Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 3

(Alexandria’s POV)

I got up the next morning and scrunched up my nose when I saw that I was in my room. I swear I fell asleep on Jimmy… And that I had a shirt on. Well, I guess both could be explained. I mean, Jimmy could have carried me up here, or Brian could have, and I always take off my shirts in the middle of the night.

“Get out of bed if you’re going to be moving so much.” Cole growled before retracting her arm from my waist.

“Fine, I’ll go take a shower.” I mumbled before getting out of the bed.

I smiled when I saw that the clock read eight thirty. No one in their right mind would be up at this time, especially not a bunch of teenagers that spent the night watching T.V. I walked over my shirt and quickly went to the door.

When I stepped into the hall I smiled when I saw nothing. Seeing nothing meant that I was right and everyone was still asleep. Thank god I knew how well teens think. I quickly ran to the bathroom and turned on the light.

“I need a radio for this room.” I mumbled as I moved towards the shower to turn on the water. “Oh my god!” I yelled when I saw Jimmy sleeping in the tub, cuddling with his blanket.

(Jimmy’s POV)

My eyes shot open when I heard a girl yelling.

“What happened?” I asked bolting up from the bath tub’s floor. I turned to the toilet to see pink and blond hair. I placed my hand on Alex’s back while trying to focus my eyes. I felt her jump from the contact and then I noticed her neon green bra. “…” I went to scream but she quickly covered my mouth.

“Shh. Please, if Brian heard you and saw this then he’d kill us both.” She whispered with pleading eyes. I nodded knowing that she was right.

“It’s a nice bra.” I smiled at her when she released my lips.

“Yeah, nice boxers.” She snickered as I looked down to see that I was wearing a pair of white boxers with little red hearts all over it.

“They’re gag boxers that Brian gave to me.” I said blushing a little.

“So? Cole gave me this bra.” She pointed to the green fabric and I had to look away.

“Jimmy, I need a shower.” She whispered into my ear causing chills to go across my flesh.

“And?” I asked before turning to see her resting her head on the edge of the tub.

“Well, no matter how hot I find you I really don’t want to take a shower with you.” She said with an adorable smile that made her eyes shut and her dimples to show. I reached out my hand to touch her cheek but I realized I was about to kiss her… Again.

“Right…” I trailed off while getting up. She backed away and gave me my black jeans. “Um, if you want you can keep my shirt for when you get out of the shower. If Brian saw you walking around the house in that…” I trailed off while sliding my thumb across my neck.

“Really? If Alice saw me… She’d shoot me.” She giggled and I felt my heart skip a beat.

“I think I’d take that bullet for you.” I joked before I saw her smile fade.

“That’s sweet, but I’d rather not have you do that.” She said as I pulled on my pants.

“Why not?”

“I’d feel guilty.” She mumbled before turning a pinkish color.

“Don’t feel guilty. What I do is of my own choices.” I said while brushing my hands against her tan skin.

“I’d still feel guilty.” She said sternly while placing her hand over mine.

“Okay, I’ll be a ninja and move us both out of the bullet’s way.” She giggled and I smiled.

“Deal.” She walked me towards the door and opened it. “Now get out.” She ordered with a smile.

“Hug first?” I asked with out stretched arms.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her level. I picked her up and she giggled while kicking her legs. I chuckled slightly as she wormed her way down to the ground.

“See ya later Jimmy.” She smiled before turning away. I grabbed her wrist and swung her over to face me.

“You know… I really don’t mind remembering the kiss.” I whispered before kissing her again. “I’ll see you at breakfast.” I whispered before placing my lips on the top of her head.

“O-okay… Hey Jimmy, you’re coming to the mall with us right?” She asked and I smiled with a nod.

After waving to her I made my way down the hall to only be jumped by all the guys except for Johnny. Shorty must still be sleeping.

“Jimmy, I saw what you were doing to my little cousin while she was in her underwear and you had pants on.” He said before looking down. “Pants that are undone. Care to ex--”

“Did you sleep with her?” Zacky asked with a huge grin on his face.

“Dude!” Brian and Matt slapped his chest at his question.

“What? It’s Jimmy, he can’t hurt someone without feeling extremely guilty in the end.” Zacky yelled before a girl, the size of Johnny, came out with a gun in her hands.

“Touch my sister and die. Wake me up again and I’ll blow your fucking brains out.” She yawned while pointing the gun to Brian’s head.

“Alice, go to sleep.” She grumbled while returning to her room. “Okay. Zacky’s right, Jimmy actually cares about how people feel.” Brian agreed before releasing me.

(Alexandria’s POV after the shower)

I slammed my door shut to the room causing Nicole and Cole to jolt awake.

“ALEX!” Cole screamed as she saw the time, it was now nine twenty.

“Dude! It’s too early!” Nicole screamed before plopping down on her pillow.

“He said he didn’t mind remembering the kiss…” I muttered and they both shot up out of bed.

“Details woman!” They shouted with excited grins plastered on their faces.

I explained how I saw him sleeping in the tub and how we saw each other in our underwear, Cole kept adding in her own sexual comments, and how we were talking about how people would react to seeing us at that moment. I explained how he said he'd take a bullet for me and how he said he didn't want to forget the kiss.

"Oh. My. GOD!" Cole exclaimed and Nicole started to, like, bug out over how cute it all was. "Okay so it's obvious he likes you, so?" She prompted as I went to my dresser.

"So, what?" I asked avoiding the question.

"So, do you like him?" Nicole asked and I could hear the squeal she was holding back in her words.

"I don't know him... Well no, I know a little about him because we were playing twenty questions last night." I sighed as I dug through my pant drawer to find my favorite pair of black skinny jeans that have, like, twenty layers of chains. I wasn't going to bother with a shirt, I was just going to wear Jimmy's gray shirt that showed a married couple and around the guy's ankle was a chain with a lead ball attached to it and it read 'Game Over' across the chest.

"Wait, how were you two playing twenty questions?" Nicole asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Writing out words on his chest and my back." I said and Cole squealed.

"You touched his chest?" I nodded and she had this devious smile on her face. "How was it?" She purred and I rolled my eyes.

"It was nice... Smooth." I giggled at the thought of his tattoo. "And he has a tattoo that says 'FICTION' going down his chest." I mumbled while pulling out the pants. "There you are. Little bugger." I said before pulling them on over my underwear.

"Nice. So how do you feel when you're around him?" Cole asked as Nicole and her started to get out of my bed.

"Well... My heart either races or skips a beat when he's near me. And you know how I show my thanks by kissing a person's cheek?" They nodded their heads vigorously. "Well, when I kiss his cheek I just can't help wishing it were his lips. And I like his personality. It's really random, funny, and caring. He even offered to teach me how to play drums." I finished with a smile and they ran over and hugged me tightly.

"Love at first sight!" Cole screamed before I could turn on the radio.

"What about you guys? You attached yourselves to Zacky and Matt like a pair of parasites." I said with a smile as I moved to my vanity.

"Speaking of the hottie, I gotta brush my teeth and give him a morning kiss." Cole smiled before skipping out of my room.

"I think Zacky's cool. He has the same interests as me... I don't know if I like him like that yet though." Nicole said before leaving me to go get ready for the day.

"Yeah... I might like him." I mumbled before applying a light amount of black eye shadow and heavy eyeliner. I needed a way to make my chocolate brown eyes pop. "Now what to do with this shizz?" I muttered while playing with my hair. "Leave it down I guess." I sighed as I brushed out the thick mane of hair.

Jimmy's cute, funny, loving, and, in his own way, smart... I could picture myself falling for him. I thought as I put on my jewelry. I felt my eyes stinging so I took out my contacts and put on my black thick rimmed glasses... At least I thought they were mine before I put them on.

"Oh, these belong to Nicole." I muttered before grabbing the other pair. "Better." I smiled as I checked out myself in my full length mirror. I pushed my hair to go behind me and was thanking God that my friends talked me out of getting side bangs. I my smile grew when I saw the necklace that the boys, minus Jimmy and Johnny, got me before I left California four years ago and the spider bites that I had to keep out yesterday, stupid friend and his need for going to jail. The jeans and shirt went well and once I put on my converses I was set to go.

"I dare you to streak your hair banana yellow today at the mall. Oh, and you have to keep the pink in too." Cole said as she plopped down on my bed, fully dressed.

"Fine." I said before the aroma of pancakes filled our nostrils. "Race ya!" I screamed before running out of the room.

I managed to make it to the stairs before she caught up to me and began shoving me. We were arguing the whole time about who was going get there first and who was going to get the most servings. Suddenly I tripped over air and fell down the stairs. Everyone gathered around and helped me up.

"I'm okay." I said while steadying myself slightly.

"Okay." Cole said before running to the food.

"NOT FAIR! Cheater!" I called to her as she flipped me off.

"You okay?" Brian asked as everyone left and went back to the food. I nodded and he smiled. "Good, now I thought you didn't have glasses anymore." He said while snatching away my eyes.

"BRIAN! I'm blind without them. I can't even see this far in front of my face." I said while stretching out my arm.

"Wow, you're almost as bad as Jimmy." He said before placing them gently back on my face. "Speaking of which, can you go tell him that breakfast is ready.

"Okay." I said before climbing back up the stairs and to the guest room. The door was unlocked so I just let myself in. "Oh be still my hormones." I said chuckling as I saw Jimmy standing in the middle of the floor with a pair of silk, black boxers on that had silver skulls all over it. "Jimmy, can I sleep in those boxers one day?" I asked while moving closer to him with a smile.

(Jimmy's POV)

When Alex came in and stood in front of me my jaw dropped. She looked different since she had glasses and snake bites on. But I was happy to see that she was still wearing my shirt.

"Jimmy?" She grabbed my hand as she looked at me with worried eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. Yeah, you can borrow these after they get cleaned." I said with a smile.

"Sweet. Oh, you should probably put some clothes on since everyone's about ready to go to the mall." She said with a smile and I raised my brow a little.

"Do you want to watch me dress?" I asked before she sat on the bed.

"Sure. I already missed the good part so I might as well get something as compensation." I laughed a little at her comment.

Putting on a pair of jeans and a black and white pinstripe, long-sleeved button up shirt that had gray branches extending from the shoulders to the hem of the front of the shirt. I grabbed my glasses before plopping down next to her to put on my shoes. "Your glasses are so pretty." She said before trying them on. "Oh... You and I do have pretty bad eyes." She giggled before putting my glasses back on my face.

"How bad are your eyes?" I asked as we got off the bed.

"I have the highest chance of going blind in my family. It's pretty bad. I need to get lasik surgery but we don't have the money so I'm stuck with a future surrounded in darkness." I was shocked at her words.

"That was pretty deep." I mumbled before picking her up bridal style. She latched her arms around my neck and giggled.

"Yeah, well despite what people say I'm pretty deep." She said as we descended the stairs.

"So many mysteries about you that I need to uncover." I joked while shaking my head.

"I don't mind being an open book for you." She whispered as we got close to the kitchen.

I put her down and cornered her into the wall. I really wanted to be able to know everything about her, but I knew that for everyone there are scars that people just can't touch. I placed my hand on her cheek and rubbed it with my thumb.

"You don't have to force yourself." I said smiling sadly.

"I never force myself to do anything. I want you to know everything about me... Just not all at once." She whispered with a smile. "I know I can trust you." I placed my forehead on hers to look her in the eyes.

"I think you just made my life with what you just said." She giggled and I smiled.

"Corny." I forged hurt and she smiled. "I like corny things like that."

"Oh, well I'm your man for corniness." I joked causing both of us to laugh.

"Jimmy..." She whispered before kissing me softly. Her soft smooth lips made me feel like I was melting in a fire that was consuming me from the inside out. I didn't know when the kiss deepened, but I did feel her fingers tangling with my hair and tugging at it slightly. I picked her up and pinned her against the wall further by pressing my legs against it. Her legs wrapped themselves around my waist as my hands cupped her ass. She parted her lips a little and I slid my tongue into her mouth. I heard her moan as I explored the insides of her cheeks and tangled my tongue with hers.

“Food’s ready.” We heard Zacky say from the doorway. We pulled away and I saw her blush when she saw him.

“Hey Zacky, we were just-”

“Sucking major face.” Zacky finished for her with a sly smile.

“No, there was a bug on her lips and I killed it by kissing her.” I said as I put her down.

“Oh and the tongue action was to wipe away the mess?” He question when I felt her burring her face into my chest.

“Okay, we can cool it with the jokes now. She’s getting embarrassed.” I said while holding her head close to me.

“Deal, but yea you guys better get to breakfast before Cole eats everything… She eats more than Jimmy does.” I scoffed at him.

“Not true.” I said while walking her to the kitchen.

“You’d be surprised at how much she can eat.” Alex whispered when I pulled her into my side.

“Well look there’s a full plate.” I said while reaching for a pancake.

“Alice made those.” Zacky said and Alex placed her hand over mine.

“We’ll eat at the mall.” She said before pulling my hand away.

“Why can’t we eat these?” I asked and Cole and Nicole burst out laughing.

“Alice burns water, we don’t know how but she does.” Alex explained and I went bug-eyed.

“Okay, yeah we’ll eat at the mall.” I muttered before everyone piled out of the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I LOVE this chapter. Yea I guess you can label her as a whore but she's never really done this with anyone other than Jimmy. Imma introduce the other two girls in the next chapter so wish Brian and Johnny luck >.< Oh and yes this story takes place in the country side of New York 'cause there's slang used in New York.

and yea like i said these characters were based off of me and my friends so yeah i really do need laysik. I liked bugged out when my mom told me that out of everybody in our family i have the highest possibility of going blind because both her mom and dad had eye problems and she got it too (shes on her way of becoming blind but the docs said she'd probably still have her ability to see since it's slowly worsening.) since i'm like her little clone I basically am screwed into having the worst eyes ever (docs told me my retina, or something, is still growing and i could possibly never need glasses in the future but like i can barely see anything thats further than an arms length away when my glasses are off.)

Reviews are welcomed