In All This Chaos, We Found Safety

We’ll All Be…

“Surrounded by familiar faces, the people that you love to see, where everybody knows your name, and they're smiling. We may not be gettin' younger, our days might be slippin' away. Yeah, we're still so fucking young, so we'll party like it's our last day.” The Maine

The last month of school went by quicker than I realized and before I knew it both prom and graduation had passed and I no longer had to go to that hell hole called high school. My acceptance letter from the college Andrea, Jamie, Megan and I had applied to arrived in the mail and we had all gotten in so I we would be moving into the perfect apartment we had found over spring break this summer.

Kennedy told me that this summer The Maine would also be touring so I wasn’t going to be spending time with him like I had hoped. This weren’t going to be the same anymore and I knew it was going to happen when they became signed.

Kennedy and the boys would be leaving soon but of course not without a massive going away party that John declared they had. They rented out the venue that they had always played at during high school and planned to throw a big show before they left. Laura and I planned it, mostly to keep our minds off the fact that our boyfriends would be leaving for who knows how long.

When the day of the party rolled around I drove Kennedy and I to Pat’s house to help them pack the van up with the personal items they would need. Tomorrow they would be leaving to met up with the other bands they were touring with in Phoenix and then setting off for tour. After tomorrow morning I wouldn’t be seeing Kennedy until the end of summer and it hurt to think about it.

After packing up we headed over to the party were it was packed with familiar faces from people we had gone to school with along with fans who were mostly there to see the show. Kennedy wouldn’t let me leave his side as they all mingled and talked to some of their other friends and to tell you the truth I was glad he wanted me to stay by him. I didn’t want to leave him, not yet.

At one point we ended up talking to Trey who smirked when he saw I was with Kennedy and not Garrett.

“See I knew my brother was a little too stalkerish for you,” he laughed and Garrett punched him in the shoulder.

“Shut up Trey. Kennedy and Sierra are perfect together, you’re just jealous that you still can’t find a girlfriend,” Garrett rolled his eyes.

Kennedy and I smiled at each other before leaving the brothers to continue bickering and grab something to drink. After Kennedy went to the bar to grab us two waters we sat down at one of the booths in the venue next to each other. Kennedy draped his arm around my shoulder and we sat there in a comfortable silence watching the crowd move its way to the front of the stage a cue that it was time for the band to go on.

Kennedy and I made our way backstage and I saw Laura next to John. The boys joined together in a circle and did their routine chant as Laura and I watched, smiling. Then they were ready to go on stage. Pat and Jared running on first, then Garrett. I gave Kennedy a kiss before he followed behind Garrett and Laura did the same with John. Laura and I watched from side stage cheering the boys on.

The Maine played their old songs along with some new ones no one had heard before and the crowd seemed to really enjoy it all. The boys deserved to be signed and you could tell by the way they were performing tonight. John’s vocals sounded amazing, a smile never left Kennedy’s face, Garrett was hoping around stage more, Jared was getting into the music more and more each song and Pat was banging away at the drums with a crazed look on his face. I knew the boys were going to make it far in their career and I couldn’t be happier for them.

“Thank you Arizona! We’ll see you later this summer after our first U.S. tour!” John exclaimed as they ended their set. They all waved goodbye and headed off stage.

John picked up Laura as soon he walked off stage and placed a large kiss on her lips. She held onto him tight and they walked off for what could be their last alone time for the summer. Kennedy wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my nose before taking my hand and leading me in the opposite direction.

Kennedy drove us back to his house, which was vacant, and we went to this backyard and climbed onto this trampoline. We laid back, Kennedy’s right arm around my neck and my arms wrapped around his torso. I rested my head on his chest and sighed.

“What are you thinking about Sierra,” Kennedy smiled, kissing the top of my head.

I shook my head, “Summer and everything that’s going to happen. I’m going to miss you a lot, Kennedy. I love you and I really don’t know how I’m going to get by this summer without seeing you.”

“We’ll make it don’t worry,” he smiled and I sat up to look at him.

“How can you be so optimistic about this? I haven’t heard you complain once about how this is going to rip us apart or how you think things are going to fade between us this summer.”

“Sierra,” Kennedy sat up and rewrapped his arms around me. “I’m never going to leave you, you don’t have to worry about us being ripped apart this summer. We’re going to make this work, I have faith in us.”

A small smile formed on my face and a kisses his lips, “I love you Kennedy.”

“I love you Sierra, more than you know,” he replied and we laid back down and stared up at the stars.

Even with all the worried thoughts still circling inside my head I still knew what Kennedy said would be true; things would work out in our favor in the end. We loved each other and that’s what was going to keep us together this summer.
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second to last chapter of chaos D:
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