Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 14

I lost track of where I ran to. I could’ve surveyed the area and process where I was, if only I could see. The tears that refused to fall were stagnant in my eyes as I blinked repeatedly.

“Calm the fuck down!” I screamed as I gasped for air.

Between my wild heart beat, my erratic breathing, my raw emotions, and the adrenalin pumping through my veins I was on the verge of going into a black place. A place so dark and lonely that it could possibly consume me whole.

“Alex!” I heard a voice call and started to have a panic attack.

“Hide, just hide.” I whispered as I went to climb the sturdy old oak.

“Alexandria!” Jimmy yelled as he stopped in front of the tree.

I drew my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. In order to fight back the sobs, I bit my lips so hard that I started to taste the blood. The freezing wind bit at my bear arms and I cursed myself for not grabbing my hoodie.

“Alex, please!” He begged before falling to the floor and letting out a scream of anguish. “I’m going to kill Brian.” He growled and I bit my lips harder.

“Ow!” I screamed when the teeth bit into the tender flesh even harder.

“Alex!” Jimmy beamed as he climbed up next to me. “Oh, your lip.” He whispered before I felt his mouth on mine. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and licked the wound lightly.

I moaned slightly before pulling away from him. He looked stunned as I stared at him with cold eyes that, hopefully, said ‘Stay away.’ He rubbed my cheek bone and I looked away from him and stared at the ground below us.

“Alex, please talk to me.” He pleaded and I just remained silent. A few seconds passed in silence before he grabbed my chin and turned my face toward his. “Alex, I love you so much.” He sighed as he looked into my hollow eyes.

I was shivering in my place as the snow fell down on my bare shoulders and hair. I was going to look like a wet dog by the time I got back to the house… if I made it back to the house. I could possibly freeze to death out here.

“C-cold.” I stuttered as he moved to return home.


“I-I’m c-cold.” I repeated as my body started shivering so badly that it was sending vibrations to the tree, in turn the tree branches shook causing more snow to fall on me.

“Oh yeah! Here.” He chuckled slightly as I snatched the hoodie he produced from inside his shirt. “Alex, you’re lips are turning blue.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you had a child?” I asked as he held me closer to him. I didn’t reject the hug or anything that consisted of getting warm.

“Because she’s not my kid. My ex-girlfriend, Stacey, got pregnant I seriously thought it was mine and got jobs to take care of the child and her, but three months after the baby was born we started seeing all of Stacey and some other traits in the baby… but none of me. I loved that kid and I was sad when I found out that he wasn’t mine but some other guy’s son. Stacey wanted me to always be miserable since I told her that I was gone, so she stalks me and calls me and texts me all that shit. Normally I’d tell her to leave me alone, and she wouldn’t, but I’ve been so busy thinking about you, spending time with you, and loving you that I never respond to her contacts anymore. I swear Alex, I love you and I never thought of using you for sex. I mean, yes I’d need a lot of privet time alone but I’d rather be with you for the rest of my life, with no sex, then lose you.” He said and I found myself understanding his reasoning, I hated that there was something that was telling me to trust him, but I did.

“I c-can’t move.” I lied and heard him chuckle.

“Let’s get out of the cold.” He whispered as he helped me out of the tree.


(Jimmy’s POV)

By the time we got back to the house, she was already asleep in my arms. Brian saw us and smiled as I stared at him blankly. The girls and the other guys smiled when they saw that Alex was safe and sound.

“Jimmy, I’m so so--” Brian started but I turned away and walked towards the stairs.

“She’s freezing; I need to get her warm.” I explained as I looked at Bri. “I think she forgave me, so we’re cool.” I smiled and his face lit up.

“Okay.” He said and sat back down.

“We’ll sleep with the boys again tonight.” Cole said and I smiled at her offer.

“Okay.” I called as I ascended the stairs while holding her shivering body close to my chest.

“I love you Jimmy.” I heard her mutter and I looked down.

Her eyes were barely open and I could tell she was drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness. Her wet blond hair clung to the side of her face as the pink strands were placed at the corner of her mouth. Her slender white fingers trembled as the reached my lips and rubbed my bottom one.

“I love you too.” I whispered before kissing her slender finger.

“Please, don’t leave me.” She whispered as she lost the battle to stay awake.

“Never thought of it.” I whispered as I opened her bedroom door and walked her to her bed.

When she was laying on her bed, I quickly ran to lock her door. I knew that if she fell asleep in her clothes she would probably freeze, so I went to her drawers and fished out a pair of underwear and her pajamas. I chose her black fuzzy guitar pants and a pure black long-sleeved shirt.

I walked back to her and tried to wake her; she wouldn’t even swat my hand away. I sighed before realizing I’d have to do this myself.

“Don’t get mad.” I said before I removed her clothes. I stared at her as she laid there with her hair fanned out and her right hand by her face and her left arm draped over her stomach. Her head was turned to face her hand and her lips were parted slightly. “Wow.” I breathed as I saw how gorgeous she looked.

I shook my head as I felt the tightness of my pants; I need to think of something else. Johnny in a speedo… it worked. I sighed as I let my eyes burn her image into my mind before dressing her. After I finished putting on her bottoms she stirred and woke up slightly.

“Jimmy?” She questioned as she looked down at herself.

“If I left the wet clothes on you would’ve froze.” I explained and she smiled before cuddling up to me. I gulped as I felt her bare chest pressing against me. I had to think of Brian’s angry face to kill the boner that was rising.

“I love you Jimmy, but I hate how you can kill my anger towards you.” She mumbled and I smiled as she fell asleep and I rested my cheek on her head.

“I love you too.” I whispered and started to drift off too.