Let's Follow Through With This Reckless Dream

My Ship Went Down In A Sea Of Sound;

3 Years Later

"This is Monster. Terry speaking. How May I help you today?" I said quickly into the phone, trying to fill out all these dumbass papers for my boss.

"Yeah, is a Maxine Willem there?...I need to speak to her she's my girlfriend." I knew it was Jack and being me I couldn't help but giggle like a fan girl on crack.

"Hi, Jack." I said managing to calm down.

What is wrong with me now days?

"Hey, baby." He said in a husky voice trying to make himself sound smooth but it never worked...because he could never play the smooth type of guy.

"Pick me up after work?" I asked playing with my pen waiting for a response on the other line.

"Don't I always?" He said in a funny voice as I laughed.

"Tah tah, Darling." I giggled hanging up on him.

"Ms. Malcom?" I turned around to see Kelsie standing there with my coffee and more of my papers.

"Yes, Hun?" I asked as she handed me my coffee and more papers from my boss...A.K.A. Mr. Bitch.

"These are from, Mr. Brutch. He would like to have a meeting with you tomorrow in the conference room about our new campaign." She said in her squeaky voice as I smiled and took a sip of my coffee.

"Looks good. Thanks, babe." I said as she smiled and walked out.

I scratched the back of my head and looked around my desk some more. I then turned to my computer and then started playing solitaire to pass some time.

I took another sip of my coffee. Nothing gets better then coffee...

I heard a knock at my door as I turned around in my rolley chair and stared at the door.

It opened and in came Kelsie.

"Ms. Malcom?" She said sweetly as I cocked my eyebrow up at her.

"Yes, babe?"

"A Mr. Wellington is here to see you." She smiled and bit her lip as she walked out of the room and in comes Colby.

"Cole!" I squealed as I jumped out of my seat and hugged him tight as he laughed.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were off on vacation for the summer!" I said as he chuckled and let his brown bangs fall in front of his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? Hell no! And miss out talking to you about your amazing dreams." He smiled as I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Those dreams just come to me...It's not my fault." I smirked writing down stuff for the meeting tomorrow.

Everything became silent before he spoke.

"I was wondering maybe tomorrow...Since my dad went out of town for his business trip you would like wanna go out to eat with me?" He smiled sitting down at one of the nice chairs in front of my desk as I shrugged.

"I have to see what's on my schedule." I sighed pulling out my agenda as he stared at me with his deep brown eyes.

They always looked sad yet some how understanding.

"After my meeting with my boss and...after I give this one guy his dragon tattoo he wants." I said rolling my eyes as Cole chuckled.

"Other then that I'm free...Maybe you could pick me up like at six tomorrow night?" I asked him as he smiled and nodded getting up from his chair.

"I'll see ya tomorrow, Terry." He smirked walking out of my office as I waved and leaned back in my leather rolley chair.

Was that a date? Whatever...It was more like an appointment then a date right?

I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my coffee.

I got up from my chair and opened the blinds to my big window looking out over Baltimore. I was on the tenth floor of the building and I could overlook anything in Baltimore I wanted...Somebody would seriously kill there self if they jumped off this building...

I smiled to myself taking another sip of my coffee.

I can't believe Jay went off to college a couple of months ago to become a cop...I miss him. He was so sweet...And Daniel...is a male stripper so that's not weird at all...Danny is now living in L.A. and he is going to become an architect. Mike is now married...Well he eloped to some slut he met in Vegas...We're all getting older and moving on...As for me, well you know that whole crazy story about how I'm Schitzo and no one can trust me to be alone anymore...

Then we have Jasey Rae Rutherford...My best friend, a single mother, a girl that I can barley even see anymore because we're so busy with our jobs.

I still love her to death and my little niece. Well, I call her my niece because Jasey and I are practically like sister's...Ellarie Rutherford.

I swallowed hard sitting my coffee on the window sill, staring out at Baltimore.

I looked up at the billboard of me and Bam...Yes, we did do a photo shoot together for Monster...Now Bam and I are as thick as thieves...

I heard a beep go off as I ran over to my desk.

"Yes, this is Terry." I spoke quickly nearly spilling my coffee.

"Terry, my dear. Come see me ASAP." It was my boss...My Italian sucker of a god damn boss!

I groaned and made my way to the main hallway, speed walking down it and to his big office with the big cedar table in it that filled up the whole room.

"Come sit." He said staring at some paper as I took a deep breath and walked down by him sitting in a nice comfortable chair.

I cocked my eyebrow at him as he looked up at me.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I would just like to say that..." He paused for a moment staring at me in my eyes as I continued to give him a weird look.

What the fuck is wrong with him?

"You're doing a very good job here at Monster." He smiled as I was getting ready to stand up from my chair before he stopped me.

"Thank you, Sir. I do my best." I smiled getting anxious to see Jack waiting for me out in the lobby.

"And for that I would like to give you a raise." He smiled as my mouth parted slightly.

"Really?" I asked in shock.

This way me and Jack can build that arcade we've been wanting downstairs in our basement! Holy shit!

"Really, really, Ms. Malcom." He smiled as I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Thank you so much." I smiled getting ready to jump up and down for joy.

"You're very welcome, Ms. Malcom." He said as I stood up getting ready to walk out of his office before he stopped me.

"I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow?" He spoke in his Italian accent as I nodded and saluted him going out the door and back to my office.

I grabbed my black bag and put it over my shoulder and put my black slouchy beanie on as I heard my beeper go crazy again.

I pressed the button down and put my lips up to it.

"Yes?" I said into it.

"There is a Mr. Barakat here to see you." I heard Rosetta (a woman who works up at the front desk on the bottom floor) say as I let go of the button and shut my light off, running out of my office and to the elevator.

As the doors opened there I saw Jack standing there, his back facing away from the elevator as I squealed and jumped on his back as he laughed.

"Hey!" He chuckled as I hopped off his back and he grabbed my waist, bringing me close to him as we made out in the lobby.

I can't even believe me and Jack still haven't had sex yet...The two times we have tried there has always been a problem...One, me being too scared. And two, him grunting weird so we stopped. Because seriously it was starnge...

"I'm getting a raise!" I squealed jumping up and down as he smiled.

"Arcade!" He yelled out jumping up and down with me as I nodded my head up and down like crazy.

"No way!" He yelled out as we held each others hands and jumped up and down like crazy as Rosetta stared at us with a smirk on her middle aged face.

"I love you so much." I said out of breath grabbing Jack by the neck and kissing him again as he kissed my neck, making me giggle.

"Not here." I whispered in his ear as we both locked hands and made our way out of the building.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked as we got in the car and he started it up.

"Um..." I didn't know what to say I was so busy today...and tired. We might as well go home.

"Let's go home." I said as Jack pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street stopping at a red light.

"I'm hungry." He whined as I rolled my eyes and pulled down the mirror redoing my make-up as Jack watched me with a smirk on his adorable face.

"What?" I chuckled rubbing my lips together to make my lip gloss smoother.

I puckered my lips and kissed him as I flet his tongue go in my mouth and a car honking at us.

Jack flipped the car off behind us as I hit his chest.

"Jack!" I laughed as he shrugged and started driving down the street again.

"Is that-." I cut him off.

"Moco Coco." I said in a husky voice, giving myself one last glance before closing the mirror.

"Jack likey." He said wiggiling his eyebrows as I giggled and looked out the window at all the trees and cars passing by.

I then felt Jack's fingers intertwine with mine as I looked over at him.

"I love you." He smiled as I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'll always love you..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, anyways, there's the first chapter!
We hope you all comment!
- Faith