Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 4

(Alexandria’s POV)

Alice turned on country music in the car and everyone pulled out their iPods. Jimmy and I were sharing mine, Zacky and Nicole were sharing so that they could imitate all the notes to the guitar parts, Cole and Matt were sharing his since Cole’s was stolen, and Brian and Johnny were left to their own… We need to find girls for them.

“You’re comfy.” I mumbled as I sat between Jimmy’s legs and laid my head on his chest. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together so that we would move at the same time and perform the same actions.

“And you’re weird.” I felt him laugh a little after poking my nose. He started to make our hands move up and down like we were making ripples in the air.

“Aliccceee! Go to a Mc Donald’s!” I whined when I heard Jimmy’s stomach growl at me. “Jimmy’s tummy is going to devour my soul!” I cried out and he chuckled before bending his head down to my level.

“I’ll devour you first before my stomach can devour your soul.” He whispered huskily and I felt the blood rushing to my face.

“Okay.” I muttered before turning over to lay my cheek on his chest.

“If you two stop cuddling I’ll gladly stop for some Mc Donald’s.” Alice said with a smirk on her face.

“Ehh! He’s comfy and I’m tired.” I whined while looking at her crystal blue eyes in the rear-view mirror.

“I could always make you drive; you do have your permit.” She laughed slightly as she saw the fear in my eyes.

“If you do that I’ll rip out your black hair that you’re so proud of.” I said and she rolled her eyes before pulling into a Mc Donald’s drive through.

“Just make sure you remember that it’s past the breakfast time.” She muttered as she talked to the voice box. She ordered my usual, fries and a honey mustard snack wrap with a medium cherry coke, before turning to Jimmy who doubled everything I ordered.

“Fat asses.” She smiled while driving on to the window to get our food.

“Well if you learned how to cook then we wouldn’t have these problems.” I muttered before she handed Jimmy our food and drinks.

“Whatever, just don’t spill anything in my car.” She warned while pulling out of the drive way.

“We won’t.” I said while feeding him a fry.

“You make us sick.” Cole said as she saw us and I stuck out my tongue at her.

“Well your face makes me sick.” I said smiling at her.

“Whore!” She yelled before slapping me.

“Skank!” I yelled while I slapped her arm.

“Cunt!” She slapped me harder in the same spot.

“That hurt you stupid hoe!” I whimpered out before slapping her arm.

“Slut, just shut your face and we wouldn’t have this problem.” She said while hitting me… AGAIN!

“Mother fucking skank who can’t say no!” I yelled and she started to whimper.

“Aw, Alex. Now she’s upset.” Nicole said before I threw myself at Cole.

“I lied! I love you so please don’t cry! Ehh I can’t stand it when you cry!” I yelled while squeezing her waist.

“OKAY!” She squeaked before pushing me back to Jimmy. I landed on his chest with an whimper.

“I thought you couldn’t handle anyone crying around you.” Nicole said while looking at me with a smile.

“I can’t. Tears are something that I can’t ever see, I’ll just end up crying when seeing a stranger cry.” I muttered while cuddling with jimmy to eat my food.

“When did this happen? You used to be such a cry baby.” Matt said with a joking smile.

“Yeah, you cried like a baby when the ocean almost swept you away the last time you were in California.” Brian said with a chuckle.

“Well you would cry too!” I reasoned as everyone laughed. “Jimmy, attack them for me.” I said pouting a little.

“I will, later.” He mumbled before eating the last fry.

“DUDE! I didn’t get any!” I said before snatching the fry from his mouth. Our lips touched briefly but that brief moment turned into him grabbing my waist and me holding onto his face. Our lips parted and I felt his tongue enter my mouth again and I fell into a blissful state.

(Zacky’s POV)

“Again?” I asked when I saw them kissing with their tongues and Nicole blushed when she followed my line of vision.

“Wow… when did they start kissing like that?” I turned to her with an evil smirk.

“Since before they entered the kitchen.” Her eyes popped and I chuckled slightly.

“We have to make sure Brian doesn’t see this…” She turned to me with a look on her face that read ‘Do it!’ God I think I found my perfect match.

I leaned over the front seat to tap Brian, who was staring out the window, on the chest. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow when he saw me smiling. I pointed to the idiots who were making out behind Alice’s seat. His face went red and if this was a cartoon steam would be raising out of his ears. He pulled Alex off of Jimmy and got all in her face.

“Stop making out with someone who isn’t your boyfriend. Also don’t make out with people in front of others.” He said sternly and she turned bright red.

“But Jimmy ate my food… And they’re making out in front of other people!” Alex argued while pointing to Cole and Matt.

“Yes, and because of that Johnny is backed into a corner like a scared little cat.” I laughed at his comment as Johnny glared at life in general.

“Okay, we won’t make out.” Jimmy said while sitting up right and wrapping his arm around Alex’s waist.

“Why don’t you guys just date already?” Nicole asked and I nodded in agreement.

“You two already act like a couple.” I said before seeing Alex mouthing off words to Nicole.

“NICOLE!” She screamed before burring her face into her knees. “Why must you bring THAT up?” She screamed as we found a parking space.

“Okay, everyone out. I’ll be back at… Well just call me.” Alice said as we all got out of her car.

We nodded and said our thank you’s. I looked up at the mall and scrunched up my nose. It was so small compared to the one back home. It only had one floor and most of it consisted of the stores we normally avoided.

“The cool stores are this way.” Cole said while dragging Matt to the west wing of the mall. We all followed with smiling faces.

(Jimmy’s POV)

As we followed Matt and Cole I noticed that a lot of people would clear away from our group. I shrugged it off thinking that the girls were just that popular and that we were just that fuckable. Suddenly I felt their eyes mostly on Alex and me. I looked down to see her forcing herself to remain calm and strong. I turned to see Cole and Nicole looking back here every few seconds.

“She killed him?” I heard a girl whisper to her friend.

“Yup, the one with the pink in her hair.” I was shocked when I realized they were talking about Alex. Who could she have killed?

“Look the murderer is with another guy.” Throughout the whole walk to the Verizon store. Even the people in the store seemed to have been a little ruder to her.

(Alexandria’s POV)

When we got to the mall I braced myself for the torture that was bound to hit me. I was just hoping Jimmy didn’t realize anything. If he knew that someone was dead because of me… NO! I couldn’t let my guilt show in a pack of rabid people. I had to be strong so that they guys wouldn’t notice anything.

“What can I do for you?” The lady at the counter at the Verizon store asked rudely.

“Yeah, I’d like to exchange my phone for a new one. It doesn’t work anymore and I was also hoping to get a new number.” I said with a smile plastered on my face.

“Sure, just choose a phone and we’ll begin the resetting over here.” I nodded and walked away from the counter, but not before hearing her mutter ‘Murderer’. God I hate small towns where everybody knows everybody.

“Okay, so help me pick out a phone?” I asked and everyone declined my request.

“I’ll help.” Jimmy said and I smiled.

“Aw thanks.” I said while grabbing his hand.

(Jimmy’s POV)

We were picking out phones that would fit her best when I got tired of hearing people calling her a murderer ‘discreetly.’ Yeah right! If it was discreetly I wouldn’t be able to see the pain reflected in her eyes every time someone called her that. I was getting fed up with it, so I put my hands on her waist and bent down so that my lips were next to her ear.

“Why is almost everybody calling you a murderer?” I questioned before I felt her tense up.

“Not here Jimmy.” I heard the silent plea and agreed, I didn’t want to hurt her.

“As long as you know that I love you.” I mumbled against her temple. I knew I meant it romantically, I may be slow but I’m not too slow to recognize my own feelings for her.

She smiled and kissed me lightly on my lips.

“Thank you.” She whispered before picking up a silver Blackberry Curve. “I like this one.”

I smiled at her and pecked her cheek.

"Okay, let's get it then." She smiled and nodded her head before dragging me to the counter.

After we paid for the extra charges and the case for the phone we left the store and tried to find the others. We were walking around aimlessly for about twenty minutes before my cell phone went off. On the screen I saw a picture of the fedora king holding his guitar.

"Where are you guys?" I asked Brian as I interlaced my fingers with Alex's... Wow only we can become this comfortable with another person after knowing them for a day. I guess this is what people say about love at first sight.

"Well Cole dragged Matt away to go to Victoria's Secret, Nicole and Zacky went to... Well we don't know where, and Johnny and I are just walking around the mall to see if we could get laid." He said and I laughed.

"Nice. I hope you find some chicks." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, we don't know if that's going to happen. But Cole made us agree to meet up at F.Y.E at six." I groaned before I realized I had five hours alone with Alex.

"Okay, we'll meet you at six." I said before smiling down at her confused expression.

"Cool. Well I just saw a hottie so I'll talk to you later." He mumbled before ending the call.

"So we have five hours to ourselves." I told her and she smiled. "What do you want to do first?"

"Get my dare over with." She mumbled while glaring at nothing.

"What dare?"

"Cole dared me to dye my hair banana yellow." She groaned and I smiled.

"Well, I dare you to streak your hair whatever you please and to stop taking dares from anyone but me from now on." I said with a smile and I could see her whole face light up.

"Then Imma get it streaked a light purple and black." I smiled as she walked into the hair salon.

She told the girl what she wanted done and she quickly went to work. Well at first it seemed quickly but in reality it took up a good chunk of wasted time I'll never get back. The stylist had to mix the colors and the chemicals together in a bowel before she wrapped each chunk in tin foil. By the time all the foil was in Alex's hair I was bored and thinking about how she must get good reception with her new hair.

"Sorry, I knew you'd get bored so I wanted to get this out of the way." She said as she walked up to me.

I smiled while wrapping my arms around her and pulled her closer towards me as I spread open my legs.

"You're right, this is so boring," I saw that she clearly felt guilty. ", but I can take it." I said before resting the side of my face on her stomach.

"Thank you." She whispered before kissing the top of my head.

We spent the time waiting for her hair to be done so the foil can be taken out in that position. My head resting on her stomach, feeling her belly rise and fall with every breath, while she ran her fingers through my hair and whispering random things to me. I felt like I was in heaven in her arms, even if she did look weird.

"Ma'am." The woman called and I whined a little as my pillow left me. She giggled before going to the woman.

(Alexandria's POV)

It was good that Ryan's mom was working today. No one would actually do as I asked since they all think I killed him. It was ironic how Ryan's family forgave me though everyone else basically blamed everything on me.

"He's cute." She whispered when I reached her after leaving Jimmy.

"He's my cousin's friend." I said with a smile. "But yes, he's cute."

"Are you two dating?" She asked as she took out the foil.

"No, I just met him yesterday. It's just natural around him. Like, I can just be the real me and not worry about anything." I said realizing how scary those words were to me.

"Alex, I think you've found your soul mate." She gushed and I rolled my eyes at her. But that was just her thing, believing in what others find as rubbish.

"I wouldn't mind it if Jimmy was my soul mate." I said and she squealed.

The rest of the time was spent talking about how everyone was and what they're going to get Ryan for Christmas. Then there was also talk about the Christmas party down at the town hall on the twenty-eighth. I told her I might not go and she like flipped shit on me. She said that I should go and to take Jimmy as a date. I just laughed and told her that I'd think about it.

(Zacky's POV)

Nicole and I spent most of our time looking for a present for Alex's birthday on the twenty-eighth. Nicole picked out a purple Girr shirt that had 'IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, BREAK DANCE!' in pink letters with a blue shadow, a neon blue shirt that had the Cheshire Cat on it with the phrase 'TIME CAN BE FUNNY IN DREAMS' in faded black letters, and a black shirt with an egg beater and bowel laughing while two eggs screams 'YOU MONSTER!' as a broken egg lay on the space next to the bowel. I bought her a black long sleeved shirt that had the Cheshire Cat sitting on top of the Mad Hatter's hat with a wavy paint brush stricken back ground with the words 'CHESHIRE CAT' written in black with blue shadowing, a black Jack Skeleton beanie with white paint splatters near Jack's grinning face, and a Jack Skeleton studded belt.

"So, I've noticed everyone looks at you girls with disgust... Why?" I asked while taking a sip of my strawberry smoothie.

"Well, three years ago we were in a pretty bad car accident, and Alex was driving, and one of our friends died. I don't really remember what happened afterward because I was pretty out of it. But a week after Alex was released from the hospital everyone's been calling her a murderer. She has a lot of friends, but most of them are in the next town over." She said before taking a swig of her strawberry and banana smoothie.

"Why would they call her that knowing that she can't really hurt anyone without feeling sorry about it later?" She shrugged. "What does she do to the people who call her that?"

"Nothing, she'll take their abuse and then let it all out when she's home and around very loud screamo music." I almost fell out of my seat when I heard that she was taking the abuse. I mean, even when we were younger she'd always stick up for herself if someone hurt her.


"Because she thinks they're right. We try to tell her that she didn't do anything wrong but she still blames herself. The pictures on her bedroom walls... To someone else they may seem to be happy moments in her life, yet to Cole, Rachelle, Bianca, and I they make us remember the time that she would punish herself for causing her friends death." She said with a sad look on her face.

"Don't worry. I think she'll be fine if she keeps hanging around Jimmy." I said with a wink. She giggled and I smiled. Okay, I know I'm falling for her but I refuse to be like my idiot band mates and just start making out with a girl I barely knew.

"I hope so, it's been three years and we all agree she needs someone to make her happy." I smiled at her comment. I could tell she was a true friend through and through.

"Well, it's almost six, we should go to F.Y.E." I said while standing up. She nodded and grabbed her bags.

(Brian's POV)

By the time Johnny and I got to F.Y.E it was already four thirty and we couldn’t get on girl to talk to us. I blame Johnny; he's so short that people think I'm his dad.

"Dude, look at those girls." He whispered while pointing the check out counter.

I looked to see two girls there talking and laughing. One was an employee here who was ringing someone up. She had short blond hair that reached the base of her chin. Her head was almost a perfect oval. Her eyes were outlined in simple black eyeliner. She wore a black long-sleeved shirt with a black spaghetti strapped shirt over it that had 'Supernatural' written across her chest. I'd say she looked to be about Johnny's height.  The girl next to her, sitting on the empty cash register table top, was a girl with long raven black hair with side bangs that brushed across the top of her eyes.  She was wearing a gray shirt with a spider web at her right shoulder and a spider moving down and across from it while still being attached to the web, a simple black hoodie, and a pair of black skinny jeans.  She was smiling about something the other girl had just said and you can see that she had slight dimples.

"Well?" Johnny asked before I pushed him aside and walked over towards the girl sitting on the counter.

"Hi, I'm Brian Haner." I said extending my hand to her. Her eyes lit up when I said my full name.

"Are you by chance related to an Alexandria Hopewell?" She asked with a smile and I grinned.

"Yeah, she's my little cousin." She squealed while tapping her friend's hand.

"I was right, pay up." She said with the biggest smile in the world.

"How about I just treat you to dinner?" Her friend asked before turning back to Johnny, who just picked up a pair of headphones to talk to her.

"Deal." The raven haired girl said before turning to me with a smile. "I'm Bianca Brynn, That's Rachelle Hopkins--"

"No relations to the author." Rachelle said as Johnny paid for his item.

"Yeah. Anyway, we're friends with your cousin. She talks about you a lot, along with two other boys." Bianca explained as I sat next to her.

"Hi Rachelle, I'm Brian and the shortie that you're helping is my friend Johnny. Oh, and I'm sure that the two boys she mentioned were my other friends, Matt and Zacky." I said before Johnny glared at me.

"I'm not short, vertically challenged." He said while stepping out of the way for other costumers.

"It's alright Johnny, Bianca and I are vertically challenged too."  Rachelle said while helping the next costumer.

"Yeah, I'm half an inch shorter than Rachelle and you guys seem to be the same height." Bianca said while laughing a little. "Hey Rochelle, are you almost done here? I'm hungry." She said while rubbing her stomach.

"I'll be done when Alex comes and takes over." She said while helping an old lady. "Hey Brian, Johnny would you like to come grab a bite to eat with us? I'll pay." Rachelle asked us.

"Sure." We said with a shrug.

"Oh, I also have to buy Alex a birthday present." Bianca said while reaching over to poke Rachelle's side.

"Wait, when's her birthday?" Johnny asked with a scrunched up face like he smelled something foul.

"The twenty-eighth." The three of us said at the same time.

"Crap that’s four days away!" He said with a sigh.

"When I get off we can go music shopping and you can buy her CDs. If I buy them she won't suspect something's up since we have the same taste in music." Rachelle said and Johnny smiled.

"Thanks." He said before turning to me. "That would explain the girl items that you bought today."

"Yeah, I really bought all of them for me... Not! The only thing for me was the fedora hat." I said while pointing at the black and white pinstripe hat that had a  a silver skull and cross bones stitched on a good half of it.

"Oh, what did you get her?" Bianca asked with a smile.

"A black low-cut, short-sleeves shirt that has a picture of a white tree and then under it is the tree reflected in water and the sleeves have white birds flying across her shoulder. And a three layer chain that has crosses dangling from it." I said and Rachelle nodded her head.

"Sounds cool." Bianca said before looking ahead of us. "Who's she holding hands with?"  I looked to see her talking about Alex.

"Oh, that's Jimmy. Another one of our friends." I explained while pointing to the tall guy wearing a cheesy smirk.

"Hey Rachelle, Bianca." She said as she walked up to the counter. I saw the big bags Jimmy was holding and my mouth dropped.

"Got enough bags there Jimmy boy?" Johnny asked with a smirk.

"These aren't all mine, most of them belong to Alex." He explained while he let go of her hand.

"Hey you guys, I need you numbers." She said while getting out her new phone. I took it first and started to enter my information.

"I need you to clock in so I can get off this shift." Rachelle said before I started to tune them out.

(Alexandria's POV)

"I thought I was off today." I groaned.

"No, you were signed up for today... With Nick." Rachelle said and I banged my head against Jimmy's arm. I so did not want to see him today.

“Why? I thought word would get out that him and I aren’t together.” I whined while leaning on the counter.

“It did.” Bianca said before grabbing a piece of Hershey’s chocolate bar.

“Yeah, it went around pretty fast. Originally we were meant to be working the same shift but at the last minute the boss called me and told me the shifts were changed.” Rachelle said as she started to close up her register.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“I tried to but you know you just had to be unavailable. What the hell did you do with your cell? You never have it off.” She said before she went around the register and towards me.

“My phone was underwater.” I said and Bianca giggled.

“Again?” She questioned and I nodded. “Nice way of dealing.” She held up her thumbs and gave me a smile.

“Yeah, I know.” I muttered while taking Rachelle’s vest. I didn’t have mine with me so I needed to use hers. “So you guys are going to stay with me right?” I asked with a slight pout.

“No, Bianca and I are taking Brian and Johnny out to eat.” Rachelle said as she clocked out. I still had like two minutes left until my shift so I didn’t bother punching in.

“Fuck! I know Cole would rather go shopping than chill with me while I deal with the ex, and I’m sure Nicole and Zacky are off in a guitar store right now.” I whimpered out before I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist.

“I’ll stay and hang out with you.” Jimmy whispered into my ear as he pulled me close to his chest.

“You’re amazing, I love you.” I said before kissing his cheek.

“I love you too.” I said happily.

“Okay, we gotta go and, Alex, hurry up and get punched in before the boss comes over and throws one of his fits.” Rachelle said while taking Johnny and leading them away. Brian and Bianca followed while waving to Jimmy and me.

I sighed as I trudged to the back room. I love music and I love this store but I hate dealing with Nick and his drama. Honestly, the only reason I went out with him was just to shut him up and to stop the random visits to my house… Also I needed a ride to work.

“Hello Miss Hopewell.” Mr. Crammer said as he saw me walking back to the register.

I nodded my head at the short, balding, old man. He claims he used to be a very famous musician and would often tell stories about his days on the road. Every time I could detect the bull that he was trying to feed us, like how he was the best vocalist his band has ever had and how he had girls lining up just to touch the ground he walked on, but I never saw him as the type to lie about going on the road with a band. He proved me right when he told me that he never did any of that. He said he had a brother who played guitar in the band and on vacations they would take him on tour with them, but he had to earn his keep. He was the equipment manager for years on end until the band fell apart in the late seventies. I ended up telling him that I wanted to go on the road and play drums, he patted my shoulder and smiled at me like a proud grandfather would. He told me to dream big and follow it until the end, but he also told me that being out on the road makes a person have to chose between the people they love and their love of music. I could tell he didn't want me to have to make that decision.

"Hey, sweetie." Nick said as he cornered me into the wall.

"Bye jackass." I said while attempting to get away... My attempts failed to epic proportions.

(Jimmy's POV)

I sat on the counter while swinging my legs back and forth to entertain myself as I waited for Alex. I saw a jock looking type guy walk into the store wearing the biggest grin ever. I scoffed as I thought of the perfect stereo-typical jock. Perfectly spiked up brown hair with blue eyes and a grin plastered on his face because he just 'scored a touchdown.' As the image formed in my mind I noticed it was turning out a lot like that guy that just came in and who was heading towards the employee's room. I noticed that his jersey had the name 'NICK' in front.

"Not good." I muttered before running after him.

I got close to him as he started to feel up a girl. I shrugged it off thinking that it wouldn't be Alex since she could call me if she was in trouble.

"Nick, stop it!" Alex's voice cried out and I ran over to her while seeing nothing but red. I really want to kill him for hurting Alex.

(Alexandria's POV)

I tried to get away from him again before he pinned my hands against the wall. Prying myself from his grip was a useless effort on my part. The dude worked out like his life depended on it while the only work out I ever get is during gym. Anyone could see that he was stronger than me... Yet no one cared when I was asking for help.

"Give it a rest babe." He said before his hand found it's way to my chest.

"Get off me!" I yelled before he smacked me.

"Shut up. You should be happy that you're my girl because no one's talking about you." He said before kissing me forcibly. I felt his tongue go into my mouth and I knew that I had to swallow acid just to get rid of his taste.

"What are you doing to Alex?" I heard Jimmy ask before Nick was pulled off of me.

"Jimmy..." I pleaded to God to make me disappear. If there was a God, like this town claimed, then he would surely answer my prayers.

(Jimmy's POV)

I pulled him away from her and was about to punch him when I heard her call my name. I quickly looked at her and my heart broke. She was sitting on the floor with her head in her hands and was shaking as I heard a sob or two. I turned to him and held him by the collar.

"Leave her alone or die." I whispered harshly before releasing him.

I walked over to Alex and picked her up and went into the employee's lounge. I was thankful that we were alone when I placed her on the black leather couch.

"Shh, shh. Baby, please don't cry. I'm here for you." I whispered while kissing her face after every other word. "Look at me." I said and smiled when she looked at me. "Good girl," I said before kissing her gently. "Now let's dry your tears." I said while getting a napkin for her.

"I-I'm sorry." She hiccuped when I sat back down.

"You didn't do anything wrong." I smiled at her sweetly as she dried her tears.

"Jimmy, I need acid to wash away his taste." I laughed at her comment before I made her sit on my lap.

"Can't we disinfect it with a method that leaves you alive?" I asked with a chuckle.

She smiled at my joke before her fingers found their way to lips. She began to trace them while being in a trance like state. I noticed her biting her lips and the memorized stare turned into one of longing.

"Alex," With the sudden parting of my lips her finger fell in between my teeth. I bit down on it and she whimpered like a puppy would.

"That hurt!" She said before kissing her finger.

"I'm sorry." I whispered before kissing the finger that was pressed to her lips. I smiled before putting her arms down causing our lips to meet. It started off as a peck before it progressed into her sucking on my lower lip until finally our tongues were dancing in her mouth.

"Mm." She moaned while pulling away from me. "Sorry, I still have to work." She apologized between kisses. “If you stay here just make sure the boss doesn’t see you.” She said before stumbling out of the room. I smiled while watching her walk off.

(Alexandria’s POV)

I walked outside to see a huge line forming. My jaw dropped as I saw Nick’s register cleared off and CLOSED! Only a douche prick would do this to a girl who’s suffering like a freaking mofo. I groaned and got to work with helping the angry costumers. It took a grand total of thirty minutes to clear away the mob of people.

“Why the fuck didn’t you help me out?” I asked Nick who was pretending to sleep. “Nick you’re such a dick!” I cried out before burring my face in my hands. “What happened to the old Nick? I mumbled before laying my head down.

“He died the day you killed my brother… Shit, I’m sorry. That was unfair.” He said while finally looking at me. I looked at him and just realized how much he resembled his late brother. The blue eyes and sweet smile were a dead give away about their similarities. The only difference in them was their hair color, Ryan was blond while Nick was a brownish color

“I didn’t mean to. I tried my best to be careful on the road…” I said while wiping at my eyes. “His face still haunts me…” I mumbled before I felt Nick hugging me.

“I’m sorry. About everything.” He whispered as I hugged him back.

(Jimmy’s POV)

After I emerged from the lounge I saw the line near Alex and moved towards the music section. If I was near her I’d probably end up distracting her, which wasn’t a good idea to do in this kind of situation.

After listening to thirty-five minutes of tunes I decided to go check to see if the line cooled down… What I saw was so not cool. She was hugging him and he was hugging her. I fell to the floor and squeezed my chest as I felt like my heart was being ripped out, stabbed repeatedly, dissected, and then thrown into a wood chipper. I knew that I liked her, a lot, but I’m the jealous type. I don’t want her hugging him.

“Hey Alex, how about we try going out again?” Nick asked and I felt like crying.

Please, please just say no. Say that you like someone else, please. I begged silently while holding back my tears.

“I’d love to.” I jumped up when I heard her say that and just bolted out the door. I heard her calling my name but I couldn't look back. I liked her, hell it might even be love, and she likes someone else. What the fuck did I do to deserve this?

(Alexandria's POV)

"Alex, you can leave early." Mr. Crammer announced and I smiled.

I worked through every break possible just so that I could clock out early and find Jimmy boy. I wanted to know why he ran out of here like his life depended on it. If he had stayed he would've heard me tell Nick that I really liked Jimmy.

"Bye!" I called while taking the dozens of bags that Jimmy and I brought in.

"Make sure you hold onto this one!" Nick called as I waved to him with a smile.

I've been walking around the mall for half an hour and I still couldn't find him. How was it possible to miss the tallest dude alive? I mean, the freaking atmosphere had nothing on this dude. As I passed the smoothie shop for the third time I screamed in frustration. He could meet me outside.

"Freaking tall ass mofo who can't even be found in a simple mall." I muttered before stepping out into the pouring rain to see Jimmy leaning on the edge of the garden patch. His hair was soaked, as was his clothes, and his glasses were all fogged up.

"Jimmy!" I complained while walking near him. I stopped in front of him and saw that he looked like he was crying. "Jimmy, what's wrong?" I asked as I went to caress his cheek. He pulled away and stared at me with the coldest eyes possible.

"Your sister will be here in five minutes." He said before walking away from me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked while running to catch up with him.

"Why don't you go ask your boyfriend?" He sneered before turning on his heels and walking away from me.

"What boyfriend?" I asked while trying to keep up with him.

"Nick! You're going back out with Nick right?" He asked while forming a fist... Was he jealous?

"I'm not dating him. We agreed to be good friends, like we used to be." I said with irritation taking control of my tone.

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled. I got so angry that I pushed him up against the door as my sister's car pulled up.

"Damn it Jimmy, shut up for once and listen to me! I turned him down because I fucking like you, hell I possibly love you!" I shouted before letting him go and walking to the back of the car and sitting in the last seat.

(Jimmy's POV)


Did I screw things up before we could even start going out? I wondered as I moved to sit next to her. She placed the bags on the seat so I was forced to sit with Alice upfront.

"I feel the same way..." I trailed off as I looked out the window. We were a long way from normalcy, but it's a start and I'll take anything I can get.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so i went back and edited this mofo story and added things. do me a favor and go read the first 3 chapters over, itd make me a happy camper ^^