Breaking the Heartbreaker

Love Can Change Anything


Here I am in Maryland. Staring out the window of my new house. My new life. My life that suddenly doesn't seem so played out anymore. In California, it was so easy to predict my life. I had this whole plan about what was gonna happen to me. I would graduate from Bayside High, I would get the best husband ever and have three kids. My husband was going to be a doctor and I would be a stay at home mom. Now, there's a whole new plan. One that I don't even know of yet.

Suddenly, I'm pulled out of my trance as my mom calls my name. Sighing, I get off my bed and quickly pull on whatever was on my floor. I lace up my beat up converse, grab my backpack and run down the stairs. I run down to the kitchen to find my mom making breakfast. Declining before she has a chance to say anything, I run out the door to my car.

As I'm pulling into the parking lot, I notice a car with a bunch of girls surrounding it. I wonder why, but then I see three good looking guys, who all have looks of lust as they stare at the girls with barely a layer of clothing on. I look down at myself to see if I'm overdressed. Nope. They're under dressed sluts who really need another layer of clothing on. I look around and notice there's no free spots, except the Audi by the good looking guys. I sigh and park over there. Trying to be as discreet as possible, I hop out of my car and fast walk towards Dulaney High.

When I walk into the hallways, I notice one of two things. One: most of the girls here are sluts. Two:... I haven't figured out yet. Also, the hallways are packed. Almost like there's no breathing room and the teachers want to lock us in here. I don't see why.Most teachers hate us. Now, trying to walk to your locker without getting hit is an accomplishment. One I haven't accomplished yet...

"Ow." I say while rubbing my head.

"I'm so sorry!" A petite girl says while helping me up. "I'm a big klutz and-hey are you new?"

"Um...yeah." I say awkwardly while looking at the ground.

"Awesome!I love new kids!" She says while looking cheery. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Emily," She bows. "at your service." Emily looks back up at me with a cheesy grin.

I laugh and bow as well. "Brooke Richardson at yours."

We both laugh and stand up right. "Hey,can I see your schedule?"

"Sure." And I hand her my schedule. She grimaces and hands me back my schedule and we start walking to my first class.

"Okay, we have first, gym and lunch together. You have all your classes with Jack Barakat."

I made a confused face. "Who's that?"

She told me about him once we sat down in first period which just so happens to be my AP calculus class. The only AP class I had. Hey, what can I say? I'm good in math.

Emily turns to me and begins speaking. "Jack Barakat. Local hottie. King of the school. Funny kid. He goes out with girls with any size of boobs and a pretty face. Oh, and he has never fallen in love. Never. I'm tired of him going out with girls just to have sex and dump them in the morning, leaving them a mess for the rest of high school."

"He sounds... lovely?" I say trying to make Emily's scowl go away.

"No. He's not. You know, he went out with all of my friends and dumped them within a week?"

"Um... no? But, it's really his choice to dump you or not."

"He just needs to be taught a lesson."

"I really don't know how I can help you with that."

Emily turns to face the board with a sullen face. That is, until she gets an idea and nearly falls out of her chair. She turns to me with an evil smile. "I know."

"I don't know..."

"You don't even know what I was gonna say!"

"You're gonna use me to make him fall in love and then once we're sure he's in love, then dump him. You're really predictable and I barely know you."

She just grins wider. "That's a great idea! I was just gonna convince girls to not go out with him for a while, but your idea is so much better!" I groan.

"No." Puppy dog face. "No." Puppy dog face. "No!" Puppy dog face. I groan. I can't resist it from anyone. "Fine." I mumble.

She squeals. "Yay!" And turns to face the board. I put my head on my desk. What have I gotten myself into?
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first chapter...bear with me :]
i know i kinda introduced the plot but i was getting antsy...

Title Credit: Real Thing by Boys Like Girls