Let's Follow Through With This Reckless Dream

I Admit I Made A Few Mistakes, Babe;

I sat with Alex as we watched Ellarie play in the backyard. The day was calm and it was nice outside, so we decided to relax while our daughter played in the sprinkler.

“What were her first words?” He murmured, his voice barely audible.

I could have told him that her first words were “dada” to Andy, but it would upset him. So I lied. “Poo,” I said.

He started laughing. “Really?” He asked and I nodded. “How old was she when she learned how to read?”

“Like…Four?” I said. “Yea, I think around four,” I nodded.

“Smart kid,” He grinned.

“Well she’s my kid,” I smiled.

“Oh, that must be why she’s so smart!” He laughed sarcastically.

“Exactly,” I smiled and pecked him on the lips. I heard the phone ringing from inside and I groaned. “I’ll get it,” I muttered. He nodded and got up, heading over to Ellarie. I ran inside and picked up the phone before the caller gave up.


“Ms. Rae, do you know what day it is?” Max asked in a slightly stern voice. I could tell she was joking around though. Ever since she was pleaded not guilty, she’s been so much more fun and relaxed.

“It is…Thursday,” I said.

“The date?”

“Um…” I scanned the kitchen for the calendar and finally found it. “It’s the 16th of June,” I said.

“And in two days it will be what…?” She asked tauntingly. What was she talking about? I looked over at the calendar and saw on the box for the 18th “JACK SEXYKAT’S FUCKING BIRTHDAY” written in red. How could I miss that?! There was a little drawing of a dick and balls in the corner with a smiley face.

“Oh hey, would ya look at that. It’s your fiance’s birthday!” I exclaimed.

“No shit!” Max laughed. “So you need to help me plan his birthday party. It’s going to be a surprise,” She smiled.

“Yea, I’m in,” I said.

“Wanna come over? Jack’s out with Rian getting a new watch or something,” I could imagine her rolling her green eyes.

“Yea, I’ll be over in like half an hour. I gotta get Ellie dressed and everything,”

“Letting your three year old run around naked? Such bad parenting!” She exclaimed.

“For your information, she is not naked,” I smiled.


“Bye Maxikins!” I said before hanging up. I got Alex and Ellarie together and we drove off to Max’s house within half an hour.

As soon as we arrived, Ellarie ran into Max’s arms. She smiled and held her on her hip as we walked inside.

“So what’s the deal?” Alex asked as we sat down outside near the pool.

“I want to throw Jack a surprise party for his birthday. Any ideas?” She asked, nibbling on her lip.

“Why not have it here at the house? You can invite everyone, it’s a big house, and you have a pool. It should be fun,” I suggested.

“Okay,” She nodded. “Should I get him a cake or something?”

“YES,” Alex said with wide eyes.

“Okay,” She chuckled. “What kind of cake does he like? Damn it! Why don’t I know this?”

“He likes vanilla,” Alex said.

“Vanilla? Ew,” She mumbled. Ellarie climbed onto my lap and started playing with my locket.

“Mommy, where’s uncle Jack?” She asked me.

“He’s out with uncle Rian,” I said sweetly to her, brushing her hair back with my fingers.

“Okay and what else should I have?” Max asked, looking up at me with her green eyes.

“I don’t know,” I chuckled and shrugged. “I think that’s it. I can get Zack to bring like, chips and drinks and stuff,”

“Okay, can you call him?” She asked. I nodded and handed Ellarie to Alex. He sat her on the table in from of him and started tickling her tummy while Max watched with a smile. I called up Zack and got him to bring over chips and drinks for the party. He said he’d round up some kids to help him.

After we got everything set together; drinks, food, music, cake, etc., we left.

“So what were you and Max talking about yesterday when Jack was over?” Alex asked me as we drove towards my house.

“Nothing,” I rolled my eyes. “Sex,” I said.

“Well,” He coughed.


The Party

I looked around all the people who had shown up to Jack’s surprise party. This would definitely not turn out like a surprise the second he drove onto his street. Alex, Rian, and Zack took him out earlier today, leaving Max, Jessica, Sasha, and me to decorate the house and get everything ready.

We had a DJ and a mic for us to announce things, such as the birthday boy and when he was going to show up. It was actually really cool with the lights inside Max’s pool and everything. I was glad that Ellarie was at my mom’s house for the night.

“Where is he?” Jessica asked Max.

“I don’t know,” She bit her lip. “Did you call Alex?” She asked me.

“He’s not answering,” I shook my head.

She groaned and walked over to the coolers. She pulled out a beer and took a swig. “Can you guys text Rian and Zack?” She asked Sasha and Jessica. They nodded and pulled out their phones.

“If your stupid dick doesn’t get Jack here on time I’m going to kill him,” She told me, referring to Alex.

“Hey! He’s not a stupid dick! He’s a hot dick,” I winked at her and she laughed.

“Either way, your dick better not be late with my dick,” She laughed.

“So where is the birthday girl?” Jay asked as he walked over to us, slinging his arm over Max’s shoulder.

“I don’t know,” She moaned, rubbing her forehead. “Can you call Alex again?”

“He won’t answer my texts!” I said.

“Tell him you’re horny or something,” She said. I stared at her in disbelief.

“Hey, it would work for me,” Jay shrugged. Max hit his chest and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. She started typing in something and then she handed it back to me.

“What did you do…” I said as I checked my Outbox.

She walked away from me with Jay over to the DJ stand. I read the message:

Hey Daddy, why don’t u hurry up and come over here? I wanna show u something … ;)

“Max!” I exclaimed, looking all over for her. I found her talking to Vinny by the pool. “Max, now he thinks I want to do it with him,” I said to her.

“Well, see if he answered,” She smiled. I looked down at my phone and read my new message from Alex:

On my way ;)

I groaned and shoved my phone in my pocket.

“Sorry Jasey,” She laughed.

Then a thought ran into my mind. I pulled her aside to where no one could hear us.

“So are you going to tell him tonight?” I asked.

“What?” She asked.

“Are you going to tell Jack you’re pregnant?”

“I wasn't planning to tonight…” She mumbled. Her phone started buzzing and she grabbed it, checking the screen. She ran over to the small DJ stage and grabbed his mic.

“Hey fuckers! Jack’s almost here! So…Yea!” She said, hopping off the stage.

“Very professional,” I nodded.

“Professional is my middle name,” She smirked.

A little while later, I spotted Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack walking up to the house. As soon as they walked in, Max jumped on Jack’s waist and kissed him.

“Happy birthday!” She exclaimed.

“You did all of this?” He asked in disbelief. She bit her lip and nodded. “I love you,” He smiled, kissing her. “Thank you,”

“Anything for you,” She said. Once he let her off his waist I ran up to him and hugged him.
“Happy birthday!” I said.

“Thanks,” He laughed. “Oh wow, I’m going to be saying thanks a lot tonight,” He said.

I only laughed. “Well everyone’s dying to see you since you guys are late,” I looked at Alex, smiling.

“We got…Distracted,” Alex winked at me.

“Yea, whatever,” I rolled my eyes.

“Come on,” Max pulled Jack with her to go see everyone.

“So, you resorted to dirty messages to get me to answer you?” Alex asked as he put his hands on my waist.

“That was Max trying to get a hold of you, not me,” I said as I hooked my arms around his neck.

“Well, now you need to show me something,” He said as he moved closer to my lips.

“Like what?” I asked quietly. He pecked my lips and spoke against them.

“Something…Personal,” He murmured.

“After the party,” I said.

“Promise?” He raised an eyebrow.

“No,” I said. “But you can always hope I’m in a good mood later on tonight,” I laughed.

“You tease,” He shook his head with a grin.


“… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” Everyone sang to Jack. He leaned down to blow out all his candles and Max shoved his head into the cake. Everyone started laughing as he pulled up with cake all over his face. Max leaned in and kissed him, licking her lips afterwards.

“They’re so cute,” Jessica said to me as we watched them with drinks in our hands.

“I know,” I smiled.

“They’re going to have some cute ass babies,” She said. I widened my eyes and looked at her.

Did she know too?!

“Um, what do you mean?” I asked with a shaky voice.

“Well, they’re getting married aren’t they?” She asked. “They’re so in love, they’ll probably have babies,”

“Oh…Yea, totally,” I nodded. Sasha threw a towel to Jack and he wiped off his face. Max grabbed his hand and led him to the stage. She took the microphone and spoke into it.

“Okay, um, everyone listen up! I want to make an announcement,” She said.

This was it…

She was going to tell him…

“Jack, I’m pregnant,” She said to him.

His eyes widened and the next thing we heard was a big thud on the stage...
♠ ♠ ♠
I posted "Let's be honest here. I look good, you look good. Let's make something happen ;)"
on Jack Barakat's Facebook
I almost died.

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- Linda