Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 1

(Third person’s POV)

“Brian, why are we spending our holiday break in New York and a bunch of snow?” The blond boy asked as they arrived in the pick up area.

“’Cause Johnny, I promised my aunt I’d go spend Christmas with her and my cousins, who I haven’t seen in a long time. You guys came the minute Jimmy shouted ‘Sweet we’re going on vacation!’” Brian said while jabbing his thumb at the tallest of them all. He had raven black hair sticking out from his beanie and black thick rimmed glasses on. He was sipping his soda from Mc Donald’s.

“What did I do?” He asked with an innocent grin.

“Wait, so if Shadow’s correct we’re seeing your Aunt Katie and her family right?” Zacky asked with a slight smile. He was remembering the last time Brian, Matt, and him spent time with Brain’s family.

“Yeah, though Alexandria and Alice don’t know. It’s a surprise for Alexandria.” Brian smiled at the thought of surprising his younger cousin.

“BRIAN!” Brian looked up to see his aunt calling him. “Yeah you with the pimp hat!” She yelled causing all the boys to laugh.

“It’s a fedora Aunt Katie.” Brian said before swooping her up into a hug.

“Well here it’s called a pimp hat. Zacky! Matt!” She exclaimed before hugging both boys.

“Hey, Katie.” The guys said before kissing her cheek.

“So is this it?” She asked looking at the boys with a Cheshire cat grin.

“Yeah. Oh, this is Jimmy and this is Johnny.” Brian said while pointing to the new boys.

“Aw you guys are cute!” She said while shaking their hands.

“Um thanks?” Johnny said, sounding scared for his life.

“Brian, I like your aunt!” Jimmy said while hugging the significantly shorter woman.

“Everyone who can take her candid attitude likes her.” Brian smiled as they started to walk to the car.

“So how’s your mom?” Katie asked when they piled into her silver van.

“Good. She sends her love to you and your husband.” Brian said as he buckled his seat-belt.

“Oh, no one told her that I got divorced?” She asked scrunching up her nose.

“I’ll make sure to pass on the news to her.”

“No I’ll do it. She’s gonna wanna throw a party.” Katie said laughing.

“So how’s Alexandria?” Zacky asked placing his head between the two front seats.

“She’s good. Made a lot of friends, oh, she even found herself a boyfriend.” She giggled as Brian’s and Matt’s jaws dropped. Jimmy and Johnny just glanced at the others before going back to their thumb war.

“Aw so she got out of her shell?” Zacky asked with a smile. He’s always thought of Alexandria as a little sister.

“Well, she said that to be shy in this family is like asking to be picked on when in the outside world. Plus she’s come to realize life is too short to not live in every moment.”

“That makes sense. Wait, when did she learn that. She’s like a year younger than me.” Zacky asked while sitting back in his seat.

“Oh, a year ago her and her friends got into a car accident and she was laid in the hospital for a while.” Katie managed before the car got silent.

“So when is she due back?” Brian asked while picking at his Wendy fries.


“STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU PRICK!” A scream interrupted Katie before they heard the door slam shut.

(Alexandria’s POV)

“Come on baby.” He purred when we parked into my driveway.

“No, Nick! I’m not having sex with you.” I said pushing his hand away from my chest for the thousandth time today. I was pissed off due to a fucking Spanish test that I flunked just because the Spanish teacher hates me. Now my freaking boyfriend, of five weeks, was pressuring me to have sex with him in my drive way. I didn’t need this right now.

“Why not?” He asked while sulking.

“Because I don’t want to.”

“Fine. Just get out.” I could tell that this relationship was based off of lust not love by the tone of his voice.

“It’s over Nick.” I said before getting out of his car.

“Wait what do you mean it’s over?” He screamed getting out of the car as well.


“WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?” He yelled when I punched him right in the jaw.

“Nick you’re a fucking douche bag and I want nothing to do with you.” I seethed while walking to my door.

“Baby, I do love you.” He pleaded as I opened my door and walked inside.

“STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU PRICK!” I yelled before slamming the door in his face, I hope he got hurt. “MOM I’M GOING LESBIAN!” I cried before running upstairs.

(Zacky’s POV)

“I take it her and her boyfriend broke up.” I said as I saw Alex run up the stairs.

“Who was that?” Jimmy asked looking kind of afraid.

“Alexandria.” Matt and I said at the same time.

Suddenly the house was filled with loud screamo music and Matt and I looked at each other before covering our ears. Johnny and Jimmy can figure out her scream by themselves. I heard her drowning scream as I saw Jimmy jumping onto Johnny’s lap and shaking like a leaf.

(Alexandria’s POV)

I got up to my room and threw my AFI messenger bag onto my bed before blasting my stereo system. Mom knew to cover her ears by now. I inhaled a lung full of air before screaming like the banshee I’m labeled as. I raked my fingers through my hair as I bent over to get the rest of the scream out. At one point I got bored, so I just closed my mouth and shut off the music.

“I’m thirsty.” I mumbled before running down stairs with a smile.

(Jimmy’s POV)

When the screaming stopped I got off of Johnny’s lap. I tried to settle my nerves while thinking about random things. One thing that came to my mind was how she was so different than how Brian, Zacky, and Matt described her. In their description she was a frail little angel who hid behind her cousin the first time she met Zacky and Shadows, but I didn’t see that little angel when a blond woman walked in with all black on and had pink streaks in her hair. Also, she wasn’t as cute as they told us… She was beautiful.

“What the fuck was that?” Johnny asked while sitting up straight.

“That was Alex. She used to be very shy, but she’s always had powerful lungs.” Matt said smiling.

“MATT!” I heard a scream and jumped slightly. I saw her run and jump on Matt’s lap with a huge grin on her face.

(Alexandria’s POV)

When I walked into the living room, I saw Matt and my sour mood let up instantly.

“Matt!” I screamed before running onto his lap.

“Hey Alex.” He smiled showing his adorable dimples.

“Poke.” I giggled as I poked his cheek and he turned his head with a chuckle.

“Hey, what about me?” Zacky said and I almost tripped over the coffee table to get to my big brother.

“You put purple in your hair.” I whispered while petting a purple streak.

“And you put pink in yours.” He stated while waving a pink chunk in my face.

“Bleh. It was due to a dare. I wanted to put blue in, but my friend dared me to make it pink.” I grumbled before I heard laughter from the couch. I looked over to see two unfamiliar guys. One was extremely taller than the other. “So what’s this about you becoming lesbian?” Zacky asked with a perked brow and I smiled.

“Yeah, what’s up with that cuz?” Brian asked while leaning on the wall.

“Oh… Nothing… MOM RANDOM BOYS ARE ASKING ABOUT MY SEXUAL PREFERENCE!” I screamed before she came in with a smile.

“Just remember; straight, lesbian, bi, or circle you’re not allowed to have sex in my house.” Everyone looked at her like she had three heads.

“Mom, that’s WHY I broke up with Nick, I don’t want sex.” I said turning to Zacky who was trying to hide his laughter. I felt my fingers twitching to tickle his sides.

“Zacky…” I purred before tickling him.

There was a loud bang on the door and everything went silent.

“Alex?” My mom looked at me like she somehow KNEW I did something wrong.

“I’ve been good!” I yelled before getting up to get the door.

I walked to the door and contemplated about who would be coming to the house. Cops? Well if it was maybe they were looking for Alice, since she’s been on medical leave her friends from the force have been dropping by twenty-four seven. Pizza guy? Well I doubt it, I can smell mom’s cooking from here. Nick? God I hope not. I really didn’t want to deal with him.

“Hello?” I asked as I answered the door to only be pushed aside and holding a guitar case…

“Hey.” Nicole said as Cole shoved her guitar case to me.

“Don’t worry mom it’s just a whore and my friend Nicole.” I said smiling at them.

“Love you too bitch!” Cole said as she hugged me.

“I can take my guitar back if you want. I just have it since band practice was, like, twenty minutes ago and Cole picked me up before I could leave it home.” Nicole said and I smiled.

“Nah, it’s cool. Come on I want you guys to meet my cousin and his friends. They doubled since the last time I saw him… He might be getting cool.” Cole laughed with me as Nicole just giggled while taking off her Nightmare before Christmas hoodie.

“Hey Cole, Nicole.” My mom said while hugging them both.

“Hey good lookin, whatcha cookin? I’m starved.” Cole said with a sniff at the air. She moaned and I rolled my eyes at her obvious fatness, too bad her actual appearance didn’t match her love of food. This chick was as thin as my pinky and all her fat went to her chest.

“That’s just because you’re morbidly obese.” I smiled as Zacky’s face lit up when he saw Nicole.

“You whore.” Cole yelled before smacking me.

“Hoe, you are so lucky that I have Nicole’s guitar!” I said before kicking her bum.

“Slut.” She mumbled rubbing her ass.


“Bitch .” She started to lose her composure and giggled.

“Hoe… wait I repeated that didn’t I?” I asked setting the guitar on a stand in the corner.

“Yeah, you did. Idiot.” I looked at her before smacking her.

“VIOLENCE IS NOT COOL MAN!” Nicole said with a smile.

“Aw, but we love each other.” Cole cooed as she hugged me.

“Weirdos.” Brian muttered and I attacked him with a kiss to the cheek.

“But I’m your weirdo.” I said smiling.

“You’re still weird.” Matt said with a smile.

“OH MY GOD ALEX! Why didn’t you tell me you had a hot guy here?” She asked before sitting on Matt’s lap. “Hi, I’m Cole.” She purred while kissing his cheek.

“I was about to say. I mean, they’re all good looking.” I mumbled before I locked eyes with the one on the couch.

“Hey, I’m Matt.” He said before they got into their own little worlds. I turned to see that Zacky and Nicole were in their own little world too, probably talking band talk… Both of them lived for their music and guitars.

“I wanna be in my own little world with someone too…” I pouted before I saw the black haired guy get up. “MY GOD! How tall are you?” I asked kinda bummed. I finally reached my goal of getting to Brian’s height but then this tall dude appears out of nowhere with a height that reaches the moon, not really but still.

“Six- four. Um, where’s your bathroom?” He asked kind of like he was here and he wasn’t at the same time.

“I’ll show you.” I said while grabbing his hand.

(Jimmy’s POV)

It was funny to watch how her and her friends acted around each other. The way her friend Cole and her acts makes me think a little of how Johnny and I kid around. She didn’t seem like a shy person, but her mom did say she’s changed over the years.

I got up to go to the bathroom and she surprised me when she flipped over my height. I didn’t think it was anything strange. Everyone in my family is tall, but I guess compared to vertically challenged people, like Johnny, my height is out there.

“I’ll show you.” She said before grabbing my hand. It was pretty cute to see someone Brian’s height dragging me up the stairs and away from the group. “So, what’s your name?” I heard her soft voice ask while peeking out behind her hair.

“I’m Jimmy. My stage name is Rev though.” I smiled at her confused face.

“You mean you’re in a band?” I nodded with a chuckle.

“Yeah, we’re all in the same band. Matt is lead vocals, Brian and Zacky are the guitarists, Johnny’s the bass player, and I play the drums and sing back up.” I swear I saw her whole face light up when I said I played drums.

“Really?” I nodded and she started to squeal. “Can you teach me?”

“Sure… But I don’t have a drum kit with me.” I said kind of disappointed myself.

“That’s okay. My mom bought me drums last year, but since we live in a town with few drummers I haven’t been able to find someone to teach me.” She smiled a hopeful smile.

“Well then, you just found yourself a teacher.” I smiled as I poked her nose.

“Really?” I nodded and she tackled me to the ground with her hug. “Thank you!” I laughed a little when she buried her face into my chest. Suddenly she shot up and off of me. I saw that she was turning a bright red color. “Um, I’m sorry. The bathroom is right there.” She whispered while pointing to the door on the right behind me.

I smiled and thought it’d be cute to see her blush a little more.

“Thanks.” I whispered after kissing her cheek. As I suspected she turned redder and I chuckled at her reaction.

(Alexandria’s POV)

When Jimmy kissed my cheek it felt like my head was going to meltdown mode. I haven’t really been shy around guys for years and then Brian brings him here and I’m all self-conscious… HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK?

“I gotta tell someone…” I muttered before getting off the floor and running down stairs.

I was going to tell either Cole or Nicole but they were talking to the guys. Next would have been Brian, but he was talking band talk with, I’m guessing, Johnny… MOM! I ran into the kitchen and was happy to see her smiling as she was watching the Ellen Degenerate Show.

“Mom?” I said barely above a whisper. When she heard me her head snapped in my direction. I haven’t been this quiet since I got out of my shell.

“Sweetie, you’re all red.” She said while motioning for me to go over there. I walked over and hid myself in her side. “Oh sweetie, what’s wrong? I thought you were pass all this.” She whispered while petting my hair.

“Jimmy kissed my cheek…” I mumbled and she started to laugh.

“Is that what this is about?” She questioned and I nodded. “Aw, You may be shy because, unlike with the people here, you aren’t used to him. Don’t worry it’ll pass.” She promised before kissing my temple.

“It better.” I mumbled before my stomach growled. “Is dinner almost done? I forgot breakfast and had to skip lunch to make up a test.” I pouted and she smiled.

“If you help me with the salad it’d be almost done.” I nodded and went to get the ingredients from the fridge.

“So what are we eating?” Cole asked while piling into the kitchen with everyone else.

“Fat ass.” I said while throwing veggies at her. “You are eating those.” I smiled before taking out a knife.

“So what are we eating?” Nicole asked while eying me with the blade.

“Pizza. Zacky helped me make it when we got home. I just need Alex to make the salad while Brian gets cups for soda.” She said while pointing to the cupboard behind him. She looked at the clock and then kissed my cheek. “I gotta go. Alice will be back soon so be good.” She said before racing out the door to work.

“Alice… Didn’t she go back to work today?” Nicole asked and I shrugged.

“How would I know? I don’t pay attention to cops.” I mumbled as Jimmy took over cutting the salad. “I hope you washed your hands.”

“Oops, I knew I forgot to do something.” He smiled while winking at me.

“Jackass.” I whispered with a blush.

“OH MY GOD GET A PICTURE OF THIS! She never blushes!” Cole screamed to Matt who got his cell phone out.

“IT’S JUST HOT IN HERE!” I screamed before stomping off and out the door. “Stupid shyness.” I muttered before falling into a fresh and clean snow bank. Mom would’ve yelled at me if she saw this but I don’t care. My body felt like it was on fire and the snow felt good.

(Jimmy’s POV)

I looked outside to see her lying in a snow bank while wearing a tank top and plaid pajama bottoms. I laughed quietly as I scooped up a snow ball and threw it at her.

“Brian, go away!” She screamed so I decided to throw another at her all ninja like. “BRIAN!” She screamed before turning to face me.

“Hey.” I waved to her with a smile.

“Sorry… I thought you were Brian.” She whispered as I sat next to her in the snow bank.

“If you’re truly sorry you’d come inside. My ass is freezing, how can you lay in the snow with what you have on?” I asked amazed at her.

“Born and raised in New York. I’m a survivor of freezing winters, my body naturally heats up cold temperatures.” She explained smiling.

“Let’s test that out.” I said before placing her between my legs. I smiled a little as I felt my body being warmed up. “What do you know, you’re right.” She tried to pull away and so I pulled her closer. “Are you going inside?”

“No.” She said stubbornly.

“Then neither am I, which means you’re staying near me cause I’m cold.”

(Alexandria’s POV)

My heart skipped a beat when he told me I was staying near him… I wonder why it did that.

“Fine.” I shrugged before snuggling closer to him. “Look, the sun’s going down.” I pointed to the sky as I noticed the vibrant colors.

“Beautiful.” He whispered close to my ear. I turned to him with a smile only to see him staring at me.

I felt my eyes moving from his blue orbs to his lips. They were plump and smooth. It was hard to resist kissing him, especially since I had a thing for guys with at least one piercing and his labret was just calling to me. I noticed his face was moving closer to mine and it looked like his eyes were trying to convey something, but I didn’t know what it was. We were barely centimeters apart… I could actually feel his breath on my lips.

“Alex.” He whispered before he pressed his lips to mine. I was right about it being smooth, but that’s the only detail I could get before he retracted. “I’m sorry.” He breathed before getting up and walking inside covering his lips.

“Why apologize? It was a nice first kiss.” I whispered before I felt the warm tears on my frozen cheeks.

“I saw that!” Cole sang out before her and Nicole came to my side while wearing sweaters.

“What?” I questioned before rubbing the tears away.

“You kissed him.” They said at the same time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey as the story progresses and you can think of a title feel free to tell me.
Okay so yea that is actually how my friends and I act (minus the A7X guys.... sadly)