Breaking the Heartbreaker

I Swear I Thought You Were The One For Ever

I took what Alex had said into consideration. I had to tell Jack. Even if it means ruining this great thing we had going for us.

I nodded at Alex, who was still sitting on my bed, and he stood up. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the face. "No matter what happens, you and I will always be friends."

I smiled slightly and he took his hands off my shoulders and lead me downstairs. I felt a little reassured that I wouldn't loose everyone I had come to know once Jack knows about this.

"Do you know where he's at?" I asked quietly.

He turned around and gave me a sympathetic smile. "He's probably at his house," he sighed and I got worried.

"Is he having a party?" I asked quietly. I knew what he does at his house parties. He gets drunk and looses sight of reality.

Alex nodded and we set off to Jack's house.


We entered Jack's house and the party was in full swing. I turned around to Alex, who was eying some blonde. "Alex," I yelled.

"What?" He asked, still not paying attention.

I rolled my eyes and slapped him in the face. He turned to me with a shocked expression on his face. "Hey! What the hell was that for?"

I crossed my arms. "I had to get your attention, and stop you from eye-fucking that slutty blonde."

He rolled his eyes. "I was not eye-fucking her," he said, trying to save himself from further embarassment, "I was just looking in her general direction."

I laughed loudly. "Sure, sure," I said and realized I was getting slightly off topic, "but that's beside the point. Your sexual conquests do not concern me," I said, trying to make him laugh, but all he gave me was a sour expression. "The point is, we have to find Jack. You call me if you find him, and vice versa."

He nodded. "Ready? Break!" I shouted and we raced off in different directions to find Jack.


I asked around trying to find my boyfriend, but having no such luck. Suddenly, I run into a petite girl wearing a Something Corporate tee and a pair of shorts. Her brown eyes looked at me with concern. "Are you okay?" She says as she moves a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear.

I nodded and she seemed relieved. "Thank God. I thought I hurt you or something."

I smiled lightly and she seemed to realize that something was a bit off. "Hey, are you okay?"

I started nodding, but I realized it didn't matter now, so shook my head 'no'. "I can't find my boyfriend." Isay, suddenly realizing that it sounds absolutely ridiculous.

"Isn't your boyfriend Jack Barakat?" She asked and I nodded with a smile

I stopped smiling when she gave me a look of sympathy. "Where is he?" I asked quietly.

"He's upstairs." She said just as quietly before she walked away.

To Alex:

He's upstairs. I'll keep u posted.

I quickly ran up the stairs and narrowly avoided everyone on the way up. I stopped when I was at the top and found myself listening to the happenings which was goin on inside the bedroom a the foot of the stairs.

Oh, Jack!

That was all it took for tears to spring into my eyes and to barge into the room. Both figures looked up at me and Jack was about to say something crude until he realized it was me. "Brooke, this isn't what it looks like." He said, trying to explain himself.

I looked down at the floor as the waterworks came and I ran out of the house. I stopped in the yard and collapsed onto the grass with tears still pouring from my eyes. I hear the front door open and I immediately knew it was Jack.

I slowly stood up and stared Jack in the face, who was standing in his boxers despite the cold weather. I walked over to him without even trying to hide the fact that I was upset. "What the fuck do you think you're doing out here after the shit you just pulled?!"

"I was coming to-"

"To apologize? For what? For doing what you're known to do? For fucking some slut whose first name you don't even know?"

"Yeah Brooke, I fucked up. I fucked up real bad. but that does not mean you can turn this around on me."

My heart stopped. Did he find out? "I didn't do anything you delerious fucktard!"

I seemed to have hit a nerve because he got even closer than before. "I only fucked that skank because you were the one who cheated on me first.

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "And who do you think I cheated on you with oh, wise one?"

He scoffed as well. "Don't think for a minute that I didn't know about your little escapade in your bedroom earlier."

"You retard! Me and Alex were talking. You do grasp that concept right?"

Realization seemed to have hit him, because he seemed completely remorseful. "I just cheated on you for something that didn't even happen."

I laughed cynnically and stepped away from him. "I don't think this would've hurt so bad if I didn't fall completely and irrevocably in love with you."

He looked like somebody just kicked his dog. "You fell in love with me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Jack, I fell in love with you. But that isn't much of a surprise, huh? Because everybody's in love with you. None of that matters now, though, because all of this that we had was such a lie. Me getting close to you was all just a ploy to make you fall in love. To make you feel what you had made everyone else before you feel, and then rip it out from under you.

"But all this did was make me fall inlove with you, and hurt me in the process of breaking yours. So congratulations. You have successfully broken my heart, and for once, yours got broken too."

He stood there with a shocked expression as I gave him a fake smile and left. The plan was officially completed,but victory is not sweet. It does not feel as nice as believed. I feel like I just got my heart ripped out and stomped on. But, I guess that's what love does to you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh...shit just hit the fan. Are you guys team Brooke? Team Jack? Team Alex? Team Batman? That's beside the point. I have just come off of my writer's block, and have been in the process of writing this chapter for months and months and months. But now I'm back, and this story is in full swing.

Peace, love, and rockets! :)

Title Credit: You Suck At Love by Simple Plan