Let's Follow Through With This Reckless Dream

But I'm Smiling At Everything;

“Spirits, if you are with us, make Alex’s hair move.” Vinny said.

We all looked over at Alex as his bangs moved and my mouth parted slightly.

I felt a slight chill creep up my spine. I looked over at Jack who's brown eyes were popped out of his sockets.

"Oh my god." Jack said still in shock.

"Dude..." I whispered as I felt a presence behind me and I didn't want to turn around...

“Now…Are you here to harm us?" Vinny asked as the penny moved really slowly toward the No but then it stopped and moved a little ways back toward the Yes...

I gulped...I knew Freddie was here. I just knew it.

It then landed in the middle...

"Is that a yes or a no?" Vinny asked as the penny moved a little bit toward the Yes again.

I gulped.

"Can you tell us why you want to harm us?" Vinny asked as the lights went off in the living room and my heart rate sped up as I felt a cold hand on my back and I screamed.

"Max?!" Jasey asked in panic as Jack tried to grab onto my hand but it was hard because we were all in the dark and we couldn't see each other.

"Max?" Jack asked as the cold hand was still on my back, making me breathe hard. It felt like my whole world was crashing down. Why is he here?! He wants to harm me?! But why?! Why?!

"He's here." I managed to say as his hand went up my back and grabbed my neck making me tense up in my seat.

"Max, who's here?!" Jasey yelled as I heard footsteps.

"Put this fucking board up!" I heard Jack say as his cold hand came over my mouth, making me shiver and my eyes fill up with tears from fear.

"Mhmm!" I screamed through his cold hand.

How can he be doing this! He's a fucking ghost! A ghost!

"Mhmmm mhmmmm! Mack! Mack!" I tried screaming out Jack but it came out as Mack.

Freddie grabbed me by the waist as I felt Jack grab my hand and try to pull me away but I was knocked to the ground by Freddie and then he dragged me out of the room and to the pitch black living room...

"Guys! Guys!" I screamed as my fingernails clawed up against the floor.

"Max!" Jasey screamed bloody murder as I grabbed onto the coffee table, dragging it with me.

Where the fuck is he taking me?!

"It's Freddie! Freddie's got me!" I screamed bloody murder and sobbing as Freddie dragged me upstairs by my arms.

All the lights in the house were out...

Freddie wasn't talking though...That's what scared me more...

I heard footsteps running after me...

"Where are you?!" Jasey screamed as he dragged me down the hallway.

"Hallway!" I screamed clawing my fingernails up against wooden floor.

"Jack! Alex! Go faster!" Jasey screamed as Alex laughed.

"That's what she said."

What a fucking Douche! How can he be joking in a time like this?!

"Shut the fuck up! Max is being dragged by a fucking spirit here! A spirit!" Jack yelled with a scared voice as I grabbed onto the door and held onto it.

"LET GO OF ME, FREDDIE!" I screamed bloody murder as he pulled harder, making my ankles hurt.

"PLEASE!" I shrieked as I saw a flashlight and Freddie dragged me harder, making me let go of the door frame. He dragged me into me and Jack's room and to the closet.

"Help! Help!" I screamed. I didn't want to be in a closet alone with Freddie! Fuck no! That doesn't sound safe at all!

"Max!" Jasey screamed grabbing onto my hands as Jack pointed the flash light on me.

"Holy shit! It's Freddie!" Alex yelled in shock as the flashlight pointed on Freddie's face and Jasey screamed, trying to pull me.

"Jasey, help!" I yelled as Jack dropped the flashlight and grabbed my waist pulling hard on me.

"Let her go you fucking, Douche!" Jack yelled as Alex stood with the flashlight in his hand aiming toward us.

"Jack!" I screamed as tears streamed down my face and Freddie grabbed my waist.

"Let her go!" Jasey screamed as Jasey tried prying Freddie's cold hands off of me.

"How can he even be doing this?! He's not even real!" I cried.

And with that the lights came back on and I fell into Jack, crying like crazy.

"He's not even real." I sobbed as everyone stared at me in total shock.

"It's okay, Max. I gotcha." Jack whispered squeezing me tight to him and kissing my forehead.

"How is this even possible?" I sobbed.

"Can you guy's go downstairs?" He asked Vinny, Jasey, and Alex as Jasey gave me a quick hug and went downstairs.

"I'm so sorry, Max." Jack whispered as I cried on his shoulder.

"I am having a really r-r-rough day." I sobbed as he petted my hair back from my face and kissed my cheek.

"I know." He sighed.

"You want to go to sleep?" He asked quietly as the room became silent and I looked up into his understanding brown eyes.

"Yeah." I whispered as he hugged me quickly and shut the door. I got on the bed and laid down as his mouth parted slightly. I followed his brown eyes to where he was looking...My ankles had Freddie's finger marks around them both...They looked awful.

"Holy shit." He whispered in shock laying down beside me as I gulped.

"I'm scared, Jack." I whimpered as he covered both of us and I laid my head right by his as I felt his cool breath on my face.

"Don't be. I'm here." He said putting some of my black hair behind my ear as I kissed his nose and we both smiled.

"If I go to jail-." He cut me off as a tears filled up in my eyes.

"Which you won't." He smirked as I rolled my eyes and tears fell down my cheeks and he kissed them away, making me giggle.

"But if I do...You can move on if you really want to." I whispered as he shook his head and gave me a crazy look.

"Max, I'm never gonna move on...You're all I want." He said as I gave him a half smile and tried not to cry.

"I love you, Jack." I said hugging him close to me as I breathed into the crook of his neck.

"I love you too, Maxine."
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww wasn't the end so cute?
But the rest of the chap was way out in the Fiction category hahaha XD Creepy much?
Paranormal Activity to the Max. Haha. Get it? Max? Lol. Yeah...
Comment! Comment! Comment! We love feedback!
- Faith (Faye)