Let's Follow Through With This Reckless Dream

My Lungs Gave Out As I Faced The Crowd;

I gulped and turned over.

I have such a badass headache. I peeped my eyes open and stared at the ceiling.
I turned back over and saw black hair...

Max...God, I love her so much. I ran my hand down her arm. I heard her giggle as I smiled and she turned over. It was Jasey Rae...

I couldn't help but let out a scream...My voice didn't sound like my voice.

"Oh my god! Is something wrong?!" Jasey yelled raising up giving me a shocked look as I nodded.

"Did I fuck you last night?" Hell, I had to ask.

"Did you fuck me last night?" Jasey asked, cocking her eyebrow up at me as she shook her head slowly and I laid back down.

"Oh, thank God! Where's Max?!" I asked in panic, getting ready to run my fingers through my hair and then I saw a skeleton tattoo...Oh my god.

"Why do you wanna know where Max is?" Jasey asked, giving me a suspicious look.

"Bathroom? Where's the bathroom?" I asked as she gave me a weird look.

"Same place it's always been." She said as I hopped up out of bed and ran to the bathroom trying to find the light. I flicked it on and went up to the mirror.

I was Alex...

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed touching my face...I mean his face...

"What?! What's wrong?!" Jasey asked coming in the bathroom and standing behind me in the mirror as she put her hands on my shoulder, trying to make me calm down but this just made it worse...

"I'm a singer! A hot singer! I'm not Jack!" I cried out as she cocked her eyebrow.

"Alex, you're scaring me...Do you want me to make you something to eat?" She asked as I fell into her and she hugged me tight and then we pulled apart and she was coming for my lips.

I've never kissed..Jasey...This will be-

NO! NO! NO! Jack, get your head on straight.

"Back up!" I yelled as her crystal blue eyes turned hurt.

"I didn't mean it like that, Jasey." She walked out of the bathroom.

Oh, fuck! I screwed this up for Alex.

I smiled to myself.

I turned back around and looked at me...I mean Alex in the mirror. He had a pudgy stomach. Fuck! Does he ever work out? I poked his stomach, making myself laugh.


I flexedmy his muscles and made a funny face.

This was too good...

Does he ever wash his hair? I mean fuck...

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my pajama pants...His dick? Okay, no, I don't want to see that. I walked out of the bathroom and I was stopped by Ellarie...

"Hi, daddy!" She shouted as I backed up.

"Holy shit!" I yelled as her face turned sad.

Oh my god! What am I suppose to say?! What is going on here?

"Uh...I mean hello...Little girl...Ellie." I laughed nervously bending down as she smiled and hugged me tight.

Oh my god! Where is my body?!

"Hi, daddy! Come on! Mommy is in da living room!" She giggled in her baby voice, pulling on my wrist as she dragged me to the living room where I saw Jasey on the couch and watching TV with her arms folded across her chest.

I plopped down beside her, grabbing Ellarie and making her sit in Jasey's lap.

"Hi." I smiled, itching the top of Alex's messy brown hair.

"Hi." She said in an annoyed voice, rolling her crystal blue eyes.

"Alex is so fucking fat...Look at that." I smiled, poking his stomach as Jasey cocked her eyebrow down at Alex's stomach and met eyes with me.

"Are you okay?" She asked as I shrugged.

"To tell you the truth...Do you know where my body is?" I asked as she gave me a confused look.

"Alex, stop acting like a idiot. Max is coming over soon and I-." I cut her off.

"Max! God, I love Max." I said shaking my head as Jasey's mouth fell open and she got up and left for the kitchen as I smirked.

Max, Max, Max...Gotta love Max.

"I thought you hated Max!" I heard Jasey call from the kitchen as I gasped and ran in there.

"When did I ever say that?!" I yelled out in shock.

Did Alex really say he hated Max?! Precious, sexy, beautiful...Max.

My mouth parted slightly just thinking about her...A smile spread across my face as Jasey gave me a strange look.

"Never mind." She muttered pouring Ellarie some cereal.

"Why are you all weird this morning?" She asked biting into a piece of toast as I shrugged and sat down at the table by Ellarie.

Jasey tried to sit on my lap as I got up and paced the kitchen, making Jasey look hurt again.

"Listen...Is Max gonna be here soon?" Maybe she'll know what's going on.

"Yeah...She'll be here soon." Jasey chuckled, rolling her eyes.

"Don'tcha just love Max? Her bright green eyes and that smile...Ah...I wanna kiss her." I said in a dreamy voice as Jasey stood up from her chair and her mouth fell open as Ellarie watched us.

"You wanna what?!" Jasey yelled as I smiled and stopped myself.

This is Alex's body! Right!

"I wanna hit her...Duh!" Smooth, Jack...Really fucking smooth.

"That's what I thought you said..." Jasey said in a pissed off tone as I gulped and she looked up at me with her bright blue eyes.

"Are you liking Max or something?" Jasey asked cocking her eyebrow as I chuckled.

"Like her? I love her! Did you not see what happened four days ago I-." Jasey cut me off.

"You love her?!" She shouted in shock as I hit my hand up against my forehead.

I am Alex! Alex! Remember that!

"I mean I hate her." I said nodding real fast as Jasey rolled her eyes and left the kitchen.

"I hate her, Jasey! You know that!" I yelled with a nervous laugh as Ellarie looked at me.

"Are you in love with Auntie Max?" She asked as my mouth parted slightly.

"We're getting married! Can you believe it?!" I asked her bending down to her level as her little mouth fell open.

"What about mommy?" She whispered to me in shock as her little eyebrows raised.

"What about her?" I asked.

"I thought you and her were in love?" She asked sadly as I thought about it for a second.

"I have to get out of here." I muttered.

Where the fuck is my body?!

The door then was knocked on. Jasey got up and got it and there was Max.

I sqeauled like a girl and ran up to her, hugging her tight and spinning her around.

"Alex! Get off of me you dick!" Max yelled as I pulled apart from her and gave her a sad look and then I saw a shocked me staring at me in the doorway.

Oh fuck...
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah. That sucked =/ Oh well.
- Faith (Faye)