Breaking the Heartbreaker

I Can't Do Anything Right

It's the day to go and "meet" Jack Barakat. You see, I already met him a couple days ago when he threw that pen at my head and Alex declared that I was his new best friend. Emily doesn't know about me getting close to someone other than her or Jack and that's the way I intend to keep it. But, I can't help but feel guilty of doing this to someone I don't even know. Sure he has his flaws but someone doesn't need to be around him for the sole purpose of breaking their heart. It's just not right. But, I guess I knew that when I agreed to this stupid plan in the first place.

I sigh and look down at myself. Emily has me dressed in a beautiful white cami over a pink one, paired with a mini skirt and converse with these really awesome cloud socks I just happen to own. She has me looking like I'm begging to get raped. It's not actually that bad, but I never wear anything this revealing.I'm more of your jeans and a regular t-shirt kind of person, rather than this preppy, slutty girl that's staring back at me in the mirror.

"So... do you like it?" Emily looked at me with this hopeful look on her face and I was afraid if I said what I thought,then I'd hurt her feelings.

"It looks great Em. Promise." I say,giving her a sincere smile.

"Ok, just making sure 'cause I was thinking you wouldn't like it and you're the one wearing it."

"I like it, It's just not my style." I immediately notice her face drop.

"Well lets go get your man candy!" And she turned and grinned at me and ran out the front door with me trailing behind her.


Staking out Jack in the mall made me clearly see what Emily had told me from the beginning. He liked to play with girls and that's what he was doing every time one passed by him. He hit on them, and if they came back to flirt, he would flirt back until a better one came along, then the first girl leaves in anger and frustration. We watched him do this about twenty times before I decided it was my turn to go and play with him. Well.... his heart actually. Make him actually realize that what he's doing to people hurts.

"Lets go. It's time to make my move." I say while standing up.

She grins. "Lets go! Come on! We can't waste anymore time!" She says while dragging me through the mall to about a hundred feet before him. "Do you remember what I told you?"

I nod and turn to her. "One: Don't let him get to you. This is just a game. Two: Don't fall for every word he says. His lines are played out and he uses them on every girl he sees and three: Play hard to get. Don't make it too easy. Piece of cake." I swat the air like it's nothing.

She puts her hands on my shoulders. "You forgot the most important one. Be careful. Don't get too attached."

I nod and she turns me around and pushes me. "Now GO!"

I look around and notice she ran away, I tripped when she pushed me, I am lying on my ass and Jack's friends are either laughing at me or staring at my underwear. I'm hoping it was the first one 'cause I would slap him into next week if he were. I stood up and continued on my journey to go and steal Jack's heart away.

"BROOKE!" Yelled an excited Alex as he ran over to me and enveloped me into a tight hug once he saw me.

"LET ME GO!" I yell while laughing,

He puts me down and as soon as he does, Jack jumps on his back, completely ignoring my presence. Well this is going well...NOT! Gosh,I haven't even flirted with him yet. I guess I'm just gonna walk away and hope no one notices.

I don't go very far, 'cause Jack stops me. "Where you going baby?" He asks in a very flirtacious tone. Oh yeah. Let the games begin.

"Trying to get away from you obviously." I state as casually as I can, while trying to move past him. The others laugh and I notice Jack becoming mad. He's obviously never been rejected before.

"Now, why would you want to do that? I'm the sexiest one here!" He states in a very proud but also very flirtacious manner. I guess he's trying to play off that he just got rejected, because he said it with a look of shock too.

I grin then look at Alex. "Sorry," I look back at Jack,still grinning. "Alex has you beat." I look back at Alex and wink at him causing a roar of erupting laughter.

Alex pounds his fist to the air. "Yes!" He walks over to Jack and gets in his face. "See! I am sexier than you!" He sticks his tounge out at Jack in a very childish manner.

Jack rolls his eyes. "Whatever." He moves Alex out of the way and gets in my face. "I will get you for this."

I roll my eyes. "Oh yeah? How? By sicking your band of skanks on me? Sorry they don't scare me. "And another eruption of laughter from the guys, signaling the downfall of Jack's pride. This just keeps getting better and better.

He glared at me. "Don't doubt me new girl."

I glared back. "You know I do have a name right?"

He rolled his eyes again. Oh what is he? Five? Or maybe he's secretly a woman 'cause girls do that a lot. "That's only relevant in your bedroom, when you're screaming my name." He smirked.

I gave him a hard look. "Oh yeah?" He nods with that stupid smirk stuck to his face. "Who said I wanted to fuck you?" I smirked because I knew I had him when his friends laughed again.

He got closer (if that was even possible), just so I could feel his hot breath on my face. "I WILL have you screaming my name by the end of the school year."

I crossed my arms ."Are you sure you want to make that bet?" He nods again, still with his smirk on his face. I don't think it ever left during this conversation. "I can bet you'll be begging me to fuck you by the end of next month." I smirked. I knew I had him.

He smirks yet again. "Who says I'll have to beg? You're just another whore who won't be able to resist my charm." He said that confidently which made my blood boil.

This time, it was I who got in his face. "You know nothing about me Barakat."I spat his name with venom. I was just about to kick his ass when Alex snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me away. He had to practically carry me because I kept kicking and yelling at him to let me go.

"Alex! Put me down!" He let go of me and turned me around to face him.I looked him in the eyes. They showed nothing but concern.

"Are you ok?" I was about to say yes but the tears spilling out of my eyes wouldn't let me. He pulled me into a hug and I cried on his chest.He rubbed my back soothingly,while I stained his shirt with my tears. "Well... what have you learned from this?" He asks as he lest me go.

"That Jack's an asshole." I wiped my tears on the back of my hand while Alex laughed.

"Not only that." I giggled ."Never cry on someone with a white shirt."

I looked at Alex's mascara-stained v-neck and laughed.

He pointed to me excited and started jumping up and down. "I made you laugh! I made you laugh!" I giggled again.

I hugged him again also. I looked into his eyes and he stared down into mine. "Alex, I declare you as my new best friend."

He still stared into mine with a smile. "But I'm already your best friend."

"But you're my new one. You're my bestest friend ever!" I say with a grin.

He laughs and lets me go. He looks over by Jack and sees him staring at us with insane jealousy. "He's staring at us." Alex looks back at me. "I think he likes you." He says with a grin.

"Oh, I hope not." I mumbled. This is easier than I thought. And that's the part that worries me the most. I'll capture his heart and he'll have no time believing that it's real... when it's not gonna be. What happens if I get caught? What happens if I fall in love too? Oh the questions...
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this was pretty much a she will not be involved with Alex!just thought I'd make that clear...

Title Credit: According To You by Orianthi