Let's Follow Through With This Reckless Dream

Too Much Us; So We Fought Like Tomorrow Was Promised;

I woke up to find a slightly unfamiliar room. I felt a pair of arms wrapped loosely around my waist. I smiled, knowing they were Jasey’s arms. I slowly moved the arms away from me so that I could get up. When I looked at the head that was resting on my chest, I saw Max’s face and hair. HOLY SHIT!

“AHH!” I yelled, falling out of the bed. What the hell? My voice was different…I fell on my face on the cold floor and Max woke up. Where was Jasey?!

“Jack?” She asked softly as she rose out of the bed. She rubbed her green eyes and looked at me. Oh crap! Why was I in Max and Jack’s bed?! She didn’t even know I was in her bed! She thought I was Jack!

“Jack, what are you doing?” She laughed when she saw me. I looked down. My legs were really pale and skinny, and my arms were…different. What was going on? I was wearing different boxers and I was suddenly craving Pop-Tarts and chocolate syrup…What the hell was going on?!

“Uh,” I said, looking around. My voice was definitely different. It sounded…Dorkier. Oh my god, it sounded like Jack’s! I jumped up and ran to the mirror, staring at Jack. Jack’s face, his eyes, his hair, his chest. Why was I looking at Jack instead of myself?!

Max came over and wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, kissing my shoulder. I shivered and moved away. That felt SO gross.

“What?” She asked, looking a bit hurt.

“D-don’t do that,” I said in a shaky voice. I stared at myself in Max and Jack’s bathroom mirror. What the hell happened?! I was in Jack Barakat’s body!

“Jack, what’s up with you?” She asked. I looked at her tiny black tank top and black shorts.

“I’m not Jack,” I shook my head as she moved closer.

She giggled. “Yes you are,” She smiled. She put her hands on my face and kissed my lips. I let out a shriek and pushed her off of me. What the hell?! It sounded like a girl's shriek!

“Jack, what the hell?”

“Ew! Ew,ew ,ew ,ew! Oh my god I can’t believe you just kissed me, you gross creeper!” I yelled, rubbing my lips. I dived for the bathroom sink and put my lips up to the fosset, turning it off and rinsing out the Max-germs.

“Don’t ever fucking kiss me again!” I yelled, drying my mouth. “AHH! I JUST KISSED THE SHE-DEVIL!”

“Jack! What the fuck?!” She yelled.

“Max, I’m not Jack!” I shouted, looking back into the mirror. I really was in Jack’s body. Holy crap, I felt horny! I could really go for some Jasey action right now…Damn. But I couldn’t. Not in Jack’s body.

“I’m Alex!”

“Jack, what the fuck are you talking about?” She asked, getting annoyed. She put her hand on her hip and I eyed her engagement ring. It sent shivers down my spine.

“I’m not Jack! I am Alex! I’m in Jack’s body,” I said, looking back at the mirror. Oh god, this was so messed up!

“Oh my god,” She whispered. She touched my face and I flinched.

“No, don’t touch me,” I said, jumping away and putting my hands up.

“Are you really Alex?” She whispered.

“Yes! I’m Alex!”

“Jack, are you messing with me? Do I smell? Is it my breath? Should I comb my hair, or something? Do I look ugly?” She asked.

“No! Max, you look fine. I swear, I’m Alex. Do you think Jack would’ve rejected your kiss?” I asked, putting my hands on Jack’s waist.

“Oh my god. What the fuck?!” She yelled after staring at me for a long time.

“I know!”

“Wait, if you’re in Jack’s body, then…Oh my god, where the hell is your body?!" She exclaimed.

“Oh god, how did this happen?” I said, putting my head in my hands. “I smell,” I muttered, running my fingers through Jack’s greasy hair. “I have to take a shower. Get your dick out,” I said, pushing Max out of the bathroom.

“Geez, fine, fine,” She grumbled, walking out. Then I had to piss. Oh great.

After wrapping Jack’s twinkie around in multiple layers of toilet paper to not come in contact with it, I did my thing, and washed my hands the best I’ve ever washed them. I stepped into the shower. I looked down. I had to. I burst out into laughter so hard my ribs hurt from laughing so hard. I was so going to bug him and Max about this. It’s not the worst I’ve seen, but I definitely have seen better. I haven’t seen Jack totally naked since tour when we’d all have to share those really big showers at rest stops. Whatever, we were guys. It’s not like we cared.

“We’re going over to Jasey’s house right now, so you can see what the fuck happened,” Max said. She smiled up at me and I cocked an eyebrow at her. God, this was weird…

“Okay,” I said, walking away from her. All I wanted to do right now was see Jasey and Ellarie…And kiss Jasey… And hold her. I got in Max’s car and she started heading over to Jasey’s house.

“How the hell could this have happened?!” She shouted out of nowhere, making me flinch.

“I don’t know! Oh shit,” I said, staring off into space. “We didn’t have sex last night did we?”

She rolled her eyes and looked at the road.

“Did we?” I asked.

“Yes,” She bit her lip. “But I had sex with Jack, not you. Oh my god, was it you?!” She yelled.

“No!” I yelled. “I’d never touch you! I hate you!”

“Okay good,” She sighed. “And I love you too, Alex,” She said sarcastically.

“You kissed me,” I said, shaking my head.

“So-rry!” She said. “But you’re in Jack’s body! How the hell was I suppose to know?!”

“I probably have rabies now,” I grumbled, crossing my arms and looking out the window.

“Oh be quiet,” She said, annoyed. She parked the car and we both got out, walking up to Jasey’s house. Wow…Jack was tall. I kind of liked the whole ‘tall’ thing…

Jasey opened the door after Max answered and there I was, running up to Max and spinning her around in my arms.

My mouth fell open.

“Alex! Get off of me you dick!” She yelled. Hello?! I’m right here, dumbass! Then I saw Jasey and her pretty face glaring at my body. I ran up to her and pulled her close to me, kissing her.

“JACK!” Max shrieked and Jasey bit down hard on my lip. I tasted blood as I pulled away and she slapped me. Hard. My head snapped to the side from how hard she slapped me.

Max shoved past me, walking down the hall and into the spare room. HELLO?! WAS SHE THAT STUPID?! Didn’t she remember that I was Alex, not Jack?! This was why we hated each other…

“Jack?! What the fuck?!” Jasey yelled. Damn, she was hot when she was mad... I couldn't help but take a glance at her body. Tiny pink tank top with pajama pants that were pulled low enough for me to see the top of her underwear. Her Joe Boxer, most likely guy shorts, underwear. She was just like me, wearing her pants too low.

“Jasey, I’m Alex!” I said.

“Oh my god,” Jack said, staring wide eyed at me.

“Get out of my body!” I yelled.

“I can’t!” Jack shouted.

“W-what’s going on?” Jasey asked quietly, her finger tips touching her lips. God, she was so beautiful…

“He’s in my body!” Jack and I yelled at the same time.

“You guys are so immature,” She rolled her eyes, walking outside.

“How did this happen?!” Jack shouted.

“I don’t know! Did you wake up as me?”

“Yea! Next to your freaking girlfriend,” He scoffed. The next thing I knew, I punched him right in his face, almost knocking him over. “What the fuck was that for?!” He yelled, holding his jaw.

“For being near Jasey!”

“You think I wanted to be near her?! I woke up like this, fat ass!”

“HEY! Who are you calling fat ass?!” I yelled.

“Do you ever work out?” He asked.

“Yea! Have you not felt my arms?” I said, putting my hands on Jack’s waist.

He looked down at my stomach. “Seems pretty fat to me,” He said.

“Oh you shut up! I saw your dick!”

“Oh, I’m sure you did,” He narrowed his eyes.

“I did! I had to take a shower since you haven’t taken one in a year!”

“I have too!”

“Then why did you smell like dog shit?!”

“WILL YOU STOP YELLING?!” Jasey shrieked from the doorway. She groaned and stormed back outside, sitting down on the porch.

“We need to get changed back,” I said, shaking my head. “Let me talk to Jasey,”

“I’ll go talk to Max,” He nodded, stalking off to the spare room in Jasey’s house. I walked outside and sat down next to Jasey.

“Jasey, look,” I sighed. “Jack is somehow in my body, and I’m in his,” I said.

“Oh god Jack, will you stop it with these jokes?”

“Jasey! Do you think Jack would really kiss you? And do you think I would sit and stare?”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

I put my arm around her and she froze.

“Jack – I mean, Alex. I don’t think you should touch me while you’re in Jack’s body,” She said, shrugging away from me.

“Fuck, I need to find out what happened…”

“Well, what did we do yesterday that we don’t normally do?” She asked.

“Uh… Made out on the couch? No wait, we always do that…” I said and she chuckled. “Uh… Oh! We went out to eat with Max and Jack,”

“That’s it!” She exclaimed, jumping up. “Where’s your fortune cookie?”

“Jasey,” I rolled my eyes. “My fortune cookie was just some stupid ass little paper telling me something that doesn’t even make sense,” I said. She ran inside the house and towards her room.

“Uncle Jack, why does my Daddy not love my Mommy anymore?” Ellarie asked, tugging on my hand.

“Uh,” I looked down at her. I kneeled down so that I was at her level. “Your Daddy is going through something right now,” I said. I kissed her head and walked into Jasey’s room where she was going through my pants from yesterday.

“They’ve got to be somewhere in here,” She mumbled, checking the pockets. She pulled her hand out of the front pocket and out came the fortune. She held it open and read it to herself. I held out my hand and she put it in it.

Drastic changes are to be made for your benefit. See what it feels like in the other pair of shoes.

Okay, that was freaky as shit.

“MAX! JACK!” I yelled out. Max and my body with Jack inside it came into the room.

“What?” Jack asked.

“Okay, we think that the fortune cookies from last night caused all this shit,” I said, holding up my fortune. Jack snatched it from me, reading it over to himself.

“Holy shit! I got the same fortune!” He exclaimed.

“Yea, no shit,” I said.

“Okay, so how the fuck are we gonna change back?” I asked.

“Go down to the Chinese restaurant and talk to the people!” Max said.

“Hmm…” Jack stroked my chin.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. Oh yea, I forgot to give you this,” He said. He punched me in the face, making me fall to the floor in pain.

“Hey! That’s not fair! You’re using my muscles!” I yelled, despite the pain coming from my jaw.


“SHE KISSED ME! SHE THOUGHT I WAS YOU!” I yelled, still holding my cheek. Jasey fell by me on the floor and inspected my face.

“Nice Jack,” She laughed. “Now you’re going to have a bruise,"

“And a cut lip,” I said.

“Thanks for biting my lip, Jasey,” Jack rolled his eyes.

“You kissed me!”

“No, I kissed you,” I corrected.

“With his lips!” She insisted.

“Hey! Let’s just go to the Chinese place and get this fixed. I’m really confused as to who I’m sleeping with tonight,” Max said.

“I swear Gaskarth, if you go near Max,” Jack said to me.

“Why the hell would I do anything with Max?” I scoffed. “She’s the she-devil!”

“I meant sleeping in a bed,” Max rolled her green eyes. I wanted out of Jack’s body! Now! Oh god, if these Chinese people don’t fix this, I’ll kill them…
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a twist, wasn't it?
We didnt even know what we were doing with this XDXD
We just thought it'd be funny :):)
- Linda