Breaking the Heartbreaker

Just When I Thought I Couldn't Lose


School- isn't it exciting?! Ha ha no I'm kidding. But watching Alex and Jack make fools of themselves in math is freaking hilarious! The teacher called on them 'cause they weren't doing any form of work... at all, so all of us had an entertaining period. Well, except Jack and Alex of course. But I bet they had fun mocking the teacher and her lack of teaching skills. They acted like her and pretended to teach us something. All it did was prove how stupid they both are. All in all, an eventful period.

I was halfway to my next class when my name was called by a very annoying piece of human. I turned around to see Jack grinning like a maniac as he caught up to me. He threw his arm over my shoulder and pretended for a couple seconds that we actually tolerated each other.

I looked at Jack weirdly before shrugging out of his arm and continued walking to gym. Unfortunately, he caught up to me before I could even attempt to touch the double doors. I crossed my arms and glared at Jack, hopefully so he could get the point and actually move his skinny ass over. "What do you want Jack?" I was clearly annoyed, but he didn't get the point because he still stood in front of the double doors with that goofy grin on his face.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask to my BEST," He yelled best, while getting the attention of half of the student body, "friend if she wanted to accompany me to dinner tomorrow night." Oh, and get this. The annoying bastard was smirking at me. Probably an attempt to get in pants. Not happening buddy!

This time, it was my turn to smirk. "Nope. Ask Alex. He's your best friend too."

He glared at me momentarily before regaining composure. "Alex isn't a girl though. Bestie."

"Are you sure you aren't one?" Another glare... score! I'm getting to him finally.

"Last time I checked, I don't have boobs or a vagina." This earned a couple laughs from behind me.

"Well you and Alex seem pretty close, so I'm sure he knows." Another glare. Wonderful. That time I managed to push through him to get in the gym. I turned around as soon as I was in. "Aren't you coming," This was going to make him mad. "Jacky?" I said his name in a whiney baby voice that obviously ticked him off. I turned around and headed inside with my job done for the hour.


I was in the lunch line getting food before I heard my name being yelled.I turned around to see Alex running over to me. "Brookey!" Yelled a very excited Alex as he ran over to me. I laughed as he began talking. "I'm kidnapping you for the day." He said in a very proud manner. Obviously he had a plan before declaring his plan like he knew I would oblige.

I got my food and continued talking to Alex. "How do you know that I'll say yes? Maybe I have a secret boyfriend who's taking me to Canada today." I joked while looking for a seat. Damn. Emily's eating lunch with her other friends and I have nowhere to sit.

Alex sees that I'm just looking for a seat I guess 'cause he leads me to where he sits. I sit next to him because he's the only person I really know. Well, other than Jack, but Jack doesn't matter. "No! Tell your boyfriend that I'm kidnapping you! He can kidnap you tomorrow." Alex states with a goofy grin.

With that said, Jack turned his attention to us. "You have a boyfriend?" He asks.He's obviously curious.

I grinned. "Nope. Single."

Jack hits Alex in the head. "Hey! What was that for?"

He shrugs. "I dunno. I had a spasm." He grins before eying my food. "Hey are you gonna eat that?" He's referring to my mashed potatoes that looked kind of alive. I pushed it towards him and Alex, Jack and I got into a heated discussion about who the better superhero was. I said Superman, while Jack and Alex said Batman.

"What are you talking about? Batman doesn't even have powers!" I say while laughing.

"He gets an awesome Batmobille!" Jack says while getting excited.

"Aaaand! He gets an awesome hideout with a butler! Does Superman have that? No! Case closed." Alex states before getting up to throw his food away.

"But Superman has a girlfriend and a secret identity. Plus Batman's abs are fake anyways."

Alex came back right as I said that and he stood behind me and gasped. "How dare you say that about Batman! For all we know,Superman could be secretly a woman or an old cat lady with a gagillion cats." He sits back down with a proud look on his face, thinking that he's won.

"Well... Batman doesn't have powers and he could be a big fattie living in an old, run down apartment trying to get his kids by on food stamps. But secretly, he's a transvestite, which is why he doesn't date girls." I clearly made my point right before the bell rang. I got up and faced the guys before walking away. "Hmm... looks like I won. Superman's the bomb-diggity anyways." And with that, I turned around and walked away.

Wow. A talk with Jack Barakat without insulting each other. I think I've made improvement. But, this just means I have to try just as hard for him to fall for me. This is no easy task. It will take time and I am more determined than ever to get back at him for the torment he's caused for the girls of Dulaney High.
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haha I had fun writing this chapter.
tell me what you guys think!
if I get one more comment I'll update tomorrow :]

Title Credit: Good Day by The Click Five