Breaking the Heartbreaker

Let's Make This Night Last Forever

I was glad it was dark, so I could hide my blush from Jack. I didn't want him to know how much that comment meant to me. "You're turn."

Jack smiled. "What's your favorite song?"

I sat up straighter and thought long and hard about Jack's question, because, I really have no idea. "Um... Unwanted by Kill Hannah."

Jack made a face. "Why?"

I chuckled slightly and rested my arms on the picnic table. "Because it describes all the people who have ever felt like they weren't wanted. It gives an anthem for teenagers, and almost anybody who have ever felt that they didn't belong anywhere," I took a deep breath, "What's your favorite movie?"

Jack grinned. "Home Alone," Jack looked at me seriously. "Why did you agree to go out with me?"

I was stunned that he would ask such a serious question. "I already told you," I looked down at the table. "Because I like you," I answered in a meek voice.

Jack sighed and lifted my chin up with his finger, to look me in the eye. "No, I mean really. Why did you agree to go out with me, when just three weeks ago, you hated my guts? You know why Alex set us up on that 'blind date'?" I shook my head 'no'. "Because I liked you, but you wouldn't give me the time of day," He laughed cynically. "Alex had to 'kidnap' you to actually get you to give me a chance," He stood up abruptly, scaring me. He started pacing in front of the picnic table which caused me to worry about what he was going to say.

"You fucking hated me because of shit that went down before you got here! And because of the person you thought I was because of what your 'best friend' told you. Shit that you have no idea if it is true or not! You had no fucking right to judge me on what she told you, because you had no idea if that was who I really was, because you didn't know me!" He stopped his little rant, his pacing, and stared straight at me. He took a step towards me and his eyes widened at the fact that tears were rolling down my face. "Are you crying?" he asked in a much softer tone.

"No," I lied. I didn't think he could see them, and I didn't want him to see me when I was vulnerable, because he would know that his words affected me.

Jack sat back down at the picnic table and I once again diverted my gaze to the picnic table, to try and stop the tears. He lifted my chin up with his finger, and rid my face of tears, by wiping both hands on my cheeks. I looked into his eyes and he smiled weakly. "Why were you crying?"

I almost laughed. "Because you yelled at me! If you didn't know, girls get emotional when they're yelled at." I got up from the table and walked closer to the ocean. I wiped my face and sort of hugged myself for awhile, until a jacket was placed on my shoulders, arms were wrapped around my waist and a chin was placed on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for yelling," Jack whispered.

A mumbled 'it's okay' came from me. Jack twisted himself so he was standing in front of me. He looked me in the eyes and his gaze faltered to my lips, then back at my face. He tilted his head and closed the small space between us.

His lips landed on mine and I felt an electric shock run through my veins. His hands went to my waist and my fingers got tangled in his messy dark hair. He subtly pulled me closer until both of our bodies were pressed against each other. I smiled during the kiss, and untangled my fingers through his hair. We both pulled away and put our foreheads together, to regain our breath.

"That was probably the best kiss I have ever had," I said, while Jack gave me the goofiest smile ever and I grinned. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I looked at them and smiled.

"Brooke," I lifted my head up to face Jack, "will you give me the honor of having you as my girlfriend?"

I grinned, "I would love to be your girlfriend Jack."

He kissed me once again, but it was short and immensely sweet. It made me not want this night to ever end. And that is something I never would have been able to say until now.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am totally in love with this chapter, if I do say so myself :)
Sorry it took me so long to update guys... no internet access until now.
And, this was done all on my phone, so sorry if it's kinda rushed and terrible.
I will give cookies ti those who comment, and I will love you forever! :)

On another note, who's your guys' favorite bands?

Peace, love, and rockets!

Title Credit: First Date]/b] by blink-182