Breaking the Heartbreaker

I Feel Like I'm at an All-Time Low

I was currently laying down in bed in the middle of the night after another sleepless slumber. These were becoming more frequent with me ever since things between Jack and I went south. I haven't exactly spoken to the kid since that day I told him everything a month ago.

To be honest, I'm kind of glad I haven't. I don't know what I would say, or what he would say if we ever broke down and talked again. Knowing what he knows now, I imagine he'd never want to talk to me again.

I sighed to myself and sat up in bed, no longer feeling the warmth of my blankets surrounding me, but rather the bitter cold of my house. I stepped down on the floor and looked at myself in the mirror. No longer seeing a pretty girl as I had before, I saw a complete mess.

I didn't want to be that complete mess. I wanted everything to be okay again, but it can't because everything changed. Everything changed, and I can't stop it, nor can I control the direction in which it goes.

Deciding that going out somewhere would be better than staying in my house, I left and decided to go to my only safe haven; Calloway Park.


I thought Callaway Park looked beautiful in the summer, but it was mesmerizing in the winter. Snow covered every inch of the small secluded playground. From the trees to the sand, even the swings were covered. Ice sickles hung from the slide, and there were patches of ice everywhere. It was so picturesque it almost hurt to look at.

I came here for a purpose; to think. So I merely smiled and walked to the swings slowly so I wouldn't slip. I admired everything in my path, from the snowflakes littering my jacket to the lonely person sitting on the swings. Everything looked too perfect to be real.

I got to the swings and cleared the snow off the swing with my jacket sleeve before I sat down. Instead of swinging, I just sat there listening to the sounds of early morning, and the deep breaths of the person next to me. I didn't want to disturb whoever the person was, so I tried to keep myself as still as possible.

Eventually, I couldn't keep still and started swinging as high as I could go. This seemed to disturb the person beside me, because they looked up. I could feel their eyes on the side of my face, and this caused me to stop swinging.

As soon as I stopped, I looked at the person I was sitting next to. I turned my head and felt the oxygen in my lungs just stop. It was Jack.
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Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler. I'm baaaaaack! Once again. This time updates will be more frequent because senior year is super freaking easy.

As always, comments aren't required, but highly appreciated. I love everybody. You guys are amazing. :)

Peace, love, and rockets! :)

Title credit: Head On Collision by New Found Glory