Let's Follow Through With This Reckless Dream

But I Was Carried Away;

Later That Night

"What did I do to her to make her this way? Is my schitzo rubbing off on her?" I cried into Jack's chest as he rubbed my back.

"She's just pissed right now. I know Jasey she'll calm down sooner or later." He said in a low voice as I rolled my eyes and sobbed harder.

"B-b-b-but she's pissed at me and I don't want her to be pissed at me." I stuttered as Jack hugged me tighter to him.

"Don't worry, Max...I promise you everything will be okay." He whispered as I cried into his chest getting his Glamour Kills shirt all wet with my tears.

"Jack, I'm sorry for cheating on you. I feel really really bad about it." I sobbed as he chuckled and I looked up at him as he gave me a look of sympathy.

"I forgave you three times already, Max." He smiled as I gave him a half smile.

"I love you..." I sighed as he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you more." He whispered in my ear as I smiled.

"I have to go to therapy tomorrow." I whispered.

"Want me to come?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I have a lot to do tomorrow." I sighed.

"Aw. We can't hang out?" He whined as I intertwined my fingers with his.

"Of course we can...I just have a photo shoot tomorrow for our campaign and then I have to give this guy like a big high priced tattoo and then...therapy." I said shaking my head as Jack's eyes popped out of his sockets.

"That is a lot." He said as I nodded.

"I know." I muttered wiping my eyes with Jack's shirt as he chuckled.

I looked up at Jack as he smirked.

"You have a cute nose." I said randomly as he laughed.

He did have a cute nose!

I leaned up and kissed the tip of it as he laughed more and smiled his cute smile.

"I wuv you." I said in a baby voice as he kissed my cheek.

"I wuv you too."

The Next Day

I walked into the lobby of Monster and rolled my eyes as I walked up to Rosetta's desk.

"Where's the room at, Rose?" I asked her as she smiled and looked on her computer.

"Room A42 it's on the 3rd level where the staff room is." She said as I smiled and got in the elevator. I was wearing my good calm outfit today...I looked good. The only weird thing about this outfit was that I was wearing black pumps...I never wear pumps. I didn't wear any make-up or did my hair because I left that up to the hair and make-up bitches to do that.

Mr. Brutch didn't tell me who would be here today so I would just have to wait and see...

I strutted out of the elevator and to the room and as soon as I opened those doors I saw Bam!

"Bam!" I squealed as I dropped my black bag and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist as he laughed and put me down.

"Look who it is! Terry! What a fucking surprise to see you here." He said as I giggled.

Oh, Bam...Good ol' Bam.

"How is Steve-O?" I smiled as Bam rolled his eyes.

"Jackass." He replied as I giggled.

Mr. Brutch came up to us with two nice looking ladies with crazy hair as I put on a smile and Bam looked at them like they were nuts.

"Terry, we need you right over there for make-up and Bam..." Mr. Brutch paused and patted his shoulder as Bam shrugged Mr. Brutch's hand off.

"Come with me." Mr. Brutch said as Bam hit Mr. Brutch's ass making his mouth drop and me and Bam went into hysterics why the two girls giggled.

"I have a black bow. I want one of you to put in my hair after my make-up is done." I smiled taking my black bow out of my bag and handing it to the one with spiky brown hair as they led me over to a chair and started messing around the vanity.

"Dark colors right?" The girl with pink crazy hair asked me as I nodded.

"You betcha." I said clicking my tongue at her and winking as she smiled and took out a black eyeliner stick.

I opened my eyes all the way as she put the black eyeliner on me.

"Close your eyes." She muttered as I smiled and closed my eyes.

I don't know why but I loved getting my make-up and hair done.

"Do you want smoky eyes?" She asked me as I nodded.

"Yes, please." I said in a perky voice as she started doing my eyelids and I relaxed back in my chair.

"I love photo shoots for Monster." I sighed as I heard her giggle.

I opened my eyes to look at her.

"What?" I chuckled.

"I just can't believe I am doing Terry Malcom's make-up." She smiled as I smiled back.

"I really am not that awesome once you get to know me." I chuckled as she rolled her brown eyes.

"Whatever! You're like so awesome at skateboarding and you're like the best chick out there!" She exclaimed as I smiled.

"Thank you but...the best chick?" I said as she turned red faced and shook her head.

"The best chick that skateboards." She said as I smiled and nodded.

"Oh." I muttered.

"Can you stick your lips out a little?" She asked as I nodded and looked at myself in the mirror.

Damn...she was good at this stuff. Really dark...

She put on a soft brown lipstick as I smiled.

"Thank you so much. I'm gonna recommend you next time. Your name?" I asked her as she smiled and put her kit away.

"Amanda." She said as I smiled and hugged her tight.

"Thanks, babe." I said walking off to the next chick with the crazy spiky brown hair.

"Hey!" She greeted in a perky voice as I smiled and sat down.

"Hello." I said running my fingers through my tangled hair.

"Okay so...What do you want me to do with it?" She asked getting a brush and her hair products out as I shrugged.

"Just poof it out a little bit. Make it like...a punk style?" I asked as she smiled and nodded. I bet she knows how to do that since her hair is punked out.

She started brushing my hair and then she straightened it and then she put all the jells in it and teased it...Pretty soon I started looking like a emo-looking-badass-chick. Just what I wanted...I guess?

She put my bow in as I smiled and smacked my gum.

"Thanks, Hun." I said giving her a quick hug and strutting off behind the white sheet seeing a whole bunch of photographers scattered all around the place.

I saw Bam having his feet kicked up on the table and he was sipping a Monster drink as I smiled and sat down next to him.

"Hey, bitch." I greeted him as he smirked and put his feet down leaning in closer to me.

"What do you say we pull down that faggot's pants during the shoot?" He smiled as I pointed to Mr. Brutch and laughed.

"Are you kidding me?" I said as he smiled and put his Monster drink down.

"I'm for real. Are you down with it?" He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, Bam. You mean like while the guy is taking the picture of us?" I asked as he nodded.

"What if I get fired?" I said lowering my voice as Bam rolled his eyes.

"Relax, have a little fun. Haven't you ever seen Jackass? I thought you said you have seen the whole two seasons of it." He said as I laughed and nodded.

"You guys do crazier shit then this." I giggled as he nodded.

"Exactly. This is so fucking little compared to what Steve-O does." He laughed taking a sip of his drink as I shrugged.

"Fine. I'll do it." I muttered as he smiled.

1 Hour Into The Photo Shoot

"Okay, Terry I want you facing Bam." The dick of a photographer said as Mr. Brutch shook his head and got in front of the camera.

"We have a problem." Mr. Brutch said as I cocked my eyebrow at Bam who smirked and nodded.

"On the count of three." Bam whispered as I nodded and walked closer to Mr. Brutch as Bam signaled the photographer who moved the camera over a bit.

"One, two, three." Bam said as me and Bam pulled down Mr. Brutch's pants.

Mr. Brutch then freaked out.

Bam and I started laughing our asses off as the photographer took tons of pictures.

Mr. Brutch then fell to the ground as Bam high fived me.

"Oh my god!" I yelled out in between laughs.

"This is probably the best day ever." I smiled as Mr. Brutch got up off the ground and pulled up his pants clear up to his belly button.

"Let's get this over with!" Mr. Brutch yelled at the top of his lungs, marching out of the room as me and Bam continued to laugh.

"You have to put those on the Internet." I said pointing to the photographer as he chuckled and shook his head at us.

"Let's finish this for your boss." He said flatly as me and Bam looked at each other trying to calm down.

"Fine." I muttered getting in front of Bam and putting my hands on my skinny hips as Bam got in the back of me and folded his arms across his chest trying to act tough for the viewers of the magazine.

The photographer then took the picture as I smirked.

"Now could we get one of you and Bam back to back of each other?" The photographer asked as me and Bam faced back to back and looked at the camera together.

"How many more of these? These pumps are killing me." I sighed as Bam chuckled.

"Why in fuck would you wear pumps, Terry? That is so not you." He laughed as I shrugged.

"I wanted a change." I said as he rolled his eyes.

I did want a change and I needed a change...So fucking what?!


"So I've been having troubles with my best girlfriend...Not girlfriend...A friend who is a girl...Yeah. So I've been having troubles with her and I don't know...I guess we're like not friends anymore. I know I'm bragging but we have been friends since fifth or sixth grade...I can't remember but anyway yeah...I don't know." I sighed as Dr. Wellington shook his head and wrote some stuff down.

"Maybe you should try to talk to her." He said in a monotone voice as I shrugged.

"We did try to talk yesterday and we got in a bitch fight. Excuse my language but in other words she told me off." I said shaking my head letting my bangs fall in front of my green eyes.

"How are you and Jack? Last time I seen you, you two were broken up?" He said changing the subject as I smiled.

"We're great! I had the best sex with him the other night." I smiled as Dr. Wellington's smile dropped.

"Shit! I let too much out...I'm sorry. But we made up and everything is great with us." I smiled as he nodded and wrote something down.

"That's nice to hear, Terry." He smiled as I smiled back.

"How are those pills doing for you?" He asked as I relaxed in my chair.

"I feel more calm with them now...Without them I'm like totally spazzing out." I laughed as he managed a chuckle.

"I'm glad they help you." He smirked as I nodded and looked around his nice office.

"I had a photo shoot today with my best brother from another life named-." He cut me off.

"Bam the skateboarder...Yes, Terry, you have told me about him." He laughed as I nodded.

"Yeah, anyways! I love him and we did a photo shoot together and it was awesome!" I bragged smacking my gum.

"You're very good at just sitting there and listening to everything I say." I said as he nodded.

"That's what I'm here for, Terry." He smiled as I smiled back.

"I'm glad you're here...Like without you I would be so totally lost." I laughed as he nodded.

He seemed so annoyed with me right now...Was this something to do with Colby?

"How is Colby?" I had to ask.

"He is doing good. I love that tattoo you gave him." Dr. Wellington said sarcastically as I turned red faced.

"I'm sorry. He said he wanted one...Am I in trouble? I mean like are you mad at me?" I asked as Dr. Wellington chuckled and shook his head.

"I can't be mad at one of my patients. It was Cole's decision. If he wants that ugly thing around his neck that's his choice." Dr. Wellington said as I gave him a half smile.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"How is Colby doing?" I asked again as Dr. Wellington cocked his eyebrow up at me.

"He's good. He's on a date right now with this girl...In my opinion she has way too many piercings." Dr. Wellington said as I laughed and then smiled.

"Ew. How many?" I asked.

"She has those ugly open things in her ears um uh-." I cut him off.


"Yes! Those. And then she has five piercings on each ear and her tongue is pierced, her lip is pierced, her nose." He said as I grimaced.

"Ew." I muttered.

"Yes, ew." He said, shaking his head as I looked at the clock.

"Can I go early?" I asked him as he nodded and set the clip board down.

"Go ahead. Be young." He smiled as I waved to him and walked out the door.

Thank you, Dr. Wellington...

Back At Home

"I think I'm gonna send Jasey some flowers." I said looking on the laptop of tons of cool sites.

Jack laid his head on my shoulder and stared at the screen with me.

"She's the one who hurt you and you're gonna send her something and apologize?" He laughed as I nodded.

"It's the nice thing to do...I would be the bigger person here." I smiled as Jack poked my stomach.

"But you're so tiny." He said as I giggled.

"Yellow means friendship...What means I'm sorry?" I asked to myself scrolling down as Jack watched me with his cute brown eyes.

"Aw! I found it, Jack! Lookie!" I said pointing to the screen as he looked at the screen and I brought up a image of a purple Hyacinth.

"I'm gonna send her a bouquet of these and a..." I paused and looked at Jack who stared at me with fascination.

"And a..." I looked at him as he kissed my cheek.

"And a Jack Barakat." I giggled kissing him as he smiled.

"No...I don't want her to have one of those." I said tapping my finger on my chin as he looked at me again.

"You could get her a card." Jack smirked as I pointed to him and smiled.

"Yes, one of those! And a..." I paused again as he chuckled.

"You're so cute, Max." He said as I grinned and kissed his nose.

I loved his nose.

"I don't know why I'm doing this...but I just want us to be best buds again. So I'm gonna do it." I smiled going to a big famous jewelry site I know.

"How much are you gonna spend on her, Max?" Jack asked in shock as I smiled.

"Lots." I giggled scrolling down and typing in lockets.

I got tons of them but then I saw one with a nice silver color to it and a cute diamond connected to it.

I clicked on it.

"Max, that's 230 bucks!" Jack yelled out his mouth dropped as I shrugged.

"I made tons of bucks on this photo shoot today and I just want to make things right." I smiled clicking on Buy as Jack's mouth continued to hang open.

I then got a offer if I wanted to engrave something on it. I smirked.

"I love this!" I squealed as Jack continued to sit there in shock.

Jasey Rae Rutherford I engraved on it. Then underneath in small writing I put.

Best Friends Forever

"That costs an extra 50!" Jack yelled as I smiled.

"I don't care!" I shouted, clarifying my purchase.

"The flowers and that will be here by tomorrow and I have to go pick it up at those two stores and then I can send it! I can't wait to see and hear about her reaction when she opens it!" I squealed hopping up and down on the couch as I fell into Jack.

"Relax, baby. It's my money not yours..."

The Next Day

I rushed out to the floral shop and signed a paper giving out Jasey's address and that I wanted it to be sent out today and then after that I went to the famous jewelry store and got the locket.

"It's so cute!" I smiled looking at it and then paying for it with my money.

I then put it back in it's black box and watched them as they put the red ribbon around it.

"I want that sent out today to this address." I smiled giving out Jasey's address and my phone number if there was a problem.

My day is done...
♠ ♠ ♠
Max's outfit.Hyacinth. (The flower means I'm sorry or sorrow. Just an fyi.)
(Ignore the name Wendy on it haha.)Jasey's locket.
- Faith