Let's Follow Through With This Reckless Dream

A Hand Full Of Moments, I Wished I Could Change;

"You, my friend remind me of someone I once knew." I giggled tracing a eagle on the back of a 16-year-old's back.

"Oh, yeah? Who is that?" He chuckled as I smiled and came around to his front.

"Me." I smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"I remind you...of you? But your a chick." He said as I shrugged.

"I sure as hell don't act like one." I smirked.

His phone rang as he grabbed it and answered it.

"Yes, Drew?" He sighed into the phone rolling his eyes as I smiled and put on my blue elastic gloves.

"No, dude! I can't! I'm getting a tattoo from Terry Malcom." He said in a husky voice as I laughed.

"The Terry Malcom?!" I heard Drew scream his head off on the other line as Dalton (the kid I was doing a tattoo on) laughed his ass off.

"Yeah, she's right here." Dalton said handing me the phone as I smiled.

"Hi, Drew." I said in a happy voice as everything turned silent and Dalton laughed his ass off.

"Is this Terry Malcom?" Drew asked in a shocked voice as I laughed.

"Yes, this is her." I smirked.

"Holy shit! You're that sexy chick who is like Bam's sister from another life?!" He yelled as I started laughing like crazy.

"Yeah, that would be me." I giggled.

"Holy shit! Were are you at?!" He yelled as I cocked my eyebrow.

"Mo Mo's Tattoo's and Piercings." I said as I heard the dial tone.

"He's coming." I sighed handing Dalton back his phone as he sat it down and nodded.

"I figured." He laughed.

"You ready?" I asked him getting my magic tattoo wand ready.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He smirked turning over on his side as I got down at eye level and smiled at how good I drew this.

"You're going to look hot." I smiled as I heard him chuckle.

"So...Who are you impressing? A lady perhaps?" I laughed pressing the tool lightly to his skin as I heard him mutter something.

"Tell me if it gets too bad." I said starting on the eagle's head.

"Yes, a lady." He laughed in a shaky voice.

"Tell me about her." I smiled trying to get his mind off the pain. It was his first tattoo and I know how much those hurt.

"She's sweet and pretty." He smiled as I smiled back and eased up on the pressure a bit.

"Aw! How long have you guy's been dating?" I smiled.

"We haven't been dating." He laughed as I cocked my eyebrow and stopped tracing the tattoo as I grabbed some cotton balls.

"You haven't been dating?" I asked in shock.

"No, I'm going to this party tonight and-." I cut him off.

"Don't get her pregnant." I warned.

"I have protection." He chuckled.

"Just wait. Would ya?" I rolled my eyes.

"I can't wait...She's ready, I'm ready...At least I'm pretty sure she's ready." He said nervously.

"Listen to me...Don't pressure her. She'll hate you forever if you do that." I said as he groaned.

"I know. I know." He said.

"Are you a nice guy? I mean or are you like my friend Alex? A manwhore who drinks too much?" I chuckled at that line.

"All the chicks dig me if that's what you mean." He laughed.

"Yep, your Alex." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?" He chuckled as I gulped and started back on the eagle head again.

"And I'm guessing your friend Drew is just like my boyfriend Jack..." I muttered to myself with a smile.

It makes perfect sense...

The bell then rang and I turned my head to see a nice looking jock type teenager walk in.

"Holy shit. It is Terry Malcom." He said in shock walking closer to me and Dalton as I smirked and continued with the tattoo.

"That's me." I smiled.

"I'm Drew." He said in a husky voice trying to play it cool as I laughed.

"You guys are so funny." I said trying to calm down my laughter.

"We didn't do anything that was funny." Dalton said gripping the edge of the lay down chair from pain.

I eased up a bit.

"No, I mean...You two are like my friend and my boyfriend you act exactly like them and it fascinates me." I smirked.

"Damn! You have a boyfriend?! I knew it..." Drew sighed as I shrugged.

"Aren't you going to a party tonight?" I asked him as he smiled and nodded.

"There will be chicks there that want you...Trust me. Put on some AXE and you're good to go." I smiled as he returned the smile.

"Thanks for the tip." He chuckled.

"What kind of tattoo are you getting, bro?" Drew asked Dalton as Drew stepped around the chair and looked at his back with me.

"That is so tight! I bet you will remember this forever...Getting a tattoo by Terry Malcom." Drew said looking at me as I laughed.

"It's all for Jamie." Dalton said as I cocked my eyebrow. Alex and Jasey...Memories. Alex always did want to impress Jasey.

"If only I could get into Anna's pants...She is so hot!" Drew smiled dazing off into space as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't pressure her." I warned again.

"I won't...She'll come to me and want some...I'll be waiting." He sighed as I chuckled. Jack Barakat indeed.

"Sex is good but you just gotta wait for the right time." I said with a smile as they both stared at me.

"You seem like such a rebel. Why are you doing this to us?" Dalton asked as I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"When I'm with Bam I'm a rebel...When I'm alone I am a little bit calmer then what you see or read in magazines or on videos." I chuckled.

The bell then rang again. I looked up to see Alex coming in with a sad look on his face.

"This is Alex, guys...My big brother from another life and the one I was telling you about, Dalton." I said as Dalton waved to him and Drew just stared as I smiled at Alex.

Alex grabbed a chair and sat down by me, watching me give Dalton his big ass eagle tattoo.

"What's wrong, Douche?" I sighed as Drew chuckled and I stopped after I was done with the eagle's head and wiped off some blood.

"I'm the dad of Jasey's kid." He said quietly in shock as I looked up at him and cocked my eyebrow.

"Damn. You found out?" I asked as Alex's mouth parted slightly.

"How come you didn't tell me?!" He yelled out as I nibbled my lip and shrugged.

"Jasey's orders." I whispered going back to the tattoo.

"Jasey's orders." He said in a high pitched voice trying to mimick me as I rolled my eyes.

"I should've told you...I'm sorry." I said quietly as he shook his head.

"It's not your fault." He sighed as I grabbed one of my Monster drinks from my mini fridge and handed it to him as he smiled and popped it open taking a sip.

"I love how you get packs of this shit for free." He smiled as I nodded and let up off the pressure a bit.

"Yeah, it's all good." I smiled, making Dalton lay flat on his stomach so I could get a full view of the tattoo.

"You did a real kick ass job on that." Alex said as I smiled and nodded.

"I know." I smirked.

"This guy that I am doing right now...Reminds me of you." I said to Alex as he cocked his eyebrow at me.

"Trust me...He's you." I said as Alex shook his head.

"No one can be me...I am my own person." Alex smirked.

"He says all the chicks dig him and tonight he wants to impress a girl named Jamie..." I chuckled as Alex cocked his eyebrow at me again.

"There's nothing wrong with impressing the girl you like." Alex said as I rolled my eyes.

"You don't get it."I muttered.

"I heard you and Jack are back together." Alex said taking another sip of his Monster drink as I smiled and nodded.

"He told me about the other night." Alex smiled as I nodded.

"It was good." I giggled as Alex chuckled.

I was almost done with one big wing of the eagle. Now I was moving onto the other one.

"He kept on talking about how good you were." Alex said in between laughs as I blushed and Drew and Dalton looked at me with interest.

"It's not what you think." I whispered to them but it was what they thought...

"Shut up." I said to Alex as he rolled his eyes.

"Are your boobs really that big because they don't look that big." Alex laughed and stared at my boobs as I turned red faced and I put the tool down as I chased Alex all around the tattoo parlor until I knocked him to the ground and got on top of him holding his wrists down to the floor.

"Do you really want to fight me again, Gaskarth?" I asked him as he started laughing like crazy again.

"I could take you down any day." He laughed harder as I held him down tighter.

"My tattoo, Terry!" I heard Dalton yell as I rolled my eyes and got closer to Alex's face.

"I'm gonna make you cry like a baby." I said in a stern voice as he laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Max, you couldn't hurt me if you-." We were cut off by the bell ringing and Jack and Jasey coming in.

"Alex?" Jasey asked in shock as Jack's mouth parted slightly.

"Look who it is, The Bitch or as some call her Jasey Rae." I said putting my hands on my hips as Alex laid out of breath.

Everything turned silent as Alex started laughing like crazy and I looked at him, still on top of him.

"Her boobs aren't that big, Jack." Alex laughed as Jasey's mouth dropped and I slapped Alex.

"Shut the fuck up." I said through cenched teeth.

"Why are you here?" I asked looking at Jasey with dagger eyes as she rolled her crystal blue ones and looked at Alex.

"I came to talk to you since Jack came over to my place." Jasey said flatly as I got up off Alex and helped him off the floor.

"I have a customer right now." I said flatly walking back behind the counter and finishing the eagle tattoo as I heard Alex and Jasey talking over the buzz of the tool.

"Thanks for leaving me." Dalton said sarcastically as I shrugged.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

Jack came over and sat down by me as I smiled at him.

"What were you and Alex doing?" He asked as I laughed and I saw a smile coming up on his lips.

"He thought he could take me down in a fight and then he kept on teasing me about you telling him about the other night." I smiled as Jack chuckled and stared at me doing Dalton's tattoo.

"I think we all know who would win in that fight." Jack said kissing my cheek as I giggled.

"Go see what they're talking about." I whispered as Jack got up and went over to Jasey and Alex who were deep in conversation.

"I'm guessing that guy is Jack?" Dalton said as I smiled and nodded.

"I'm almost finished with this smoking hot tat." I smirked finishing it up as he smiled.

"Great." He grinned as I finished it up and wiped some of the blood off with cotton balls.

I then rubbed a little bit of alcohol on and covered the tattoo up.

"There you go." I smiled taking off my elastic gloves and washing my hands.

"Terry Malcom you are my fucking idol now." Dalton said looking at his tattoo in the mirror as I smiled and Drew hugged me.

"Come again." I said before they left.

"Sweet boys...So young...Time goes by fast doesn't it guys?" I said hopping over the counter as all eyes were on me.

"You fall in love and get pregnant and then never tell the dad he's the father until now." I said looking at Jasey as she shot me dagger eyes.

"Then you hurt your best friends feelings." I said putting my hands on my hips as Jack looked at Alex who rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah and then-." Jasey cut me off.

"I'm not the one who cheated on my boyfriend!" Jasey yelled in my face as I felt the lump come up my throat.

"We forgave each other already!" I yelled in her face as she rolled her eyes and turned to Jack.

"You forgive me right?" I asked him as he nodded and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Of course I do." He whispered.

"Jasey Rae Rutherford it's not me who needs to fix my realationship! It's you..You lied to him about his own baby for three fucking years. He didn't even do anything to you! I hate to say this but I feel bad for Alex...Not you." I said as her mouth dropped and she looked at Alex who shrugged.

"Since when are you on his side, Max?!" She said in shock as I looked at Alex.

"There is no sides, Jasey! I just think it was sort of wrong of you to tell him after three years that he has a kid!" I yelled as she shook her head and left the shop as Alex stood there looking at me.

"Should I go after her?" He asked as me and Jack shrugged.

"Don't all Prince Charming's go after their Princess when she walks away?"
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I don't know why but I loved that line at the end! I made it up <3
- Faith