Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Cahpter 21

"Turn it off and come back to bed." Jimmy muttered as he released his vice grip.

I giggled and hit the snooze button on top of my black digital clock. I turn to face Jimmy when I heard him grumbling about being cold and how he didn't want to be up. Rolling my eyes I swung my leg over his waist and straddled him.

"You learn to get used to being cold at one point." I whispered and he smiled up at me.

"Mm. This is a good way to start the morning." He beamed as he sat up causing me to fall more onto him.

"Jimmy." I moaned before someone barged into the room.

“AH GOD! MY VIRGIN EYES!” Cole screamed.

“Your eyes are not virgins if you saw Matt fucking naked!” I laughed out and she looked at me seriously.

“So your eyes haven’t been a virgin since you were ten?” She asked and my mouth dropped.

“They told you?” I asked and a wicked grin spread across her face.

“Well yes but I didn’t believe it, but I think I’ll tell everyone else now.” She beamed before turning around. “HEY EVERYONE! ALEX HAS SEEN MATT NAKED!” She shouted before closing the door.

“What a major boner kill.” Jimmy mumbled and I giggled as I got off of him. “Did you seriously see Matt naked?” He asked and I shrugged.

“I was with Bri, Matt, and Zack over the summer and we went to the beach. Bri was talking to me and Matt and Zack was goofing around and Zack pulled down Matt’s swim shorts. Jimmy, the whole beach saw him naked.” I explained and he laughed.

“Damn where the hell was I?” He laughed and I raised a brow at him.

“You want to see Matt naked?” I asked as I climbed off of him.

“No, but I would’ve gotten to see you in your swim suit.” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

“Pig.” I said as I threw his boxers at him.

“Hey! I’m a healthy growing boy!” He argued and I scoffed.

“You don’t need to be that tall. You’re like freakishly tall.” I grinned evilly at him as I put on my clothes.

“I’m not freakishly tall! You’re freakishly short!” He beamed and I pouted.

“I’m not short. I’m fun sized…” I pouted and he ‘Awed’ at me… fucking bastard awed me… “You know what, I’m not talking to you anymore.” I muttered as I placed my jewelry on me.

“B-but baby!” He whined as he snatched my belt from me.

“No. you make fun of my shortness and then ‘awe’ when I say I’m fun sized. You’re mean.” I said while fighting back my giggles.

“But I can’t help it.” He growled as helped place the belt on over my corset. Soon he attached his lips to my neck and I moaned. Jimmy seriously is a beast when it came to body contact.

“Dude… let my cousin go. The girls are waiting for her so they can go to school.” Brian said from my doorway… in his boxers.

“Dude… I know you probably have chicks bowing down to see you in your boxers, but I don’t want to so please put more clothes on.” I stated as I grabbed my tote bag and shoved my way past him.

“Please, I’m hot.” He said with a cocky tone.

“You’re not my type.” I said with a wink over my shoulder and a smirk.

“Ew. Who wants to be your type? You’re not worth a second glance.” He grinned and I glared at him playfully.

“Really? That’s not what Jimmy moaned last night when I was ri--”

“Don’t you dare finish that, or I’ll have to castrate one of my best friends.” Brian warned me and I laughed slightly.

“Dude, is this going to be a boxers party while we have to suffer through school?” Bianca asked as we walked down to where the girls and Alex was waiting for me.

“Yup.” Matt said as he hugged Cole close to his body.

"Gross." I muttered as I pulled Cole away from him and out to the car.

"Have fun!" The guys sang and we all flipped them off.

"We hate you!" We sang back, but with better pitches.


“And that’s why the Earth is an oblate sphere.” Mrs. Weast said and I banged my head on the lab table.

“So fucking boring!” I groaned as I heard Cole’s giggles.

“If it wasn’t for me you’d fail this class.” She said and I groaned before banging my head some more.

“Who the fuck ever decided that I needed to know this crap needs to die the most violent death ever. Cole, go plan their death!” I ordered and she gave me a look.

“Why me?” She asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Because you plot the best deaths. Remember the cheese grater one?” I asked and she smirked.

“I was so tempted to use it to. Who the fuck makes innocent girls run laps just because?” she asked and I chuckled.

“Dude, we kept skipping gym, of course the gym teacher would through a bitch fit cause we kept skipping his class.” I said and she huffed.

“Well, who said we needed to play dodge ball?” She asked while shaking her head. “I’d still get hit all the time when I was out!” She said and I laughed.

“Cause you suck.” I said and she hit me.

“Ow…” I pouted and she gave me a look that said ‘Really?’ “Oh right; I forgot you’re immune to pouts.” I muttered and she nodded.

“Girls! What is so important that you have to talk?” The teacher asked and I banged my head on the desk more.

“Um… I think Alex has gone mental…” Cole said while pointing down at me.

“I FUCKING HATE THIS CLASS!” I yelled and everyone laughed at me. Yeah, the whole school is finally cool with me again. Yippie! Please note the extreme sarcasm.

“Well then, you can leave!” The beast said and I jumped out of my seat and collected my shit with a smile.

“K. Peace!” I said before walking out just as the bell rang. “Seriously! I can’t even roam the halls? Fuck this shit I’m skipping this class tomorrow.” I said as I waited by the door for Cole.

“You keep pissing her off… this makes me happy.” She giggled and I rolled my eyes while playfully shoving her.

“Hey bitches.” Christine said as we walked to her locker.

“Yo hoe.” I said with a cheeky grin and she punched me. “OW! Is it national ‘Make sure Alex is in pain’ day?” I asked as Nicole came over. “What the fuck Nicole?” I cried when she slapped me.

“You mean it isn’t national ‘Make sure Alex is in pain’ day?” She asked seriously as she dropped off her books.

“No!” I said and she shrugged.

“Sorry. The others are waiting by the front of the school.” Nicole said as both her and Christine finished putting their useless books away.

“Tis cool mi amiga.” I said while shrugging on my hoodie.

“My god! School is ova bitches!” Cole randomly screamed and started to act ghetto before doing a cart wheel… then slipping on ice.

“Oh my god!” Bianca said as I busted out laughing.

“Cole, you’re so cl-- Whoa!” I yelled as I slid and fell onto my back.

“HA KARMA BITCH!” Cole shouted as I sat up stunned.

“… who the fuck put ice under my feet?” I asked and everyone who was watching us was laughing at me. “I’m not joking… it hurt.” I pouted as Christine helped me up.

“We’re laughing cause you’re an idiot.” Rachelle said before someone randomly took hold of her and put her in a bug killing van.

“Oh my god! I’ll save you Rachelle!” Cole said before someone else caught her. “PUT ME DOWN YOU BIG APE SHIT EATING FUCK FACE!” She screamed and my jaw dropped.

“… Oh my god that’s the most cuss words I’ve heard her say…” I whispered before I realized I was alone with a tall guy in all black and a ski mask. “HERE TAKE MY HOMEWORK!” I cried and was surprised when he tossed it in the van. “Sweet no homework!” I said before the guy turned to me. “Shit. Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat… peace!” I said before I attempted to run.

“Alex… you suck at avoiding getting kidnapped.” Cole said just before the door closed and the car sped off.

“Well… I’m sorry I’ve never been kidnapped before.” I said blankly before cuddling up to my captor and getting my homework.

“What are you doing?” Nicole asked.

“Doing homework…” I said as I pulled out my math.

“While cuddling with the person who kidnapped you…” Christine said and I sighed.

“Blame him for being comfy.” I sighed as I tuned them all out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Christine(there's a story behind her outfit)
Guy Alex

LMFAO! i love my friends. yeah um the ice shit and '‘Make sure Alex is in pain’ day that all happens on a regular winter day in school :) haha we bes crazy bitches. oh and the earth shit, yeah it happened too only the friends that helped me pass that class were Tori, Remy, Chrissy :) haha idk what id do without my crazy friends :)

okay so the story around christine's outfit is that on the bus one morning (mind you we were all dead tired and shit) and so we were talking about how beast ninja turtles were. and we were assigning who was who. Christine got Raphael cause she is very much like him. I'm Michelangelo since im an idiot out of the four of us :) haha and des and tabbz fights for the other two. so haha when i say im a ninja i really am :)