Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 11

“Dude you found Alex?” Jason said as he ran over. I heard a bunch of other feet pounding on the earth under us.

“Shit.” I mumbled as everyone gathered around us.

"Alex, you grew!" Jason said as he eyed my chest.

"Not happening." Jimmy glared as he hovered over me. "I don't care if we are friends, you touch her and you'll never see tomorrow." I giggled at Jimmy's comment.

"Alex, you whore!" Christine yelled as I fumbled with closing my shirt. Jimmy finally sat upp and gave me his hoodie. I nodded as I quickly put it on to cover my black and pink bra. "You're so my new hero!" She beamed and I rolled my eyes.

"And he's my boner kill." Jimmy said as he saw a fuming Brian charging for him.

"What the fuck did I tell you about touching my cousin!" He yelled as I blocked Jimmy from him. "Alex move." He seethed and I glared at him. "Move."

"No! I made Jimmy hide in the tunnels so that I had an excuse to get close to him. I started it and, quite honestly, I wanted to finish it too." I said and smirked as Jimmy grabbed my waist.

"Plus you said it was cool as long as you didn't hear about it." Jimmy said and I groaned.

“Jimmy… He not only heard about it he saw it.”

“…” He stayed quiet before Bianca smacked Bri’s head.

“Nothing happened. Just calm down and let’s go back to Alex’s house, I’m cold.” Bianca said while pulling Brian away from us.

“I agree.” Matt said as him and Jason helped Jimmy and I up.

“I still hate you.” I mumbled as Jimmy wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Not my fault that you can’t pick a proper place to attack Jimbo.” Matt smiled and I just rolled my eyes.

“You idiots will be the death of me.” I whispered as we walked back to the car.


“We’re home!” I yelled and smirked when I saw my mom in a whorish outfit. “Another date?” I asked as everyone piled in.

“Whoa!” The Berry boys shouted and I grimaced.

“Dudes, that’s mi madre.” I said and then they smirked.

“We never really cared about age.” They said and I almost gagged.

“Gross.” The guys mumbled as they held their girls closer to them.

“I think we need to go to practice. Rachelle, can you fill in for Bianca today?” Nicole asked as Zacky and her stood up.

“Sure. I haven’t played in a band for a while.” Rachelle shrugged as she and Johnny stood from the love seat.

“I’m going too because I miss the band.” Bianca whimpered as Brian helped her up.

“Well you just had to go skate boarding and break your arm.” I smiled at the slight glare she gave me.

“Yeah, never again please cause that was, like, the night of the show and we kind of sucked.” Nicole said and we laughed.

“Nah you guys were kick ass, it’s just that Bianca didn’t play as good as she could of since she played with a broken arm.” Cole giggled out before Matt whispered into her ear.

“Hey that shows some true dedication!” Brian exclaimed and I smiled at him. He would still play his guitar even on his deathbed.

“Okay, well I can give you guys a lift to the practice space since Matt and I are going to go on a date.” Cole beamed and I just wanted to gag.

“Mom, Do I have any beers left?” I asked as she inched her way out the door.

“What? Oh, beers…. Um… Well you see… BYE!” She yelled as she ran out the door.




“The bitch stole my beer!” I yelled when everyone else was quiet. Suddenly the whole room erupted into fits of laughter.

“Niceeee.” Christine dragged out the word before she got up.

“You leaving too?”

“Yeah, we kind of snuck out to see you bitches.” Christine said and I looked at her oddly.

“We’re grounded since she convinced me to go streaking with her.” Alec said blushing and I smiled.

“Yeah, I’m sure it took A LOT of convincing.” I winked and he turned red.

“Alex… you and I have to talk later.” Christine said and I smiled.

“KAY!” I beamed before Everyone who was leaving came to hug us bye. “You all SUCK!” I screamed as they were walking out the door.

“No! I swallow!” Cole said before everyone laughed at her again.

They closed the door and it just left me with three boys…

“I feel like Imma get raped…” I mumbled and the Berry twins just smiled at me. “… Jimmy, please don’t leave me alone with these idiots.” I whispered and he smiled.

“Never imagined it.” He whispered back and I smiled.

“Kay, well I gotta get dress.” I said as I got up. “Boys, if all the drugs and alcohol hasn’t gotten to your brains, you know where everything is. Jimmy if you find beer, I’m sharing with you.” I said before skipping up the stairs.

(Jimmy’s POV)

“We should go check on her.” Matt whispered to Jason.

“Yeah she’s been gone for a long time..”

“Do it and I’ll make sure you’ll never touch anyone again, not even yourselves.” I warned them as I flipped over the couch to the kitchen.

“So you really like her?” Matt asked as they followed me.

“Yeah. I don’t know how it happened, but I knew I liked her since I gave her a kiss the day I met her.” I said and they grinned at me.

“You know Nikki still asks about you.” Jason teased and I just rolled my eyes.

“I’m not going back to her. I don’t want someone cheating on me and getting pregnant. Especially if the baby is the other dude’s and she expects me to pay for her and the child.” I explained as I opened the fridge to see a huge amount of beer.

“That’s fair.” They said and I nodded as I handed them a beer.

“How did Bri react to this? I mean, she’s always been his little angel.” Matt said and I sighed.

“Yeah, like he’d freaking break down after talking to her. Something about how she just reminds him how dirty he is with sin while she’s clean yada, yada.” Jason chimed in and I felt myself getting agitated.

“Yeah, Bri doesn’t like that I’m dating her, but he’ll get over himself soon.” At least I hope he will. Brian doesn’t hold grudges, but when he does it’s like the person is living in hell. “I think right now you guys should be happy she hasn’t killed you.” I chuckled when recalling her glare.

“Hey, I totally didn’t mean to walk in on your sex fest in the tunnels but that’s public and you should be happy that I walked in and not the police.” Matt exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

“What ever dude.” I jumped slightly when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and someone resting their chin on my shoulder. I turned my head so that I could see Alex’s beautiful smile. “Still wearing my hoodie?”

“It’s comfy.” She whispered before kissing me lightly. “And it smells like you.”

“So you like the smell of sweat and booze?” Jason asked and she flipped him off. “I feel offended!”

“And I feel afraid to go to bed every time I’m near you guys. Jimmy, sleep in my bed again.” She begged and I smiled.

“Whoa! You guys already slept together?” Matt asked and I grinned while pulling her to my side.

“Yup.” I boasted as I saw her outfit of choice. It was a black camisole that dipped low into her chest and a pair of black boxers. “Why are you wearing something like that with these two around?” I asked and she turned to me with a smile.

“I’m sure you can imagine why.” She beamed before sitting on my lap. “You should sit more often.”


“Because I feel less short when you sit.” My jaw dropped at her comment.

“Really?” I asked while sitting up. She slid down and I gasped as I felt her rubbing against me. I smiled when she fell on the floor with a thump.

“Jimmy that’s mean!” She whined as I started laughing.

“Come on, girlie.” Matt said as he picked her up and draped her body over his shoulder.

“I feel violated.” She muttered and Jason laughed.

“Awe we didn’t even get that far yet.” He said and I charged for him. “Whoa, Matt quick! I’ll hold him back!”

Matt made a mad dash out as I tried to get past Jason. I knew how these guys were, they really didn’t mind age when it came to satisfying their lust.

“Oh my god Matt!” Alex screamed and I felt the anger rising inside of me.

“Move out of my way.” I seethed and Jason backed up quickly. It wasn’t often that I got angry, especially over a girl, but when I did it could get pretty bad.

“Jimmy! Make him stop!” Alex screamed between her laughter. Matt was tickling her like crazy.

“What did you think we’d rape her?” Jason asked as Matt stopped.

“… Yes.”

“Ew gross. We may enjoy satisfying our needs, but Alex is like one of the guys. She was hands off forever.” Matt explained and I sighed. I was happy I didn’t have to kill one of my friends.

“Hey, don’t you boys have to go visit someone?” Alex asked and I gave them a questioning look.

“Yeah, we should really go meet these bitches.” Matt sighed and I got more lost.

“What the fuck am I missing?”

“Our Aunt moved up here because she couldn’t live in the heat anymore, so as part of us staying here we have to visit her.” Jason explained as Matt and him put on their coats.

“Talk to you guys later.” They said before hugging Alex and heading out the door.

“Bye…” God I was so lost. I swear after Matt busted us I was just out of it.

“Jimmy?” Alex said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Hmm?” She pulled me down so that she could kiss me.

“We’re home alone.” She whispered and I smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so im sorry it took for so long. between the lack of school, school, chores, puppies, other stories, and forgetting that I still have to read a book i borrowed from my friend i totally put this off so I can work on the story with Johnny's twin ^^. haha but love me since i got chapter 11 up