Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 5

(Alexandria’s POV)

When we got home I grabbed my bag and ran upstairs. I was pissed as I felt the tears brewing in my eyes; I didn’t want to cry over him… I didn’t want to cry anymore. I’m tired of shedding tears on people who will eventually become just a fleeting memory. He’s just not worth it…

“Ouch.” I mumbled as I gripped the fabric over my heart. It was a lie; I know it is, I didn’t want to stay mad at him. I love being near that big doofus, he always makes me laugh when I need it most. “Forget it.” I whispered as I slammed my bedroom door shut.

I threw the bags, both Jimmy’s and mine, on the floor without a care to the world where they fell. The jeans were becoming uncomfortable and I just really need to change my clothes… Well pants, I’m not ready to give Jimmy his shirt back.

“I need to get something that’d cheer me up.” I mumbled before I pulled out a pair of gray and fuzzy koala pants. The tiny animal made me think of how Jimmy would look if he was stoned; dilated eyes, hanging on to the tree while being high due to the chemical reaction in the eucalyptus trees, and just how adorable they were. I sighed before undoing my pants and shimming out of them. When they were around my ankles I pulled them off and just left them on the floor. I really didn’t want to pick shit up right now.

When I had my warm pajama pants on I laid on my bed facing the ceiling. I traced Andy Sixx’s face with my eyes and smiled when I thought of Nicole’s reaction to when I got it posted right above where she normally crashes. She started to jump up and down on my bed hoping just to touch it. And then Ryan…

“Why is everything going wrong today?” I muttered before I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks. I was tired of remembering.

(Jimmy’s POV)

“I wouldn’t go up there, she seems really pissed. I mean, she hasn’t even played any music. What ever is eating her, is really going to be gnawing at her for quiet a while. Let her cool down… And tell me what happened?” Alice said while dragging me to the kitchen.

Out of all honesty, I didn’t want to talk to Alice. What I wanted was to talk to Alex and try to work things out. I just want to be able to at least hold her. I sat on the stool while trying to think of ways to get her to talk to me when Alice put a beer in front of me.

“Aren’t you a cop?” I asked while opening the bottle; I will give her this: she knows how to start off an interrogation.

“I’m also the one who buys Alex all those beers in the fridge. Don’t ever think it’s for my mom and I, we hate beer.” She said while getting out a soda for herself. “So tell me what happened.” She demanded as she opened up the beverage.

“Okay.” I said before going into detail about everything that happened after she dropped us off… Well not into too much detail since I didn’t want Alice to know about the make out session before Alex went to work. I told her how Nick reacted to seeing her and how scared she seemed of him. Then, I went on to tell her how I saw them hugging, I even told her what I felt when I saw that, and how I responded to Nick asking her out again.

“Well damn, sounds like you two had fun.” She said sarcastically before sighing. “Jimmy, I think you should know that Nick will always have some sort of power over her. I mean, they were friends since they were in pampers. Also, she must be feeling guilty over what happened a year ago. He lost his twin.” She mumbled before taking a sip of her cherry coke.

“What happened? No one is telling anyone anything and yet I was walking the mall with her today and everyone’s calling her a murder. Will you please tell me why this is going on?” I asked with pleading eyes.

“No, it’s not my place… Hell, she hasn’t told me anything since she woke up that day.” She said before her cell went off. “Well, I got to go to work. Um, everyone called the house earlier and said they’d be back late so can you take care of Alex?” She asked while gathering up her belongings.

“Sure.” I sighed as she ran out the door. I swear I’m too nice.

(Alexandria’s POV: Dream/Memory)

“Please Ryan.” I begged as he flipped through the car magazine.

“Yeah, come on Ryan. We want to go shopping.” Cole laughed when she saw me cuddling up to him like a little puppy.

“But I really don’t want to go drive you guys around.” He explained while petting my head.

“Then let me drive! All you have to do is sit there and look pretty, like you always do.” He chuckled before finally agreeing.

“Sweet! Come on!” I sang out while bouncing out of the house.

We had to go pick up Nicole, Bianca, and Rachelle since they all had band practice at school. The band geeks were sure to bring their instruments in the car and start playing them like no tomorrow. Thankfully, there was shit on the radio so I’d gladly let them play.

“I need new clothes badly.” Cole said as she slid into the car while making sure her skirt didn’t show anything. She was wearing a short, black and white plaid miniskirt with a black T-shirt that had two skulls facing each other with a smile. It read ‘DIABOLUS’ in big white letters over her chest.

“I need to get my license so I can stop begging people to drive me places.” I said as we turned into the car parking lot. I smiled when I saw our three friends standing there with their instruments in their hands.

Nicole was wearing a pair of purple skinny jeans with a purple shirt that said ‘Periods suck..’ on the front side and ‘Commas rule!’ on the back. She was holding her guitar case in her hand and wore her pick around her neck. She played a fender guitar, I will be the first to admit that she can shred that thing like a beast shredding its meal with its teeth and claws.

Bianca was wearing a black My Chemical Romance tank top that had a picture of two red guns positioned like the Pisces sign, which fit her well since her birthday was March second, with the band’s name in-between the two weapons. There was two red bullet holes, that were dripping blood, over the guns and four below them that followed the same pattern. She wore simple black jeans as she shifted her clarinet, yes one of the hardest rocker chicks I knew and she played something as mellow as the clarinet. Even with seeing Bianca with a clarinet, I still see the cool ass punk chick that owns the world when she’s playing on her custom Mike Dirnt fender squire precision bass.

Rachelle was crouching down near her guitar case while checking on her fender. She took the pick out of her blue jeans and placed it over her ‘baby,’ as she liked to call it. Her shirt was a very simple white that had a pink heart ripped in two even halves with GC carved in it and two skeletons trying to pry it apart. On the back it says ‘Good Charlotte;’ she was going for the casual look. All three of my friends played string instruments and all three attempted to teach me how to play, but I was more of the type to sneak out of practice and go randomly bang on the school drums or the drums in their practice space.

“Hey strangers.” Ryan said as everyone piled into the back seats.

“Hey.” Rachelle said as she placed the guitar between her legs.

“Hi. Uhg I wish I didn’t play the clarinet.” Bianca groaned when she placed her woodwind in the trunk by leaning over her seat.

“I kind of wish I had my sax. Oh my god Alex, your shirt has Andy on it!” Nicole spazed out when she looked at me from her seat in the van.

“Yeah, I knew you’d freak.” I laughed as I started the car. I was wearing a black T-shirt with a white silhouette of Andy 6; lead singer of Black Veil Brides, and a pair of black pants featuring red stitching, latches on the front pockets, pyramid studs and zippers on the back pockets, and removable chain straps. I also had on a pair of leather biker gloves and a black and white trimmed fedora, stupid Brian’s influence.

“Hey what about me? How do I look?” Cole asked while showing off her outfit.

“Like you’re going to a strip club.” I said with a smile.

“You look pretty.” Nicole said while getting her guitar out of its case.

“I like your shirt!” Bianca said as she saw the design.

“Thank you.” Cole squeaked out.

“It’s very pretty and very you.” Rachelle said with a nod and smile.

“It makes me want to rape you tonight.” Ryan said with a wink.

“Anytime sweetie.” She purred with a smile.

“Aw come on guys, no one wants to hear about your sex life.” I said to the couple, yeah Cole and Ryan are dating and tomorrow’s their one year anniversary.

“You know you want to.” Ryan said with chuckle.

“Perv.” I muttered under Nicole’s guitar.

Out of everyone here, I’ve known Ryan the longest. I mean, we used to freaking take bathes together… Along with his twin brother Nick. I’ll be the first to admit that the twins were two of the hottest guys in our school; every girl dreamed of being on their arms and every girl hated the girls in the car because we were so close with the boys. But both were loved by everyone because they weren’t judgmental. They loved making everyone smile and would do anything to help someone in need, sure sometimes they would have an off day but the next day they’d apologize for being douche pricks. When Cole told me she was falling for Ryan, and hard, I was more than happy to help them get together. Through and through we were like a family that couldn’t possibly be torn apart.

We were laughing in the car as we drove to the mall, Rachelle and I had to go to work and the rest just wanted to chill out at the arcade, Nicole was strumming her guitar as Cole sang some random song. This was the norm for us; riding together and always smiling. Our life was a little piece of heaven.

“SHIT!” I screamed as I swerved to the right to avoid the head on collision that was bound to happen. A silver Chevrolet Traverse was heading for us straight on, but when I swerved it hit Ryan’s side and caused us to roll over a few times until my side was bent into the tree. I felt a warm liquid flowing from my body as the shattered glass flew into my side. “Ryan…” I whispered after I saw that everyone in the back was okay and well. Nicole was opening the sliding door on her side, the only door that could be opened at this point, and rushing everyone out.

“Go on.” I heard him say, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Nicole!” I yelled and she instantly got the message: Help me get him out!

“Come on Ryan.” She said after I pushed him to the back seat. She pulled him out as I, painfully, pulled myself from the front seat. I felt the metal from the gear controls digging into my flesh and rip it in half.

“Alex, are you okay? Do I need to get someone to carry you too?” She asked while attempting to carry Ryan.

“Just go on, I’ll get Ryan.” I said while standing up. I looked back at the car to access the damage… It was bad, like the movies where the car blows up bad. “Nicole, just go tell someone to call 911.” I said calmly as I picked Ryan up and draped his arm over my shoulder. She nodded and ran to the others, I was happy to see that they had minor cuts… well compared to Ryan and me.

“You look like shit…” He muttered weakly.

“Yeah, cause you look any better princess.” I said while limping away with him. We didn’t get very far when the car randomly exploded.

That was the last scene I saw before I woke up in a hospital. There were I.Vs hooked up to me and my arms and legs were bandaged up. I was numb and just wanted to sleep.

“Doc, we’re losing him!” I heard a nurse say. I was curious, I always was a curious child, and got out of my bed as I saw doctors running towards the curtain next to me. I couldn’t see a damn thing so I decided to get out of bed and look at what was happening.

I walked over to in front of the doctors and gasped when I saw the face of the boy in the bed. It was Ryan. He had blood dripping from his head, a breathing mask on, his neck had a brace around it, and his heart monitor was going flat. The doctor was calling voltage levels while handling the electric pads. He’d press them over Ryan’s bare chest and make his stilled body jump a little. I saw that his side was bleeding and his legs were so messed up that even if he did live he’d never be able to walk again.

If he lived. The thought rang through my head as I saw them trying over and over again with no avail. His hear wouldn’t start up again. He was dead and I knew it… When will they see it?

“Call the time of death. It’s fucking kid too.” The doctor said as he put the paddles down. I looked at Ryan’s body as I started to cry. I could see his smiling face and feel his warm hugs. I could hear his gentle words as he cooed me into smiling and talking to people and I could feel the burning tears that left a blazing fire against my cheeks as I silently watched them cover his body.

“Please don’t leave.” I whispered before falling into my coma.

(Jimmy’s POV)

I went into her room to tell her that food was ready and waiting. When I turned on the lights I saw that she had the bags and her pants laying on the floor as she laid on the bed. I walked over to her and felt like shit when I saw her crying in her sleep. Even if I wasn’t the cause I didn’t want her to cry.

“Please don’t cry.” I whispered while wiping away her tears. She gasped as her eyes flew open. “Alex, about today I’m so sorr--”

“Jimmy,” I held my breath when she said my name. I didn’t want her to throw me out of the room. “please don’t go. I can’t take losing you too.” She whispered before burring her face in her hands. I heard her sobbing and I instantly sat down and held her shaking frame.

“Shh, shh. It was only a nightmare.” I whispered while rocking her back and forth. She shook her head repeatedly before looking at me with blood shot eyes and a tear streaked face.

“No, it wasn’t. It was a memory.” She said before holding onto me. “I killed him. I killed my best friend… It should have been me.” She whispered into my chest.

“What do you mean?” I questioned before pulling her away from my body.

“Please don’t leave me when you find out.” She begged while looking at me with tear filled eyes. I crashed my lips to hers and kissed her fully. I wanted to wipe away all the pain and at the same time tell her I wouldn’t leave her even if I should die.

“I swear I won’t leave you.” I whispered against her lips. “I’ll always be with you.” She nodded and pushed me away so she could look at me in the eyes.

She told me the whole story about the accident. She told me how the driver admitted to being drunk and how she already knew Ryan was gone before the doctors gave up. She broke down and cried again when she started to talk about his funeral, I told her to take as much time needed to calm down. After she stopped sobbing, she said that her mother didn’t want her to leave the hospital because her body was still badly burnt and scarred. How she cried for nights on end, as she was forced to stay in that room where she saw her closest friend die. After she was released everyone at school started to call her a murder and started to harass her, Alice actually had to escort her to and from school while wearing her police uniform. Soon she began to see herself as a murder and then entered a state of major depression. She pointed to the wall, to a picture of her and Ryan smiling, and said that she would sit in front of it for hours on end and just contemplate on taking her own life, chickening out in the end. She said that she hasn’t been able to drive ever since then, afraid to cause another person’s death, and that every minute of the day she asks why she lived and he didn’t. By the end she couldn’t cry anymore and smiled.

“Why are you smiling?” I asked shocked before she started laughing.

“This is the first time I’ve told anyone this.” She said before collapsing into my chest. “I’m glad it was you.” She whispered while wrapping her arms around me and sitting on my lap. “Are you sure you still want to be with me?” She asked while looking at me through her lashes.

“You trusting me with the most painful part of your past only made me want you more.” I whispered before kissing her. She dragged me down and on top of her as we deepened the kiss. I ended up with my legs on both side of her as she grabbed at my hair. I moved my hands so that they were sliding up and down her sides on her warm skin. I heard her moan into the kiss and I smiled. “We should eat.” I whispered as I broke the kiss.

“Do we have to?” She panted out and I smiled seductively at her.

“Well, if we don’t you won’t get to taste my amazing cooking skills.” I said and she giggled.

“But I’m too lazy to move from our position. I quite like it.” She smiled at me before her stomach growled.

“How about you lay here and I get the food?” I asked and she nodded with a smile. “Alright, I’ll be right back.” I whispered before pecking her lips and climbing off of her.

“Jimmy, does this mean we’re dating now?” She asked as I got to the door.

“I hope so since we’ve been kissing a lot and cuddling a lot… Plus I only want you by my side all the time.” I saw her smile before I disappeared from the door way.

(Alexandria’s POV)

“You made this?” I asked when I was half way through with my pasta.

“Yeah, is it bad?” Jimmy asked with a worried look. I smiled before kissing him lightly.

“No, it’s amazing, just like you.” I said before going back to my food. Jimmy was already done with his and got up to put his plate at my desk.

“So, you’re feeling better?” He asked while sitting behind me with his knees as my armrest.

“Yeah, I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Thank you.” I whispered before putting my plate on his. I crawled next to him and pulled the covers over us as we laid in each other’s arms.

“Why are you thanking me?” He asked while playing with my hair and looking into my eyes.

“Because you let me tell you something that has haunted me for a year and you didn’t leave me.” I said with a smile. He really did make me feel like a burden was taken off of my shoulder.

“I wouldn’t leave you over something that wasn’t your fault. I don’t see how anyone could.” He whispered before kissing me.

“I know a lot of people who has.” I said meekly and his eyes were questioning who. “My parents divorced even though they were still madly in love. They fought often over how to raise me after the accident. Mom talked him into raising me like normal, it was working too, but he couldn’t handle being called a murder’s father. I’d often hear him yelling at my mom that he couldn’t take it, that he thought we should move. My mom grew up here and I was in my sophomore year, she said there would be no point in moving other than screwing up my schooling. In the end he ran out and filed for divorce, my mom didn’t want to chain him to us so she agreed to it. Soon Alice moved back in, though I was already sent to her place often and she often came over to check on me, her and mom fought a lot.” I explained while playing with his fingers.

“Why’d they fight?” He asked as he chuckled at my childlike tendencies.

“Mom and Alice… They NEVER saw eye to eye. As Alice grew up it became worse, but Alice still always came over for my sake. They eventually stopped fighting and just stopped talking when they thought I wasn’t paying attention. They both wanted me happy… So I became an actress and played the happy role. My friends could always see me suffering inside, and often tried to get me to smile, so they wouldn’t leave me until I started acting like my old self again… But it was only Cole, Nicole, Rachelle, and Bianca. All my other friends from here turned their backs on us. Actually, I’m surprised that Cole is still with me.” I chuckled a little before I saw his eyes. “Her and Ryan were dating.” I said and he understood why I was surprised.

“Okay so you had a crappy past year, but don’t you think Ryan would want you to be happy?” He asked and I smiled at him.

“I’ve learned to be happy… Just some people find it better when I’m not happy. But, I’m happier now than I’ve ever been.” I whispered before kissing him again.

“Good. Now we played 20Q with you asking questions, it’s my turn.” He said with an evil smile. I nodded with a giggle. “Okay, what’s your favorite color?”



“Because it’s calming.” He nodded before thinking of another question.

“Favorite animal?”


“Favorite food?”

“Um… I don’t have one.”

“Favorite drink?”

“Beer and Jack Daniels.” His eyes went wide before kissing me passionately.

“I think I found my perfect match!” He said and I giggled. “Okay, what do you miss about the past, besides Ryan?”

“Well, Nicole accidentally set the school on fire in home ec so we spent the day outside just chilling, it was the beginning of the year, so we got bored and took a class field trip to the mall and it ended with every teacher buying the kids each a gift.” I said as I remembered the book my old Global teacher gave me.

“Nice. Uhg. Can I take my shirt off?” I giggled at his next question.

“Do you mind if I take me shirt off too?” I asked while removing his shirt to show my neon green bra.

“Nice.” He said while taking off his shirt too.
I laid down on my pillows covered in Egyptian cotton pillow cases as Jimmy rested his head near my chest so that my chin was on his head. He wrapped his arms around me when I buried my fingers into his silky hair. It felt so right to be in his arms.

“What do you like about me?” He asked as I felt my self dozing off, again.

“I like that you’re funny, you’re you no matter what, you’d do anything to see anyone smile, that you’re teaching me how to play drums, but mostly that you have this amazing ability to form a deep friendship with anyone and you’re able to admit how you see them. I love that you’re you and you don’t change to meet people standards.” I whispered into his hair. “What do you like about me?” I asked before I felt his lips over my bra line.

“I like that you try to make everyone happy, that you aren’t afraid to be open with the people who still love you, that you’re a drinker,” I giggled at the drinker comment. “, I like that you’re smart, I like your room, I like that you are you. And your body doesn’t make you bad either.” He said chuckling at me.

“Perv.” I muttered with a smile.

“Yeah, but you still love it. At least, you liked the kiss before I went to get the food.” He said kissing my chest again.

“True.” I whispered before I felt his head move from my front.

“Goodnight.” He said before kissing my lips.

“’Night.” I mumbled before falling fully asleep.

(Zacky's POV)

Nicole and I got back to Alex's house at midnight because her band practice went over late because the drummer wasn't there on time. Even though the band itself was still new and had a lot to do before getting it big, it was still god for a band who started out one month ago. Nicole could shred on her guitar and was able to even help the bassist tune their bass for their new song. Honestly it looked like she was the main point of the band, though I couldn't tell her because when Amanda did Nicole freaked out saying that she played the same role as everyone else.

"Your music is cool. I really like the intro to the first song. The one that goes 'Can you hide what you are when you don't know what you've been? An actor in a play at love, you don't even care. Your soul is gone I'm not sure I know you. I don't think I want to alter all this.' Who wrote that?" I asked as we entered the house.

"Oh, I wrote that with Alex's help. Her and I normally write the songs that my band plays." She said with a smile and then I chuckled.

"Well she always told Matt that she was going to write songs for our band; he might feel disappointed when he finds out she's doing it for another band." I said before a drunk Brian collapsed on me.

"Hey budyyy. What's shaken bacon?" He slurred and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I know drinking as a minor is bad but he's a funny drunk." A short blond girl explained with a smile.

"Rachelle, alcohol is not good even if it makes for a funny drunk... That's why we keep Alex away from the fridge." Nicole said with a smile and my head turned into her direction, as did Brian's and a pretty sober Johnny.

"She drinks?" Johnny asked and the raven hair girl smiled at him.

"Yeah. She's been drinking for a few years now. When we asked her about it she said that she got used to the taste thanks to some kid named Matt." She said and Brian and I flipped out. BRIAN! Brian got our little, adopted sister addicted to that shit.

"I'm going to murder him. And talk to her right now." Brian roared as he wobbled to the stairs.

"Who are you murdering?" Matt asked as him and Cole stepped in with messed up hair and clothes... Jeeze I'll give you a nickel if you can guess what they did.

"You got my little cousin addicted to alcohol?" Brian asked and Matt turned pale.

"I didn't mean to!" He said before Cole slapped him.

"THANKS! You should know that I hate people who drink illegally, hell it's a miracle I still hang out with Alex." Cole said slapping Matt's chest.

"Why don't we just go talk to her?" The blond, Rachelle, said as she ascended the stairs with Brian.

When we got up stairs we saw that Alex's door was wide open and her light was on. I prayed to god that she wasn't drinking.

"What the hell? I'm going to kill Jimmy!" Brian said before Matt and I held him back.

"Calm down dude! Just sleep over the booze then talk to them calmly tomorrow." Brian said as we dragged him away from the two. It was an interesting scene. Alex was topless and had Jimmy resting in her arms with his face buried into his chest. Jimmy was shirtless and had his hands on top of Alex's shoulder blades as his fingers curled onto her shoulders. The covers were half off the bed and you could see that Jimmy's waist line was right between her thighs, yet you could see that they both had pants on. It was a cute picture so I took a picture of it with my cell phone and sent it to Jimmy. He'd thank me later for it.

"So this means the girls are sharing a room with the guys right?" Cole asked as she turned off the lights and closed the door.

Matt's face lit up and he got a wicked grin on.

"Sure." He beamed and everyone groaned.

"No sex!" We shouted at the two who looked like they were getting ready for seconds, or fourths since we don't know what Matt is capable of, of what they did earlier.

"Okay." They whimpered before going to our room.

"Girls, you wanna share a room with us?" I asked as Johnny came over to help me get Brian in the room.

"Sure, Oh I'm Rachelle by the way. And that's Bianca." I waved to both as Bianca said hi.

"I really don't care." Bianca said and Nicole was already heading there.

"I just want sleep." She said and we laughed as we made our way to go to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so this would've been out earlier but i was dealing with crap (drama) and it's amazing that it's out to night. um yea this has angst and goes into detail but i needed her fear of driving to be clear. she blames her for ryan's death and he was like a brother to her. she loved him and she saw him die right in front of her. how would you honestly react to that shiz? and her dad is a pansy thought you should know