Breaking the Heartbreaker

I Guess You're No Heartbreaker

I sat on my bed the very same day, still stunned by what Emily had said. "I can't let that happen." Her icy words just kept replaying through my head like a bad song on repeat. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get her words out of my mind. It was like that was the only thing I could think about.

The feeling of guilt that I had kept out of my system since I got together with Jack, finally came back when I realized that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get out of this. I couldn't get out of breaking his heart, and in the process, shattering mine. That was the one thing I couldn't bring myself to do. I couldn't bring myself to break the one thing that was finally going right in my life.

My thinking went interrupted when I heard knocking on my bedroom window. I got up from the space on my bed, opened the curtains and saw a pissed off looking Alex glaring at me through my window. I quickly opened my window and Alex stepped in with his arms crossed, still glaring at me.

"You know what I heard today?" Alex asked with malice.

I stood there confused. "No, what?"

"That you 'and a certain someone' teamed up to break Jack into pieces," He stated with the same icy tone.

I was quickly flooded with guilt as I found out that Jack's best friend knew what I was doing. I looked to the ground and found the carpet of my floor extremely interesting. Avoiding Alex's question was all I could do for now.

He pulled my head up so I could see his face, and he stared me in the eyes. "Why are you doing this? Don't you know what this is going to do to him?"

I felt my eyes well up with tears. "I don't know! Emily just-"

At that instant., his expression went sour and he returned his arms to his sides. "What about her?"

I sat down on my bed before explaining this whole scheme to Alex. From my first day when she had me agreeing to her stupid plan. The whole stupid plan was all hers from the beginning. The plan was all for her stupid enjoyment in the first place. She just couldn't stand Jack even trying to be happy with anyone other than her. And with me being the new girl who didn't know anything, it was the perfect opportunity.

I finished my story with a loud sigh and watched as his expression changed from icy to sympathetic. He sat down next to me on my bed, and looked me in the face. "Look," he sighed, "I think you should know the real story of how Emily hates Jack in the first place," He took off his shoes and sat cross-legged on my bed, "Sophomore year, she had the biggest crush imaginable on him. She followed him around like a puppy dog, and basically worshiped the ground he walked on.

"The annual Valentine's Day dance came, and she had this idea in her mind that he was going to take her. She always thought he liked her, when in reality, he liked her best friend. So, he asked her best friend to the dance, and from then on, she changed.

"She was never the sweet nerdy girl she once was. She started dressing and acting like all the girls that she thought he liked. But," he sighed once more, "that didn't work either. She just couldn't stand the fact that her best friend was going out with the boy of her dreams.

"So, she set up a diversion. She got a picture of Jack kissing her in the cheek and showed it to her best friend, and her best friend believed that he had cheated on her. They broke up, but her plan didn't work. He never liked her in the first place, and she ruined him more than she could ever imagine.

"She ruined his one chance at love because she was selfish. And that, my friend, is why Emily hates Jack. The end."

I finally let out the breath I was holding through Alex's story. Now I know why Emily hates Jack. Now i know why Jack was so against love. Emily had ruined his chance at love because she couldn't stand the fact that he would have never been happy with her. What a selfish little bitch.

"I can't believe she did that to him," I whispered.

He leaned back on my bed and uncrossed his legs. "Yep. The things people do for fake happiness."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahahaha! And the truth comes out! Now you all know why Emily hates Jack.
I feel as though this chapter was a little rushed, but, I just had to update for you guys.
Personally, I really hate this chapter. But, that's just me.
I would love it if you guys commented. And I love any of you who have. Those who haven't, I will hunt you down and give you burnt cookies... and a pie.

Ok, question for update. How many of you own stuffed animals? Which ones are special to you? The one most special to me is a teddy bear I've had since I was a baby. Yeah that's right guys.

Alright I'm done babbling for now.

Peace, love, and rockets!

Title Credit: Hollow by The Friday Night Boys