Sequel: Even Heaven Falls

Our Own Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 9

“Nicole! Make the killer ducks go away!” I yelled as I ran into Jimmy’s waiting arms.

“Just scare them.” She said before running towards them with a swinging stick.

“That looks fun!” Johnny shouted before everyone but Jimmy and I went to join her.

“You okay? You were crying.” He whispered as he whipped my cheek with the back of his hand.

“Bir-bear finally knows everything.” I said while leaning on his chest. I listened to the sound of his heart beat as he held me tightly in his arms. “Jimmy?” I whispered as I felt his breath on my ear.

“Yes?” He asked before I pulled away and kissed him gently.

“You’re amazing.” He chuckled slightly before kissing me again.

“I know I am.” I laughed before burring my face in his chest as I took in his scent. It was a mixture of sweat, Jack Daniels, and a hint of French vanilla…

“Jimmy did you use my body spray?” I asked and laughed when I felt him tense up.

“Um… No…” I laughed at him before kissing his neck slightly.

“It’s alright, as long as I have some still in the bottle.” I whispered before I felt something thrown at me.

“Careful, it looks like Jimmy’s getting turned on!” Bri-bear yelled and I smiled.

“If he does I can just show him the pic we’re sending to Matt and Jason.” I shuddered at the thought of seeing the guys in girl underwear. The image was burned into my brain as I clung to Jimmy for dear life. “I think I was scarred for life.” I whispered and he laughed.

“Ewww!” Nicole said as she walked towards us with Zacky by her side.

“Zacky, you’re so amazing. Like, the world cannot match up to your amazingness. Not even Jimmy can match that shiz.” I smiled when I heard Jimmy scoffing at that last part.

“Alex, what do you want?” Zacky asked and I grinned.

“For you to ask out Nicole! You two are so cute together and, unlike the rest of us, you two are the only ones who have taken it slow. I mean I’m sure Cole and Matt already had hot wild monkey sex.”

“I TOLD you to lock the door!” Cole shouted as I winked at her. Yeah, Jimmy walked in on them in the guest room and told me about it, and of course since it’s me I ran in and started to squeal like a school girl before running back out.

“By the way Cole, your boobs are still huge.” I said calmly and her face turned red.

“Well that’s none of your business!” She yelled before she started beating me with a stick.

“Oh my god if you don’t stop I’m going to whip out my portable iron stripper pole and beat you until you’re bloody and laying on the floor.” I screamed and she laughed before getting her manly voice on.

“Mmm shredded uterus.” She said in reference to the latest Ellan Hopkins book titled ‘Tricks.’ You know the part where the monk goes to the girl with food when she has her period and she’s like ‘We can’t I have my period.’ and the sick bastard says ‘I don’t mind the taste of blood.’

“Oh ew.” I groaned while trying to hold down the nonexistent breakfast I had this morning.

“I don’t want to know.” Everyone else said as I eventually did break free from Jimmy and went to blow chunks in the nearest bush.

“No, no you really don’t.” I managed as I stood up on shaky legs.

“I can tell you.” Cole said in her sweet voice and I threw up again.

“NO!” My scream came out scratchy as it felt like my throat was on fire. “I don’t want them to kill themselves violently.” I said as I moved towards the others.

“It’s not that bad.” She smiled and I rolled my eyes.

“No, it’s worse. Now can we please just go inside? I’m freezing and I just emptied the contents of my stomach behind that bush, so I’m quite hungry.” I said and they laughed at me.

“Holy shit!” Cole screamed before she slipped and dragged me down with her. I landed hard on my back and ass before my head finally collided with the ice. “Thanks for breaking my fall!” She beamed as she landed on top of me.

“Ow..” I coughed as she landed with all her weight going onto my chest and torso, knocking the wind out of me.

“You okay?” She asked while digging her elbows into my boobs.

“Get. Your. Fat. Ass. OFF!” I wheezed as everyone laughed at us.

“No, you just hurt my feelings so I’m staying.” She said and I groaned. I could feel the snow melting into my back and I didn’t like it, granted I hated that my friend was suffocating me with her double D chest.

“Her beast of boobs are suffocating me!” I screamed while thrashing around.

“Come on babe.” Matt said as he came to my rescue. I whimpered as I sat up and Jimmy laughed as he picked me up bridal style.

“Jimmy, her fat ass hurt me.” I whimpered and he smiled.

“Tell me where it hurts and I’ll make it better.” He whispered and I smiled seductively at him.

“When we’re alone.” I whispered before kissing him lightly.

“Alex, no kissing.” Nicole’s mom said as we walked into her house.

“Sorry mom.” I blushed as he set me down.

“Yeah, yeah.” She sang while hitting Nicole with the dish towel she had in her hand. “Get your but in the kitchen and help me feed your friends.” Nicole groaned but didn’t argue with her mom.

“Make yourselves at home in my room.” Nicole said before she dragged her feet into the kitchen.

“Try not to set the house one fire.” I sang out and she turned to glare at me.

“Two times! It never happened again!” Nicole screamed as we ascended the stairs laughing.

(Zacky’s POV)

When the girls opened the white door to Nicole’s room my initial thought was ‘She probably likes me because of my hair.’

Her room was huge and had a gray and purple color scheme to it. Her walls were gray with purple paint splatters, hand prints, and signatures. Her carpet was a soft gray material that kind of just ate the feet. The wall opposite of her door held a king sized bed that was black and had a pole for every corner of the bed. You really couldn't see much after that because there was black curtains hanging over the railing. The curtain looked like it was silk and it had purple flaming skulls everywhere on it. On the right side of her bed was a black dresser that had a huge mirror on top of it and photos of her friends and family. The dresser was split in half and had three small drawers on top and four drawers on the bottom of each side. The left side of the bed held a glass top computer desk that had a purple iPod, a grey iPod adapter lamp, a purple alarm clock, and a silver Toshiba laptop.

"Wow, what a nice purple room." Johnny said as he plopped down on a big purple disk chair.

"Alex, I found the message you wrote for Nicole when we helped her decorate her room!" Rachelle exclaimed before she read the message. " 'Out of our minds, crazy ass times, Not only best friends, but partners in crime. Be my partner bitch or be the victim. Lol Luv ya.' Way to threaten her." Rachelle commented and Alex laughed.

"She thought it was funny." Alex giggled out before pulling Jimmy onto the bed with her.

"You guys are crazy." I muttered as I sat on her black computer chair.

"Yeah, but you love us." Cole said as the rest of them piled onto the black couch in her room, yes her room was big enough to fit a fucking couch in it.

"Yeah, you guys keep me entertained." I said and everyone threw something at me. "Oh a pack of free gum." I said before Matt held out his hand.

"Give it back." He said and I refused. Without warning Matt lounged at me as we fought for the gum. Everyone was taking bets on who would come out with the pack.

(Alexandria's POV)

I smiled when everyone got loud since it meant I could change and not get out of the bed.

"Do I get to watch?" Jimmy asked when I took off the Misfits T-shirt.

"Of course." I said before climbing on top of him and kissing his tender lips roughly. "You said you'd kiss the pain away, remember?" He smiled up at me while dipping his hands into my back pockets.

"Where does it hurt?" I smiled before pointing to right above the cloth that covered my chest. "I might die for doing this." He whispered before pressing his lips against my skin. I felt his mouth open slightly before his tongue started to draw circles on me.

"Jimmy." I moaned lightly as I felt myself moving my body closer to his.

"Alex..." I saw Cole smile before closing the curtain and squealing Brian's name.

"Shit." I muttered before moving away from Jimmy and throwing on my shirt just as he pulled the fabric away from the bed.

"Out." He ordered as he pointed to Jimmy. Jimmy scrambled out of the bed and I pouted. “Don’t give me that.” He said while crawling onto the bed.

I sighed as I grabbed my bag. Brian smiled before tackling me into a hug.

“I love you both dearly, but the next time I see something like that again I’ll personally murder one of you.” He said as I pulled back Nicole’s Jack Skeleton comforter and climbed in.

“Okay, we’ll continue when you aren’t around.” I smiled and winked at him as I changed my pants under her blankets. After many years of being too lazy to walk to the bathroom to change I’ve acquired a talent for changing clothes under blankets.

“That’s all I ask.” He chuckled before leaving the bed. “Now, how the hell can you put on pants with twenty chains on them while laying in bed?” He asked as I finished buttoning the pink cloth.

“Practice… It helps to have one leg that randomly goes numb.” I said while taking off my shirt and replacing it with the top I had on earlier.

“Okay. And seeing you in your bra disturbed me so I’m going to get off the bed and leave the curtain open.” He mumbled as he pulled the fabric over the one pole.

“Yeah, like seeing you in that lingerie wasn’t disturbing.” I shot back as he and Jimmy switched places.

“That was funny, we should do that again.” Jimmy laughed as he wrapped his arms around my wais and we laid down on the bed.

“YEAH!” Everyone agreed and I groaned. These idiots wanted me to have nightmares for life.

I turned myself so that I was snuggling close into Jimmy’s chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. It was calming and comforting to be engulfed in Jimmy’s arms like I was hiding from the world. I felt my eyes becoming very heavy as he started to hum in my ear. The tune was beautiful and calming, though the lyrics themselves could have been twisted and sick; it was Jimmy’s mind after all.

(Jimmy’s POV)

It didn’t take long for her to go to sleep in my arms.

“Wow Jimmy, you must be pretty cozy cause every time she’s in her arms she just falls asleep.” Rachelle joked and I smiled at how true that statement was. I’m sure that if I held her like this all the time she’d never wake up.

“Okay, well I can’t be in the same room as Alex when she’s sleeping cause I can’t keep my voice quiet.” Cole said before dragging Matt out of the room. Soon everyone followed them and I was left alone with Alex as I hummed Dear God into her ear.

“I love you.” I whispered before she grasped at my shirt with a small smile.

“Jimmy, I love you too.” She whispered while her eyes fluttered open. “Are they gone?” I nodded at her with a smile. “Good, they were making me want to bleach my brain.” I laughed at her before kissing her soft lips.

“You. Are. So. Adorable.” I said between kisses. She turned us so that I was on my back and she was on my chest.

“You. Are. So. Bangable.” She said between kisses and I laughed right out at her innocent face as she said ‘Bangable.’

I sniffed the air and scrunched up my nose. “Do you smell that burning?” I asked and she shot out of my arms and down the stairs.

(Alexandria’s POV: In the kitchen)

“Nicole, how did you set the kitchen on fire now?” Nicole’s mom screamed as she ran around looking for the extinguisher.

“I don’t know! I turned my back for a millisecond and BAM! Fire!” Nicole said as she found the red container.

“AGAIN?” I shouted and she turned to me with a smile.

“It’s your fault! You jinxed me!” She yelled and I rolled my eyes.

“And all the others were because of me too?” I asked as her mom put out the flames.

“Now that you mention it, yes, yes it was your fault.” She said with a smiling face and her hand on her hip.

“Sure Nicole.” I said as I felt Jimmy’s chin on my head.

“Starting fires are bad, Nicole. That’s why you should let me join.” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

“I would fall for a pyro.” I sighed as I moved closer to the isle.

“Well, who wants pizza?” Nicole’s mom asked while picking up the house phone. We all laughed as the guys started shouting out random orders.

“Only you can purposely start a fire to get something you want in the end.” I said and she smiled at me.

“What? She was going to make meatloaf, blech.” She whispered while sticking out her tongue.

“If I remember correctly that’s what we were making when the school caught on fire.” She smiled at me before we just burst out laughing. I love Nicole.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahaha Nicole is a pyro. lol well this chappie is dedicated to Dear Jimmy since today is her birthday. Happy birthday chicky-poo ;)