Breaking the Heartbreaker

Who I'm Supposed To Be

Usually, there is a point and a time when you learn to accept things. Like... moving to Maryland for example. It was a good opportunity for my mom and her job. Other things, that aren't life altering, is screwing with a guy you don't even know because he has never fallen in love with any of your friend's friends. Or the fact that he can't seem to date anyone for more than a week without dumping them for someone new. Some one.... more "exciting" per say. So, I've just learned to accept the fact that no longer how much longer I wait, I still have to screw with the poor guys' heart just because your friend thinks it will teach him a lesson. It's not that I don't feel bad, 'cause I do, I've just learned to accept that she's never gonna let up.

Okay, so, I have watched this guy, Jack Barakat,for about a week now. The only thing I've really found out is that a) he's funny and extremely good-looking and b) all of his friends are idiots. I don't really think I've seen him hang out with a girl since I've started watching (stalking) him. I'm lucky no one else seems to notice because that would be a bit creepy. I'd be dubbed a stalker for all of eternity. I do NOT want that.

Suddenly... my phone rang, thus, blowing my cover. I flipped it open before looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"So, what have you found out about him?" Which, was none other than my newest friend that seemed to have a rather unhealthy obsession with this cutie.

"Well," I say while dipping a french fry in ketchup. "he hasn't hung out with a girl since Susie of last week and his friends are really hot!"

We both giggled before she talked. "I know! But, tonight, we're going shopping."

I was confused. Shopping? The day's not even over with and why tonight? "Why tonight?"

She laughed. "Because silly, he hangs out at the mall on Fridays and we're gonna dress you up to go and meet him."

"Why can't I just meet him at school?"

"Because... bye!"

And she hung up right as the bell rang. I sighed and picked up my backpack and walking out of the cafeteria. Talking to Emily gave me no time to eat. So, now I'm starving when I enter my English class.

"Ah, Miss Richardson. Nice of you to join us." My teacher Mrs.Bigbutt said.

"Yeah I know. I know how much you enjoy my presence in your class every day." I said with a fake smile and sat down.

"Miss Richardson! Detention today after school." And she went around to finish her lesson.

I put my head on my desk and attempt to sleep, when somebody throws a pen at my head. I sit up and turn around to face none other than Jack Barakat and his best friend Alex Gaskarth. "Yes?"

"Um..." Jack was awkwardly scratching his neck. Oh man. This was not supposed to be this easy. I already had him at loss for words.

Alex hits him in the head, then turns to face me. "He's sorry." He looks at Jack and then at me. "Wanna be our new best friend?" He looks at me with puppy dog eyes and I can't help but laugh.

"Sure. No more pen throwing though." I turned around and faced my desk. Dang it. This was supposed to be harder. I was not supposed to give in. Now I'm their "friend" and I still have to get Jack to fall in love with me. Man I feel guiltier than before. I throw my head on the desk and all I can think about is how Emily's gonna kill me when she finds out. Oh man... I am so toast.
♠ ♠ ♠
it gets better promise! :]
i just had to find a way to make them meet

Title Credit: I Don't Want To Be by Gavin DeGraw