn't feel the same way he does about me the way he doesn't now. In his eyes I'm beautiful girl but in my eyes I'm nothing but a freak how can someone fall for a freak? How can someone accept what I am? How can someone ever love what I am? or better yet who I am?
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