Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 15

“MERRY CHRISTMAS JIMMY AND ALEX!” I heard someone shout and I wanted to punch their face in.

“Go away.” I mumbled with my eyes closed.

“Well then lets pull the covers back and drag you out of bed!”

“NO!” Jimmy shouted while tightening the covers around us tighter.

“Why not?” Bri-bear asked as I heard him walk into the room.

“Cause I’ll bash in your faces.” I grumbled as I snuggled closer to Jimmy’s bare chest. Suddenly I realized that my bare chest was resting on his. “WHAT THE FUCK?” I screamed sitting in my bed.

“My god! Alex’s chest!” Cole screamed before running out of the room.

“Jimmy!” Bri growled and I threw a pillow at him.

“Get out Bri!” I yelled. He grumbled but walked out and closed the door.

“Alex, nothing happened. You fell asleep and I had to change you, I swear.” He panicked and I nodded with a smile.


“Okay?” I laughed slightly.

“Yes, okay. I’m sorry for overreacting last night… I just got jealous.” I admitted before biting down on my lip.

“Jealous? Why?” He asked and I sighed before sitting on his lap.

“I didn’t like that you supposedly had a kid because it made me think ‘What if he went back with the mother?’ and that hurt.” I whispered the last part and he laughed before kissing me lightly.

“I love you Alex, I would never go back with Stacey.” He said and I grinned.

“Good.” I smiled before pressing my lips to his in a heated kiss.

I felt his hands at my jaw and neck as mince slid into his hair and interlaced with his roots. We fell backwards, so Jimmy was laying on his back and I was laying half on top of him and half off of him. His hands made their way down so that they were resting on top of my breast. I broke the kiss to breathe while his lips moved along my jaw line and down to my chest.

“Hey you gu- HOLY FUCKING TALKING SHIT MONKEYS!” Christine yelled and I cursed her whole existence.

“Every time.” He growled as I got off of him and went to my dresser to change into a less hot pair of jammies. I picked out a pair of boxers and a cammi set.

“I hate you.” I told Christine as Jimmy and I made our way down stairs.

“Well I didn’t plan on walking in on you to getting ready to screw!” She said and I sighed.

“Whatever. What time is it?” I asked and they grinned.

“Seven.” I turned to them like they had five fucking heads.

“And why are we up?” I asked as Jimmy sat down and pulled me into his lap.

“Cause today is Christmas!” They said and I rolled my eyes.

“Whoopty do! Now why couldn’t we do this at like twelve?” I asked and they grinned.

“We wanted to bug you.” Cole said simply and I smirked.

“Of course. Well, shouldn’t we open presents now?” I asked and they squealed before running to the tree.

“Sweet!” Cole said as she handed out the gifts.

“Merry Christmas Alex.” Jimmy said before he placed a box on my lap and kissed my neck

“Jimmy, should I be afraid?” I asked as I opened the box.

“Nope.” He mumbled against my neck. I rolled my eyes as I felt shivers spreading across my body. He smirked when he felt them too and pulled me closer to him.

“Open it!” Stiney screamed and I rolled my eyes before removing the tissue paper.

“Jimmy… this is… wow.” I breathed as I looked at the key necklace that had a heart and a brilliant round diamond nestled in swirls of sterling silver.

I remembered the necklace as the one I told Jimmy I liked when we went to the mall a few days ago. He must have bought it at some point when we weren’t together, maybe when we were fighting.

“Stand up.” He whispered and I was snapped out of my daze. I nodded and got off of his lap. “Give me.” He pointed to the box and I obliged.

“This is the most obedient she’s ever been!” Cole said and I flipped her off. “Mean.”

“Bit--” I went to say but Jimmy’s mouth was on mine and I instantly buried my fingers into his hair. We moaned into the kiss and I felt something cold being placed around my neck and Jimmy’s hand was roaming up and down my warm flesh.

“ENOUGH!” The guys yelled, but we didn’t stop. We broke the kiss but his lips soon found my jaw line and he started to leave butterfly kisses all the way down to the shirt lining.

“Damn!” Stiney and Cole said before I felt hands wrapped around my waist and pulling me away.

“Jimmy, not in front of us!” Zacky groaned as Matt held me back.

“Mean.” We said in unison.

“Can we just get back to presents?” Johnny asked and I shrugged.



After we opened all the gifts my mom and the other ‘adults’ came home and started telling us to open gifts. I swear to God, if I see one more piece of wrapping paper I’m going to scream and go on a murderous rampage! I mean, Jimmy and I spent an hour picking up the trash and then another two hours after that trying to pick up the trash again after they thought it’d be funny to have a paper ball fight, needless to say I hated them all right now.

“Dinner’s almost done!” The moms called from the kitchen as we watched Elf. I never did like this movie, but everyone told me that we weren’t watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas after the second time. What can I say? I like me some Dr. Seuss.

I laid my head down on Jimmy’s lap aswe, he, sat on the floor. We weren’t the only ones on the floor, Nicole and Zacky also joined us. Matt, Cole, Bianca, and Brian took up the one couch closest to the window. Rachelle, Johnny, Matt B., and Jason sat on the couch that had a curve to it, allowing my sister to sit on her boyfriend’s lap. Stiney and Alex were sitting on the love seat and the adults were spread around; some sitting and some standing. I kept playing with the key charm as my lids fought to stay awake.

“Baby, you okay?” Jimmy asked and I smiled weakly at him.

“Hmm? Just cold and a bit tired.” I said and he looked perplexed. “What?” I asked and his forehead was instantly at mine.

“I think you’re sick.” He said and I sighed.

“Just my luck.” I whispered a bit pissed off. I didn’t want to be sick since I was such a bitchy airhead when I don’t feel well.

“Well you feel a little warm and cold, so I could be wrong.” He said and I nodded. I kinda, little, lotta bit hoped he was wrong.

“Awe!” Zacky and Nicole cooed as they looked at us.

“Shut it! I’m still mad at you two.” I pouted and they grinned impishly.

“Nicole threw the first paper ball.” Zacky defended and Nicole scoffed.

“Zacky was the one who screamed ‘PAPER BALL FIGHT!’” Nicole said and I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, well you both didn’t help Jimmy and I clean up.” I said and they smiled again.

“Sorry.” They said and I rolled my eyes again.

“Sure you are.” I mumbled before we sat down to our lasagna dinner.

The dinner was filled with mindless chatter and everyone scarfing down the home made food. I would’ve joined, but for some reason I lost my appetite and just quietly sat back to drink my beer. It pissed me off more that I wasn’t like the rest and devouring the food, since all the mothers were excellent cooks and only did this on special occasions. I loved the home made stuff, even the sauce was homemade, and was normally the first to grab as much as I could and bask in the taste of the awesomeness of it all, but I offered my plate of food to Jimmy who already had three plates before people told him to back off or lose a hand. He obliged since he still needed to play drums in the band.

Near the end, where people were just sitting in their chairs after being fat asses, I felt light headed and was leaning on Jimmy’s chest. People, my sister and mom, stared at me weirdly since I hardly touched my plate, and offered it to Jimmy, knowing that I’d rather die than pass up on good grub.

“Alex?” My mom said and I forced my eyes to focus on the spinning woman, yup I was sick.


“Are you drunk?” My mom asked and I laughed slightly.

“Nope.” I popped the ‘P’. “I didn’t even finish my first beer, I gave it to Jimmy.” I told them and my mom rushed over and placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

“Baby girl, you’re burning up.” She said after quickly retracting her hand. I scoffed.

“I figured since my vision is blurry.” I whispered before I felt someone picking me up.

“I’ll take her to bed.” Jimmy said before I closed my eyes as my head laid on his chest.

“Thank you.” I heard my mom whisper.

I felt my body rocking as Jimmy carried me all the way to my room. I chuckled slightly as I realized that Jimmy’s done this a few times before. I felt his arm on my lower back slide up so it was near my shoulder blades. It didn’t take long for me to hear the door creaking, indicating that it was opening, and to feel my soft mattress under me.

“Don’t go.” I whispered with my eyes still closed.

“Okay, let me just shut the door.” I nodded and felt the bed rise as he got off. Soon I heard the soft click and felt the bed fall again. “Go to sleep babe.” He ordered and I smirked.

“Tell me a story.” I pleaded, only keeping my eyes closed cause the light hurt them.

“Okay. Once upon a time there was this boy who lived for his friends, drums, and getting his next buzz. He hated his friend Syn though ‘cause he boasted about this perfect little angel that made him feel like shit. He always found himself thinking ‘Is Syn telling me about this girl so I could straighten up and be like that straight edge bitch?’ See, Syn knew that Plague had abused drugs and alcohol and didn’t like it. Syn wanted to see Plague living a happy, drug free, life, but at the same time he couldn’t help to love talking about his cousin that was like a baby sister to him. Plague didn’t understand that amount of love since he didn’t love anything more than his drums and drugs. Soon Syn told Shadow, Vengeance, and Christ about Plague’s habits and he was forced to go through major detox. Plague soon realized that Syn had done the right thing and couldn’t wait to meet this angel that kept Syn from screwing up too bad. See, Syn was the type to make poor choices, just like Plague, but he soon realized what he had done was wrong and he didn’t want to upset this precious angel that he knew looked up to him.” I smiled at the story so far, knowing that this was about all of us.

“What happened next?” I asked peeking at his smiling face through my lashes.

“Well Syn announced that he was going to… Neverland to see his little cousin and Plague used it as an excuse to meet this girl he always seemed to have just missed meeting in the past. Syn didn’t understand why everyone went with him but he didn’t care, he figured ‘the more the merrier.’ Plague saw this angel for the first time as she ran into her house angry and the only thing he knew was that she was utterly beautiful, a temptress, and she captured his breath.” I smiled a bit wider and blushed slightly.

“She sounds amazing.” I whispered and he laughed lightly.

“She’s the most beautiful creature he’s ever met, even with the demons that haunted her. Plague fell hard for her, and there was not one instant that he wanted to get up from the fall. He loved her with all his heart, even with the few days they knew each other, and knew he wanted her in his life forever.” He kissed my forehead and I giggled.

“So what happens now?” I asked like a child would if their parent was telling them a story.

“Well Plague wants to always be with Angel, especially since he finally won her heart, but only time and Angel can tell what happens now.” He whispered before kissing my lips. I pulled back and he whimpered.

“I’ll get you sick.” I said and he grinned.

“So get me sick.” He whispered against my lips and I felt his hand go up my shirt and under my bra. “I want a reason to be near you forever and always.” He whispered before kissing me roughly.

“Jimmy.” I moaned as his lips traced my stomach and he pulled down my shorts and hot pants. “What are you doing?” I breathed as I felt slight pressure on my clit and his lips on my inner thighs.

“You let me release some sexual frustration, so I’m going to do the same for you.” He spoke simply causing his breath to his my opening and for me to shudder from the contact.

I felt his tongue plunge into me, liking up all my juices and drinking it. I moaned lightly as I gripped at his hair and bucked up my hips. His moans vibrated through my core and I moaned again. To my displeasure he pulled away and I whimpered. He chuckled slightly before inserting a finger. I grunted slightly as he twirled it around, allowing me to feel his nail on my walls, before begging for more.

“Anything for you princess.” He said and inserted one more finger. He started pumping me faster and I moaned slightly.

“Oh GOD!” I bit down as I clawed on mattress.

He took out his fingers and put his face back to entrance. He inhaled deeply before breathing on my sensitive opening. Soon his mouth was pressed to me and his tongue was lapping it up. I felt my body tense up as he ate me out. Soon I felt hotter than I did earlier and then entered a state of pure ecstasy bliss.

“You taste great.” Jimmy breathed before pulling up my pants.

“Fuck, that felt great.” I panted out before he pulled me close to him.

“I love you.” He breathed before kissing me.

“I love you too.” I whispered before closing my eyes for the night.
♠ ♠ ♠

wow so one of my stories got reported cause they couldn't read it WELL YA KNOW WHAT I HIGHLIGHT SHIT ON OTHER STORIES SO YOU CAN DO THE SAME! sorry thats a stupid reason to report someone and I try to fix it but it don't work. so can it before i pull off all my stories. I'll do it too. dont tempt me when im sick. anyways i wanted to update this because i love you guys.. loved is more like it. and once i find out who reported me ill tell you all i love you again, except this person