Breaking the Heartbreaker

Let's Make This Night Last Forever


Today is the day I'm going on my first real date with Jack. I have no clue where we're going or what we're doing, but I'm not gonna be all dressed up. That's really all I know about tonight. The only thing I really have control in at the moment.

I started getting ready at six, already having my shower taken care of. I blow-dried my hair and started looking for an outfit. Since it's kinda chilly outside, I won't wear a dress. But I still want to look nice, so, I'm not wearing pants. I've decided my outfit will be cute, but warm.

My hair. What to do with my hair? I got a bright idea to put mousse in it and leave it in natural waves. For my make-up, I was thinking of a light foundation, light blue eyeshadow and mascara. I looked in the mirror at myself. I looked dare I say... pretty. I looked pretty and felt pretty. That was the greatest feeling a girl can have, and I finally have it. I smiled at myself and put on my charm bracelet that meant more to me than anything.

I heard the doorbell shortly after I was finished. I quickly put on my Uggs, grabbed my phone, and ran down the stairs. Since I was running, and I am a big klutz, I trip on the last step and send myself flying into the door. I laughed a little at my stupidity and was relieved that Jack hadn't seen it, or I would be more than embarrassed.

I quickly opened my front door and Jack smiled when he saw me. "Ready to go?"

I nod my head stupidly and followed him out to his car. I stopped right before I reached his car when I suddenly noticed I didn't have my house keys. I hit myself in the forehead before running back into my house. "Keys, keys, where are youuu?" I whisper-sang that until I found them on my coffee table. I ran back out, locked my door, and ran to Jack's car and jumped in.

As soon as I was in, he started the car and we headed off of our street and to a destination unknown to me. Jack turned his head to me, grinned at me, and turned back to the road. It was if he could read my mind, and knew I was aching to know where we were going. If he's kidnapping me, I hope he knows I have a phone and I could call Zack to come beat him up.


Jack stopped the car at the beach, an I was still wondering where this was heading. We both got out and I stood to appreciate the view of the ocean. The ocean never looks as good as it does when it's sunset. That's my favorite time of day, because it's absolutely beautiful, and it makes all of my bad days better.

He came over to me with a picnic basket, and I looked at him in question, but then he pointed to a couple of picnic benches we could sit down at.

"You know," he looked over at me, "I never expected something like this," I told him honestly.

He looked confused for a second before returning his gaze to the front of him. "You never expected me to do something like this?"

I mumbled a quiet 'no' and he simply nodded. We were left in a comfortable silence until we reached the picnic table and Jack set the picnic basket on it. I sat down across from him and he started setting food out. I grabbed a random sandwich and unwrapped it. I looked up at Jack, "Did you make all of this?"

He laughed and shook his head 'no'. "I can't really cook, so my mom made them for me."


After we both ate, Jack set the basket on the ground and I wondered what to do next. I suddenly got an idea. "Do you know how to play truth?"

He looked up from his fingers and looked at me in confusion. "No, why?"

I smiled, "Because it's a fun game to play when you're thinking of what to do next."

He still looked a little confused but went with it nonetheless. "How do yo play?"

I sat up closer to Jack, "The point of the game is to find out about the other person, but, you can only tell the truth. If you lie you loose. If you don't want to answer a question, you say pass, but you'll loose. You get into deeper questions as the game goes on, just to make it a little harder to answer," I paused for a second, "Got it?" He nodded, "Good. You start."

"Favorite color?"

"Green," I answered automatically. "Favorite band?"

Jack grinned. "Jack's Mannequin."

I giggled a little. "Why? Because it has your name in it?"

He pretended to be hurt. "Of course not! Why ever would you think that?" He laughed a little, "No, Andrew McMahon is the bomb at piano."

"Fair enough."

He poked my nose. "Who's yooooour favorite band?"

I laughed at how he prolonged the 'o' in 'your'. "Simple Plan."

He seemed surprised by my answer, but he took it without question.

"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?"

He seemed to be deep in thought for a long minute before smiling and looking me in the eyes. "There is nowhere I would rather be, than right here, right now. With you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww!! This has become my new favorite chapter, just because it's really cute.
I decided to kind of make Jack romantic-ish, and it's completely adorable... well from my point of view it is....
Simple Plan actually is my favorite band by the way.
Oh, and I've finally learned how to put links in my story. Sad, I know.

Peace, love, and rockets!

Oh and on another note, I will give you all cookies if you comment :)

Title Credit: First Date by blink-182