Breaking the Heartbreaker

Life's Just A Game

I woke up Monday morning feeling elated. Not only that Jack and I are together, but that he sincerely likes me. He likes for who I am, not for what I look like. It's refreshing knowing that not all guys are douche bags when it comes to girls and their feelings.

I quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs already having eaten and with everything I think I'll need for the day. I grabbed my keys and ran outside, just to find Jack sitting on my porch steps messing with his phone. I took this time to put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who," I whispered into his ear.

I could feel him smile beneath my hands. "Alex, my lover!"

I laughed and released my hands from his eyes and sat down next to him. "What's up, buttercup?"

Jack laughed and turned to me. "Oh, so we're doing nicknames now?" I nodded. "Then I'm calling you my waffle."

I giggled. "Okay."

Jack took my hand, stood up and pulled me up with him. "I think it's time to go to hell."

"School?" I inquired.

"Where else?"


As soon as Jack and I got out of my car with our hands entwined, people started whispering and staring. As if we had three heads or something. I looked at Jack and he just looked as happy as can be. I smiled as soon as we reached the front doors of Dulaney. There, the whispers and stares intensified, but I was determined not to let it bother me.

We reached my locker, and saw Alex just standing there watching us. As we got closer, Alex pointed and yelled, "When did this happen?!"

"Friday night," Jack and I answered at the same time.

"And you both didn't tell me," Alex asked in mock hurt, "Some friends you are," Alex scoffed and Jack rolled his eyes.

"You both are retarded," I exclaimed while rummaging through my locker.

"But you still think I'm sexy right?" Alex asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around. "Yes Alex. You are a sexy beast," I said sarcastically.

"What about me? You think I'm sexy too right?" Jack asked while giving me a puppy dog face.

I giggled and poked his nose. "Jack, you are a sexy beast too," I turned to Alex and put an arm around his waist, "but, Alex is my baby mama."

Alex grinned down at me and lightly pushed me away. "Gurl, you ain't supposed to talk 'bout our," he winked, "after school activities!" Alex exclaimed in his best ghetto voice.

Jack and I laughed, and trudged off to our math class, leaving Alex at my locker.

As soon as we stepped into our calculus class, the whole class was staring at us, as if they didn't expect Jack and I to be together and not hating each other. Jack kissed my cheek before sitting down in his seat across the room, and I sat in mine, next to Emily. I smiled, and then realized why we were together and frowned. I turned to Emily.

"I want out," I said simply.

She smiled maniacally. "I can't let that happen."
♠ ♠ ♠
I personally don't like this chapter too much. It was kinda fillerish and it was not needed.
So, I finally got the next one out, but I can't help thinking it was kind of rushed...

Anywayss!! I got a question for you guys.

What's your favorite and least favorite part of this story. I need at least two people to answer for an update.

Peace, love, and rockets!

Title Credit: Epic Holiday by Angels & Airwaves

Oh, those who answer get cookies... and candy.