Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 22

“I’m glad you think I’m comfy.” A familiar voice said and the girls and I looked at each other before turning to the people who kidnapped us.

“JAMES OWEN SULLIVAN! How dare you kidnap me without bringing clothes for me to change into?” I screamed as I playfully hit his chest after removing his ski mask.

“Why clothes? Did you think he was going to fuck you. Psh, no one would dare touch you Alie.” Brian grinned before I threw my math book at him. “Ow, that hurt…” He whimpered.

“SEE COLE! I told you math hurts! It just hurt my dear Elwin!” I yelled with mock concern before smirking at his glare.

“Alex, you threw it at him and the corner hit his forehead!” Bianca said in disbelief of what just happened.

“NO! The book magically flew from my lap and hit Elwin in the forehead. It used my hands to frame me! I swear! I’m innocent!” I said before the book came flying back at me and hit me in the chest. “HE THREW THE BOOK AT ME!”

“Well, we always knew you’d get the book thrown at you.” Matt chuckled and I threw the book at him… it bounced off his chest and did abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

“Are we throwing books at each other and starting a book war?” Jimmy asked as he picked up my AP history book.

“NO!” I said as I took the thick and heavy book.

“That’s boring.” Johnny mumbled and I glared at him.

“Why are you so short?” I asked and Rachelle threw her shoe at me.

“Stop dissing us short people! We will take over the world one day and make you tall people our slaves!” She said as her and Bianca high-fived each other.

“Did you seriously throw your shoe at me?” I asked as I picked up her flat camouflage shoe.

“Yes I did.” She said matter-of-factly.

“… Okay… Well, you can have it back now.” I said throwing it and hitting Nicole.

“HEY!” She screamed and my jaw dropped.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry Nicole… hey, who is driving the creeper car?” I asked before Jason’s head popped from the front seat.

“Hello my dearest Alie.” He grinned and I growled at him lightly before throwing my history book at him.

“Both you and Elwin knows I loathe when people call me ‘Alie.’” I sneered.

“And you know how much I hate to be called ‘Elwin.’” He growled and before anyone knew it we were having a fight like we used to when we were younger.

-Zack’s POV-

The two idiots were going at it for sometime now and it was honestly getting boring. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good fight like any other dude, but when you’ve seen Brian and Alex fight all the time when they were younger, this is nothing. Both had gotten soft over the years so it was pointless to even bet on who would win.

“I want skittles.” Nicole said and I smirked while pulling a packet of sour skittles from my hoodie.

“Here, I forgot that I had the guys swing by the corner store so I could get you skittles.” I said before kissing her cheek. She squealed and that caught Alex’s attention.

“SKITTLES! Brian get your fat ass offa me!” She screamed and Brian huffed before sitting on her stomach. “Oh god!” She groaned and he rolled his eyes.

“I’m all muscle, nothing on me is fat.” He stated and I rolled my eyes.

“Just your head!” Matt B. said from the driver’s seat.

“And his ego.” Christine and her boyfriend said at the same time.

“AND HIS ASS! His ass is very fat and it’s squishing me!” She dragged out the ‘e’ in ‘me’. “Bianca! Save me from my fat cousin!” She screamed and we laughed.

“Brian, I’m cold…” Bianca said blankly and Brian rushed over to warm her through hugs.

“B, my man, you are whipped.” Jimmy said with a grin and Brian rolled his eyes.

“Jimmy, you’re just as whipped as he is.” Matt and Alex said at the same time.

“I totally am not!” Jimmy cried out and everybody rolled their eyes.

“Jimmy, can you massage my shoulders? They’re really tense.” Alex muttered as she slipped off her hoodie and moved her hair out of the way.

“Sure.” He squeaked and we all chuckled at him.

“Quiet you ass faces! This feels really good.” Alex moaned as Jimmy began rubbing her back.

“I want some of Nicole’s vegan rainbow cupcakes!” Cole randomly screamed and Alex’s head shot up.

“YEAH! Please Nicole! I’ll love you forever!” She said as she begged in front of the beautiful girl pressed against my chest.

“I don’t have the ingredients.” Nicole said simply as she popped a skittle in her mouth.

“PLEASE MOMMY!” All three girls begged and Nicole choked on the skittle.

“Since when did I become ‘Mommy?’” She asked after the coughing fit.

“Since I wanted vegan rainbow cupcakes.” Alex said simply.

“Oh… well no. We’re in a van with no supplies.” She grinned and Alex had an evil glint in her eyes.

“I think Hell’s breaking loose.” I whispered to her and she nodded.

“Matt! To my house so I can get out of this corset! And then we are going shopping!” Alex screamed and Nicole groaned.

“Cole, I hate you.” She muttered and Cole smiled.

“Love you too, hoe.” She beamed before turning her attention to Matt.

“Nicole, will you be my girlfriend?” I whispered and she turned to me with a smile.

“I’d love that.” She whispered and I smiled before placing a light kiss on her lips.
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HOLA!!!!!! I'm sorry this took so long *pouts* forgive me please :(. The only excuse for its lateness is just because I didn't feel like updating because ... well I didn't. ANY WHO!!!!! haha I laughed during the book war, and now Nicole and I are planning on doing it... but not with text books since knowing us we'd kill each other plus the ap history books in my school are really thick and heavy and don't have pictures so they're not that fun to throw (can you believe I know this because I'm in ap history? I can't). haha short people are taking over the world one day; no seriously my friends are plotting this and I hang out with all the fun-sized people :)

Comments are loved and brings out shopping madness in the next chapter (no seriously help with that since my friend nicole and i already have a lot of funny things but I'd love some more input :) )