Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 2

(Jimmy’s POV)

What the fuck was I thinking about? Doing that to a girl I just met, and to top it off it’s one of my best friend’s little cousin, who just broke up with her boyfriend! I mentally screamed at myself.

“DUDE! Brian is going to murder you if he ever finds out.” Zacky said while popping out of no where.

“Dude, where did you get your ninja skills? Like damn, I didn’t even notice you.” I said with a smile.

“I got them from being around you too much. Now what are you going to do? You just kissed his little cousin!” Zacky said before hitting his forehead. “Let’s not forget that she’s crying too.” I went bug eyed when he said that.

“Please tell me you’re shitting me.” I said before running to go look outside… sure enough she was crying. “Damn.” I muttered as I felt my heart squeeze in pain. I really didn’t like making people cry.

“Hey guys,” I jumped when I heard Brian’s voice. “Okay… Dinner’s ready. Tell the girls please.” We nodded before he left while calling us weirdos.

“I can’t go out there.” I told Zacky before he pushed me outside. “Traitor!” I yelled catching the girls’ attention.

“Hey Jimmy.” They said like normal, I hope they weren’t mad at me.

“Hey, food’s done.” I said as they got up.

“FOOD!” Cole screamed while taking Nicole’s hand and running past me.

“Alex…” I whispered as she walked past me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kiss you. I’m not normally like that and you probably have a girlfriend. Let’s just pretend it didn’t happen.” She said before disappearing into the house.

I knelt down putting my head down and ruffling my hair. I heard foot steps in front of me and then felt Zacky’s hand on my back.

“She said that she’s willing to forget about it.” I could tell that he was sounding cheerful for my sake but…

“I don’t want to forget it.” I mumbled before getting up and going inside.

(Alexandria’s POV)

“Hey, pizza’s ready.” Brian said as I walked past him.

“Okay just let me change.” I called before going upstairs.

“Just hurry. Alice will be home soon and she eats, like, everything.” I laughed at his joke before going into my room.

“Is it bad that I don’t want to forget?” I asked myself as I turned on my bedroom light. I looked at the walls filled with posters and pictures of every one I care about, thankfully Nick was never put up… At least not pictures of the last five weeks, and sighed. “I should redo my room soon.” I mumbled as I walked to my black wooden dresser to pull out a pair of boxers, bra, and an over-sized Misfits t-shirt.

I smiled as I walked over to my drums that Nicole helped me set up.

“Thank god for band geek friends.” I mumbled as I traced the cymbal. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the drums, I mean my friends did offer to teach me how to play other instruments but the drums were more me. I shook my head and quickly changed into the warm clothes and set the wet ones into the dirty hamper bin.

I heard my cell go off from my bag and quickly went to answer it… I don’t know who’d want to talk to me now at this hour but whatever.

“Hello?” I answered before the other person turned off their phone. “… Okay.” I mumbled before throwing my phone on my bed. Suddenly it beeped, indicating I had a text.

‘Hey Alex. I wanted 2 kno if ud fck me lik u did Nick.’ I stared at the screen and number in shock.

“Time for a new number… Again.” I said as more texts, like that, came through. I walked out of my room and down the stairs with my phone in hand.

“Damn girl what’s with that beeping?” Cole asked when I entered the kitchen.

“It’s gonna stop soon.” I mumbled while filling a cup of water up. “See.” I said as I dropped the phone into the glass.

“Alex! That phone was like a fortune!” Cole screeched as she tried to get the cup from my hand. I held it above my head to stop her, thank god she’s short.

“Cole, it’s time for a new phone number.” I said and she instantly stopped.

“I thought you were done getting new numbers and phones.” She pouted before walking away.

“Me too.”

“Wait, so why are people harassing you this time?” Nicole asked before taking a bite of her pizza.

“What?” Brian asked as all the guys’ heads snapped in my direction.

“Thanks Nicole.” She mouthed a sorry and I shrugged. “Apparently Nick told everyone that he dumped me cause he got in bed with me. No biggie.” I shrugged and I swear Brian’s head was about to explode.

“NO BIGGIE? I’m going to kill him!” He yelled and I laughed.

“Have fun.” I said as I walked to an open spot to get to the pizza… It was near Jimmy… I don’t think God was on my side today.

“Hey are you okay?” He whispered with a weak smile.

“Fine. They don’t mean anything to me.” I beamed up to him. He looked shocked but nodded his head anyway.

“Okay.” I could feel the air growing think in the kitchen. I looked to see if anyone else noticed and it seemed Brian and Johnny did.

“So who wants to watch a movie?” I asked reaching for the last slice. “Ouch!” I yelped pulling my hand back when Cole stabbed me with a fork “What the fuck?” I said as she threw a fork at me.

“I challenge you, for that last slice of pizza! ON-GUARD!” She said clanking the forks.

“Bitch I will shank you!” I said going over to her side.

(Jimmy’s POV)

“I bet Cole gets the last slice.” Matt said with a smile as we watched the girls have a duel to see who gets the last slice. Nicole and Zacky agreed with him.

“Nah, Alex can hold her own.” Brian said while betting on his cousin. Johnny agreed because she scared him earlier.

“I bet I can determine who gets the last slice.” I smiled and grabbed the last slice. I ran over to where the girls were and took a bite of the pizza in front of them.

“Jimmy!” Cole screamed while putting down her fork. She sulked over towards Matt. “I really wanted that.”

“Alex, you still want it?” I asked holding it out towards her.

“Thanks!” She took it with a smile and began to walk towards the living room.

“I was kidding!” I wanted the pizza too.

“Aww, do you really want it?” She asked before taking a bite out of it.

“Yes.” I pouted while sitting on the tan chair. I grunted when she plopped down on me. “What are you doing?” I asked with a perked brow.

“Sharing.” She stated while putting the pizza near my mouth. I took a bite out of it and kissed her cheek.

(Zacky’s POV)

“Aw. They look cute together.” Nicole said while sitting next to me.

“Yeah… Watch they ruin things.” I smiled at her when she made a face at me.

“Don’t jinx that shizz.” I laughed at her before kissing her forehead.

“You’re so cute.” I said as I held her close to my chest.

“You’re so disgusting.” Brian said as he moved past us and to the seat next to Johnny… We need to find them girls.

(Cole’s POV)

I knew keeping that girl around was such a great idea; well I would’ve kept her around even if she didn’t know these fine mofos. But DAMN Matt is sexy.

“Matt do you have a girlfriend?” I asked while sitting on his lap. He adjusted me so that I was up close to his chest.

“No, why would you like to be mine?” I almost said yes but I knew that would seem weird since we barely knew each other.

“Give it time then ask me again.” I said winking at him. I saw his dimples and I swear I almost raped him right there. “So Brian what movie did you put in?” I asked distracting myself from the hottness I was sitting on.

“The Unborn.” Alex and I groaned at his choice. “What?” He asked as he pressed play.
“We already saw this.” I said with a whining tone.

“And made fun of it.” Alex said with a giggle. I could see that she pulled the covers that rested on the back of the chair over her and Jimmy. I raised my brow and got to thinking that they were doing something.

“Do you want me to change the movie?” He asked and Alex and I just said no.

(Alexandria’s POV)

I went to go eat the last piece when Jimmy’s face came into contact with my hand.

“Dude! You nearly ate my finger tips.” I whimpered while blowing on the bite marks.

“I’m sorry. Here let me see.” He took each finger and kissed it before blowing on the whole hand. “Better?” He whispered against my fingers.

“Y-yeah.” I mumbled before I gasped as I felt something cold on my back. “What are you doing?” I giggled out as I felt him writing.

“It’s a game. Guess what I’m drawing or writing. The movie is boring so I’m entertaining the both of us… I just can’t draw with your shirt in the way.” He explained and I smiled.

“Fine, just don’t undo my bra.” I shivered lightly as I felt chills running down my spine.

“Deal. Now what am I writing.” I smiled up at him before closing my eyes. I concentrated on every movement to my back.

“D-R-E-A-M-S… Dreams.” He nodded with a smile. “Cool. Now what’s my prize?” I asked sweetly.

“Count how many you get right and we’ll decide later.” He whispered into the side of my hair. “Now it’s a picture.”

“Wings…” He smiled down to me. “Two right.”

After I got ten right and five wrong he ran out of ideas of what to write or draw so I slid my hand under his shirt to continue the game. Only mine had a little twist to it. It was twenty questions on his chest. The first thing I asked was if he had a girlfriend. He answered by writing on my back. I smiled when he wrote ‘no’… Does that make me a bitch?

By the time the movie ended I learned that he started playing drums at five and was a natural genius. He was still going to teach me drums until I was beast at it. His favorite color is red, he likes the band Guns ‘N Roses, he was born on February tenth, has two siblings, is eighteen so he has a ‘FICTION’ tattoo going down his chest, wants more tattoos, loves to make people smile, can sing and has written some of the songs that the band plays, and that he was already into alcohol. Yup, he was my type.

“Night Jimmy…” I trailed off before I fell asleep.

(Jimmy’s POV)

“Brian, where’s her room?” I asked while showing him she fell asleep on us.

“Up the stairs turn to the left first door on the right. If one of us gets our lazy bums up and turns on the light her door is the black one.” Cole said before going back to making out with Matt.

“Thanks.” I said while getting off the chair and walking to her room. “Up the stairs, turn left, first door on the right… Here it is” I said feeling quite accomplished.

I opened the door to her room and my mouth dropped when I saw it. Thankfully the light was already on so I didn’t have to turn that shit on. But my god! Her room had massive band posters covering every inch of wall, and if it wasn’t a poster it was a picture of her with someone. Her bed was queen-sized and had a white and black checkered comforter and pillows on it. She had a vanity on the opposite corner of her bed. Nail polish, make up, and jewelry was thrown all over the top of it. In front of her bed was a treasure chest that was opened to reveal thousands of CDs. Below her window was a glass desk with an HP touch screen laptop, iPod, and radio on it. On the right side of her bed was her dresser, with more pictures on it, and on the left was a set of beautiful black DW drums.

“Ngn.” She stirred in my arms and I figured I should stop gawking and set her down.

“Here you go princess.” I chuckled as I set her down on her bed and covered her up.

“Well I’ll be going no--” I was surprised when she grabbed my hand.

“Jimmy… I don’t want to forget about the kiss.” She said before closing her eyes again. I chuckled and knelt down next to her.

“So we agree with that?” I asked before kissing her lips.

“Jimmy! What are you doing to my cousin?” I jumped when I heard Brian’s voice.

“Hey, Bri. It wasn’t anything…” I mumbled with a smile.

“You kissed her. You’re lucky I love you. If I didn’t you’d be dead. But tonight you’re sleeping in the bathtub.” Brian said before walking away.

“It was worth it.” I whispered before kissing her again. “Sweet dreams.” I whispered before kissing her forehead.

“Dude, pull back now before Brian sees this!” Johnny whispered with a smile. I nodded and pulled myself away from her.

“Good night.” I whispered before turning off the lights. “Thanks short shit.” I said before giving him a punch to the right shoulder. “Well good night.” I said before disappearing into the bathroom to sleep in the tub.
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hmmm Jimmy's smarter than her so he realizes things faster ^^
Comments are loved and will allow you to get a cookie. Yes the story will magically allow a cookie to appear before you ^^. sorry i'm starting up on my sleep deprivation since schools starting up again